Chapter 9 - Doctor Jess

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A/N: So sorry about being lousy with the update! I'll update when we can :)

MissIronik xx


Niall's P.O.V

"Can't we do something fun?" I ask as Jess paces in front of me,

"What fun could we possibly have? Niall we are handcuffed together." she keeps pacing in front of me, and I got too lazy so my right arm is just following her back and forth.

"Well once, a girl brought handcuffs and we used them," I explain.

"Yeah," Jess stops in front of me. She leans in closely looking deep into my eyes, "but we're not going to have sex."

Then she goes back to where she was and continues pacing, pulling at the handcuffs so I end up getting tugged back and forth.

"I'm not asking for sex," I chuckle, "I'm just asking for some fun."

"You're opening up to me a lot since that kiss," Jess doesn't face me but stops walking.

"Well how about we just kiss again then?" I smirk.

“It was a one-off,” Jess stops and stares at the wall. I’m not even going to lie, that actually hurt my feelings. Wait, feelings?! Am I getting sensitive? No Niall, snap out of it!

“Either you saw that as an insult or you’re just thinking of another flirty remark,” Jess looks over her shoulder to me. Am I that readable? I don’t want her to know that I was actually insulted by that, I don’t think Jess would be a bully, but she’d probably just talk back to me with a similar remark.

Luckily before I got to respond, someone was knocking on the door.

"Must be the pizza,” Jess starts walking to the door but stops when her wrist doesn’t follow her. I jump up and walk next to her, still not saying anything.

"Hide behind the door," Jess quietly orders.


“Because unless you forgot, you are a member of the biggest boy band in the world,” she gets her purse from the kitchen bench and walks to the door.

“Oh yeah,” I intentionally laugh loudly, “Niall Horan, member of One Dire-“ Jess puts her hand over my mouth.

"Shut up and just..." she pushes me behind the door, "stay".

The door gets knocked on even louder about a second before she opened it. Her left wrist joined me to hide the handcuffs.

"Hey," she calmly says.

"Twenty two dollars thank you," I can see through the small gap between the door and the wall. A reasonably young looking guy, maybe in his early twenties was there.

She passes him a fifty-dollar note.

‘Sorry love,” the guy shakes his head, “I need exact change.”

What? Since when do they need exact change? Maybe it’s because it’s a delivery.

“Uhhh,” Jess hesitates, “that’s all I have.”

“Unless you’re willing to give me a twenty-eight dollar tip - which no one ever is; I need exact change. I left the change bag back at the shop.” he looks down at his shoes.

“I have some in my wallet if you need,” I say louder than intentionally to Jess.

"Niall," she yells under her breath, "no."

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