Chapter 12 - Fast Forward

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Authors’ P.O.V

It has been about a year since you’ve met our characters. And now it’s time to have a general catch up on what has been happening within that time.

Brianna and Liam are still happily a couple. Yes, Bri does receive hate, but it certainly does not phase her. Bri and Liam moved out of the apartment and into their own home, still in suburban Melbourne. Bri didn’t want a huge luxurious house, so Liam and Bri both agreed to a single-story home with two bedrooms, a swimming pool, and a basic kitchen, lounge room and bathroom.

Of course Liam has been out and about with photo-shoots, interviews and stuff - but they are in a stable relationship and are very happy. Bri is still working for Craig, and is still waiting for her promotion. Craig is still very harsh on her and has even threatened to demote her. Liam is very supportive of Bri and has suggested that if she isn’t enjoying work that she just quits because his income is easily able to support both of them. She really hates that Liam always insists to pay for everything, including Brianna’s leisures. Brianna has become pretty popular on Twitter and Facebook - gaining many, many followers.

As for Modest, he has grown a liking to Bri. She hasn’t given him any back-chat and no unnecessary drama. Modest thinks it’s good, because it keeps rumours down and he doesn’t want One Direction to have to explain any wrong-doings or rumours. That would make work more difficult for him and he would much rather focus on the boys’ careers than their personal lives, although sometimes it just can’t be helped.  

Jess and Brianna could not be separated, so Jess has moved into a house that’s about a two-minute walk away.

Jess stays in her house with both Harry and Niall. Unfortunately that house isn’t as happy as the other one. Jess and Niall can spark an argument from nothing, and Harry always goes to Jess to help calm her down, while giving her little hints that maybe her and Niall wouldn’t work out long-term. Niall spends those nights on the couch until they would start talking again, making promises that neither of them are certain that they could keep, but they make them anyway.

As for Jess’ employment and income, there’s nothing there. She can’t keep a job for longer than two months. She doesn’t accept the ‘donations’ as she refers to them from the boys, as desperate as she is for some money. She isn’t in debt, she knows when she has to stop spending money, but as for her alcohol, she’s glad that Niall and Harry drink too. Not as much as her, but they have similar taste, which is a sigh of relief for her.

Falling in love with someone who is taken can rip your heart into two without even noticing until the damage is done. Harry hasn’t told anyone how he feels though. No matter how many times he helps Jess and makes her feel better, she just can’t see that maybe Harry is the right guy for her, instead of Niall. This has caused too much hurt for Harry, and he’ll go out for the night and you’ll be lucky to see him until the next afternoon. He’d come home smelling of alcohol and have a hint of lipstick smeared under his jaw and on his neck, so it was obvious what he was doing.

Away of the households Jess is very close to the other boys, especially Louis, and she talks to him whenever she can. Louis was suspicious of Harry’s and a small amount of Niall’s behaviour and behaves like Jess’ older brother, protecting her from harm. One Direction are not in the media as such at the moment - having minimum interviews and photo shoots, but will be in the spotlight of paps and fans soon enough, especially when they announce their new album they have started to write.

Bri is close to the rest of the lad’s girlfriends - especially Eleanor, but Jess will always be her closest, her best friend. In the band Bri is closest to Harry as he seems to open up to her quite a bit when he’s down in the dumps and could relate to him through past experiences.

Ever since Niall and Jess started dating Niall has changed a lot - not being the ‘man whore’ character he seemed to have been from Jess’ perspective. He has changed for the better but love can change a person the way a parent can change a baby - awkwardly and often with a great deal of mess and with mess comes broken hearts and this is no fairy tale.

Has Niall really changed? I guess we will have to see and soon find out...

Changes (N.H & L.P)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz