Meeting Kolkolkolkol~

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Dare?? : I want everybody to meet me aka........ Lulu..

Thailand: Really? Another Thai song?

Me: ikr?! I love it!

Thailand: *sighs* at least you don't hate it...?

Lulu: Wat up ;))

Laos: Oh.. Hi! :D

Malaysia: *waves and smiles*

Indonesia: Hoi~!!

Myanmar: How are you? :))

Cambodia: o-oh hey..

Singapore: Yo!

Vietnam: just.. Stop

Singapore: awh :((

Brunei: HOI! AM TEM-

Vietnam: hello! How are you..?

Lulu: am good! :D i think...

Me: haha! Good!

Me: *whispers* Do you wanna be in the........... Shipping short....?

Lulu: *grabs popcorn* huehuehue...

Me: Okay! Guys! I am gonna do a short next..

Me: a.. Box one.. Hehe..

Lulu: your evil...

Lulu: i like that! :D

Everybody else: *confused*

Me: oh wow thx!

France: I heard LOVE~?

Cambodia: *throws ball at France*

Brunei: he needs some..

Cambodia: lol..

France: *leaves room*

Indonesia: CAMLAOS?!

Malaysia: NO! CAMYAN!!

Laos: o.......

Myanmar: *leaves the room*

Singapore: wait so is this the shipping thingy?

Me: *evil laughs*

Singapore: am gonna take that as a yes..

Philippines: *enters room* SORRY AM LATE!!

Indonesia: it isn't school... Chill...

Philippines: oh right..

Lulu: Hoi!!

Philippines: Oh! Hi! :3

Me: is that.. It?

Brunei: what do you think? .3.

Me: *shrugs*

Lulu: am just gonna watch now! ;))

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