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Truth: what is your guys subject you excel in?

Me: I am Chorus~!!

Cambodia: me too...

Indonesia: same!

Laos: me too! An- wait wheres Myanmar!?

Indonesia: wait... We left him at the Vietnam War!!

Vietnam: Shoot! Hahah.. Literally..

Myanmar: Am! *gasps* here..

Laos: he's in here too...

Thailand: i am drama :3

Philippines: same~

Vietnam: i did it because Thailand there... So yeah..

Brunei: i am write because i didn't want this guy here.. Lonely..

Singapore: Thank you so much! :3


Me: Did you guys know that you can do.....

Me: Solo dares?

Me: for example~

I dare Laos to kick every boys balls!

Brunei: if they have any...

Brunei: haha.. Okay..

Myanmar: yea.. Make sure to ask us a dare or truth~

Cambodia: and vote?? Because i love dem votes.. *reads script*

Cambodia: Author... Just why?

Me: because you sound good with it..

Cambodia: *blushes* t-thank??

Philippines: bye!!

Brunei: awh.. Thats my line!

Philippines: you know you like it~!! *hugs Brunei*

Brunei: S-Sure..



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