A story :>

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3rd POV

The Cambodian smirked. "Its your guys turn~" Thailand then jumped. "Oh yeah, i totally forgot!" They both blushed. "N-No i think we past Thailand." Singapore protested. Cambodia raised his eyebrow. "He was the first one.." Singapore sighed. "Fine.." Indonesia was just sitting there and then had an idea. "Guys what about Brunei." Brunei jumped. "W-Wha?! But am not in this group!" She rolled her eyes. "You know that Thailand likes Vietnam." He nods. "Then now you are!" "Just... Let Singapore go.." Singapore sighs. "Thank yo-" He giggles. "First.." Singapore glared at him..

5 mins later

Singapore was at Malaysia's house. "How dare..." Singapore was triggered.

Singapore POV

All i have to do is hug her... Oh no that sounds hard.. Like something else! Get out... NO now... Your not my dad! Maybe i am! Gasps..

Anyways... After that rude interruption.. Its.. Not easy! Its as scary as my Op.
I walk into the house and then i smelled cooking. I saw Malaysia, she greeted me. "Hi, Singapore!" Wait what am i supposed say. "U-Uh... Thank you!" (Pft he's so awkward like me xD ) OH WAIT! She tilted her head in confusion. "Wha?" I faceplam. "I-I meant Hi...."
She nods. "Anyway do you w- blah blah blah" i wasn't listening.

Wait why am i here again? Do i even need to hug her?! Ya know what... Ill just hug her, Say sorry, then leave. (Why is he so me? ) "earth to Singa.." I looked up. "S-Sorry.." Should i just ask? Ugrhhhhh. "C-Can i hug you?" She smiled. "Sure." I smiled back. "Okay!" I hugged her. My face went red.

Indonesia POV

Sigh.. Where is he? He is so slow.. I was playing on my phone. On my photos. Looking at the boy pictures. "Hey Indo, can i use your phone for a minute.." The Cambodian fake smiled. I forgot to get out of pictures. And i was right at Cambodia's picture. "I just need to go on snapchat and message my boyfri- i mean friend.." I nodded. And as he took it, his face was hot. "Uhh, Indonesia.. W-What.. I-Is this...?" I raised an eyebrow in confusion.

He then showed me the pictures. And i was pale. "Malaysia, uhm... Hacked my phone?" He looked unconvinced. "Okay..?" Thailand then jumped on top of him. Cambodia screamed like a girl. "What happened?" He looked at my phone. "Oohhh..." Cambodia pushed him off. "Ill just use Singapore's phone.." "But... Can i just look at something?" He went to a picture of Myanmar. He giggled. "Okay now am gonna go!"

Well then..

3rd POV

Singapore opened the door. "Am back!" Brunei then sighed. Indonesia looked worried. Thailand is recording the whole thing. Cambodia is just sleeping. (PFT me xD )

Singapore grinned. "Did you.....?" Brunei raises an eyebrow. Singapore smiled. "I only hugged her." Thailand rolled his eyes. Indonesia started writing a fanfic. ( thats so meeee )

Cambodia woke up. "What did i miss?" (Hahaha... Ill stop ;-; )Thailand waves his hand. "Oh, nothing..."

Then Brunei points at Indonesia. "She, go now." (I need a grammar now.. ) She turns pale. "Do i need to go now?" Thailand raised his hand. "Yup.."

Indonesia POV

Guess its my turn.. Well.. Am not as boring as Singapore and Thailand... Am gonna get a kiss~ (WOWOW! Go girl!! XD )

Who should i go to... Australia? Yes.. I should..

5 minute later..

Inside his house.. Time for my plan.. So ill fake cry and he'll hug me.. And then ill act hot for a kiss! Best plan~ Australia came out, of his room. "Oh hey, Indonesia." Okay.. Now for the act~ i sniffle. "Oh.. Whats wrong?" I dramatically looked up. "A-Am i a bad person..?"  I kinda am for doing this. He hugs me. "No, what made you think that?" Think. Think. Think. "People..." "Well... I don't think your a bad person.." I look up at him. "Really?" He smiles. "I can prove it." O h m y! He kisses me.

Brunei POV

While we were waiting, Singapore and Cambodia was fighting. And Thailand was crying in the corner. "Aw.. Thailand whats wrong..?" He wiped his eyes. "Singapore said that i was boring..." I glared at Thailand and Singapore. "Oh... Thats all.."  

Me: ohonononon~

France: ohonononon~

Philippines: huh...?

Indonesia: guys... Just stop..

Thailand: W-Well you just hugged her!

Singapore: Same goes for you!

Cambodia: Guys, are you like... 5!? Get yourself together!

Singapore: says the one who too, hugged...

Cambodia: i didn't just hug! I actually even got him to fu-

Myanmar: *covers Cambodia's mouth and blushes* Just... This is the end of this story!

Laos: Please ask or dare more~

Vietnam: And vote, ana~

Thailand: wait...

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