Cute Short

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Thailand: you love my songs don't you?

Me: *nods*

Vietnam: why is there a box in the corner..?

Me: *smiles innocently*

Vietnam: it looks like it can fit two people?

Thailand and Vietnam: oh.. Don't tell us..

Me: am gonna do you first~!!

Me: wait, that sounds weird..

In the box

Thailand: *sighs* and... The song is still.. Playing.

Vietnam: i know..

Thailand: so what do we do in here?


Vietnam: *rolls eyes* lets just play along..

Thailand: *sighs* fine..

Thailand: i love you!

Vietnam: *blushes* I love you too!

Both: *hugs*

Me: AWH!

Another box

Singapore: oh wow..

Malaysia: so you like me?

Singapore: *blushes* yea...

Malaysia: well i like you too! :)

Singapore: Really?

Malaysia: *nods*

Malaysia: *kisses cheek*

Singapore: *turns red*

Another box

Australia: OI! Why am i here?

Indonesia: *explains everything*

Australia: ohhh... That makes total sense!

Indonesia: wait.. It does?

Australia: yup!

Australia: sooo...

Indonesia: ..?

Australia: you like me?

Australia: *winks*

Indonesia: *blushes* a little...

Australia: Well, i like you too!

Indonesia: awh... It doesn't take a genius to figure out~!!

Australia: wait.. You already knew?!

Indonesia: *nods*

Australia: then why didn't you tell me?

Indonesia: i thought it was obvious..?

Indonesia: and i was scared you would reject me!

Australia: i would never *smiles*

Indonesia: *kisses cheek*

Different box

Brunei: Wha?!

Brunei: Author-Chan I thought y-you were joking *blushes*

Me: Don't assume my gender! And no.. I wasn't joking!

Philippines: Awh.. Brunei thats sweet..

Brunei: thanks??

Philippines: so you like me? *blushes*

Brunei: yea.. *nods*

Me: is it weird am eating rice rn?

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