(2) final part of dare.

650 13 6

Say no to this..

Cambodia: theres nothing like summer in the city

Cambodia:someone in a rush and someone looking pretty theres summer in the air and you can smell it..

Cambodia: And Alexander's by himself?

Cambodia: i'll let him tell it~

Thailand: i was weak i was alone you'll never see a bastard orphan more in need of a break.

Thailand: wanting Angelica , missing my wife (Vietnam)

Thailand: and thats when Mariah Reynolds walked into my life..

Thailand: she said..

Invisible: I know your a man of honor, am so sorry to bother you at home. But i dont  know where to go. Am here all alone, my husbands been doing me wrong, beating me , mistreating me.

Invisible:  suddenly hes up and gone, and i dont have the meens to go on..

(Skipping this part brought to you by NORWAY)

Nyo! Invis: Dear sir, i hope this letter brings good heath and a poctice lie me, you see that was my wife, you fuc-

Thailand: cccccccc...

Nyo! Invis: uh oh~ you make the wrong sucker a cuk hole..~ and now time to pay the price for the pants you unbuckled, and heck.. You can keep seeing my whore wife if the price is right or not ill be telling your wife~

(Skipping brought to you by Fridge)

Me: so... Non-Stop? Or Guns and Ship?

Cambodia: NO! This is the end of this dare

Me: wha? But..

Myanmar: :(( its okay...

Laos: but.. George Washing machine...

Indonesia: its... George Washing dish

Philippines: i thought it was just  George Washing .. 

Singapore: its George Washington...

Thailand: good job Singa..

Vietnam: just imagine England being Seabury or King.. xD

England: yea just imagine..

Cambodia: don't tell me that he's here...

France: ohnononono~

Cambodia: *leaves room*


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