Nyo's ;))

401 12 5

Dare: Can everybody meet they're Nyos?

Me: ama just chill with mines~

Boy! Me: *chuckles*

Philippines: i am so...

M! Philippines: Hawt? ;))

Philippines: no, tall..

M! Philippines: *disappointed*

Brunei: I probably don't look that good!

F! Brunei: Thats so mean :((

Brunei: *girly scream*

F! Brunei: Who is the girl here, again?

Laos: Okay well... I don't look that bad~

F! Laos: Awh~ thx ;))

Laos: Do you like anybody??

F! Laos: Yeah, you like someone so i do too!

Vietnam: Wow... Am more hotter as a boy!

M! Vietnam: *chuckles* Than-

Vietnam: That was so sexy...

M! Vietnam: o-oh... Okay??

Thailand: I wanna see Toto!

Nyo! Toto: *elephant nosies*

F! Thailand: Awh...

Cambodia: *chuckles with Myanmar??* (lenny face?? )

Cambodia: oh hi!

F! Cambodia: Am gay! :D *jumps down counter*

Cambodia: *blushes* o-okay then...

Myanmar: I am so hot!

F! Myanmar: Wanna see m-

Myanmar: OH HELL NO!! *snaps fingers*

Indonesia: i mean... I already seen mines..

M! Indonesia: Hey~ Nice pants can i test the zipper out for you~? (Found this pick up line from a fan fiction! Don't judge me!! XD )

F! Singapore: *giggles*

Singapore: i-i am so kawaii!!

Malaysia: hey..

M! Malaysia: hey.

Me: Oooooooooo, i do i do i dooooooo~

Lulu: just... Stop...

Me: okay! :D

Nyo! Lulu: hello, again!

Lulu: mhm..

Me: i put you in a lot of these lol.

Lulu: yeah.. *leaves room*


Me: so i guess this is finished ://

Laos: yeah, this dare is not that bad! :3

Malaysia: Maybe try asking a dare for each person like for example:

Cambodia: For Philippines, can you eat millions of Mangos.

Cambodia: or, For Brunei kick all the boys nuts :D

Myanmar: you wanna put BruPhil all the time don't you, Cambodia~?

Cambodia: *blushes* n-no... Am not a shippe-

Myanmar: he's secretly a fanboy~!! *drags Cambodia to different room*

Laos: trio? *follows*

Indonesia: PFT! Anyways~

Singapore: okay, then... please vote!

Me: *agreeable xD *

Thailand: btw pls Ask~

Vietnam: or dare~

Everybody: Bye~


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