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Dare: Switch partners (as in ships)

Me: *evil laugh* oh! This will be fun!

Me: here's the list!!


Philippines: *smiles* This song is nice.

Me:  I love Momoland!!

Switch vvv
Thailand~Myanmar.        |
Vietnam ~Cambodia.       |
Indonesia~Laos.                |
Malaysia~Brunei               |
Singapore~Philippines.  |

Singapore: This.. is..-

Philippines: HORRIBLE!! I can't be with this boring dude! I want to be with my Brubru !!

Malaysia: Oh, this is not good.

Brunei: agreed . *nods*

Indonesia: I am getting all the boys~~!! *flips her hair dramatically *

Laos: I mean.. your not wrong-

Cambodia: THIS IS SO WRONG !*mentally cries at the corner*

Vietnam: WE ARE SIBLINGS WE CAN'T DO THIS!! *cries at the corner*

Thailand: I've seen a fan art of us before actually...

Myanmar: Oh really?

Thailand: Yup.. And then later I cried..

Myanmar: *rubs his back* Don't cry. We can get through this! I promise!

Thailand: Okay!

Singapore: I need to find Author!!

Me: *hiding in somewhere in America*

America: Holy- What are you doing kid?

Me: I am hiding!

America: Let me just pray to god for you. *feels bad for this walking trash can*

Me: I am not Christian!! So- *Dashi RUN RUN RUN*

France: Bonjour~

Me: *kicks his nuts while running*

France: *falls to ground*

England: Oh hello there short one.

Me: *does the same *

England: *falls down and cries in pain*

America: *jumps out of nowhere* I AM BAC- OWHHH!!

Me: SORRY!! *hides in China*

China: You are safe child.

Me. I am?

China: Yes! You are!

Me: Then explain Baby Spratly!!

China: ...

China:  *runs away*


Singapore:  *sighs* writers block is the worst.. *slams his head on the table*

Philippines:  *jumps in surprise* Whoa! Why are you so stressesed out?

Singapore:  I am writing something..

Philippines:  Writing or reading?

Singapore:  Both.

Philippines:  huh.. Maybe I can help you out there bud!

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