You're a Mean One, Mr. J!

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Omg guys we have achieved 100k reads!! You do not know how much this means to me!! Thank you so much! I'll write a whole chapter about it later!! Enjoy!!

It was a dark and quiet night in Gotham, all of the Superhero's returning to their homes and warm beds. Christmas was in a few hours, everyone was eager for the day light of the 25th to shine through their blinds. Even the residents of the Wayne Manor are excited, all of the sibling snuggled in the bed of their sister.

"Guys, come on! Let's get to bed before Santa decides to pass over the house!!" Y/N yelled, jumping onto her bed, her brothers following behind her. They laughed at her antics and shimmied their way into the bed around her. Jason was against the headboard with Y/N in his lap. Dick was on the right of Jason and Damian on the left. Tim was left to the bottom of the bed.

"Goodnight you, see you in the morning when Santa has arrived and has delivered all of your coal!" Dick teased, tickling her stomach slightly. She laughed and batted his hand away before snuggling into Jason more. He smiled and wrapped his arms loosely around her before leaning back and almost falling asleep instantly. The rest of his siblings followed suit and soon the room was filled with soft snores.

It was only about midnight when Y/N heard a loud heard a loud nose from downstairs. None of her brothers even twitched in their sleep, so she wiggles her way from Jason's grip and snuck down the stairs. The Christmas tree's lights weren't lighting up from the living room, not even the slots glow of the lights hung from outside shining into the window. Curious, Y/N crept further down the stairs and slowly making her way towards the living room. She gasped as she peaked inside, finding the Joker and Harley Quinn making a mess of the room. Her tiny noise brought the attention of the two villains, both of them obtaining a devilish smile before making their way toward her.
"Why hello my dear, what seems to be the trouble?" Joker asked, body slouched and hands on his knees. Harley lent on him with her elbow.
"You need to leave." She commanded, eyes narrowing as her eyes switched between the two. They both laughed.
"Oh, sweets we aren't leaving until this whole place is ransacked and trashed. No way you and those other brats are getting anything this Christmas." Harley taunted, bringing her bat up and smashing the blunt weapon into the little girls head. Y/N's scream died in her throat and she went limp. Without the bat of an eyelash Harley dragged the little girl to the middle of the room and tied her to the chair.

It wasn't until 2 am when Jason had to get up and complete some business was she found. Jason had immediately panicked when finding that his precious little sister wasn't snuggled in his arms. He woke the others up, including Bruce and Alfred, before they all went searching frantically for Y/N. Damian was the one to find her, tied to a chair and blood dripping down her head. He yelled to his family then got down on his knees and untied his sister. She had woken up sometime when Damian had been untying her and instantly latched onto his neck when she was free. He held her and hugged tightly, eyes inspecting the room around them. It was definitely trashed, chairs and couches turned over and even the tree was on its side. He sighed and pulled away a little when the rest of his family entered the room to embrace the little girl.

"What happened?" Bruce asked Y/N, hands resting on her shoulders. She sniffed and looked into his eyes.

"Joker and Harley trashed the place after Harley hit me in the head. Now Christmas is ruined!" She exclaimed, tears leaking down her face. Bruce stood up and pulled her up to rest on his hip.

"Who says that? I'll go tuck you in, and then me and the boys will clean up and join you. Santa hasn't come yet but he will. Sound good?" Bruce asked, already making his way up the stairs. Y/N nodded and laid her head to rest on his should.

As said, Bruce and the boys cleaned up the living as most as they could. The tree was mostly fine with only two ornaments broken.

The rising sun drifted into the room and streamed through the curtains and windows. Y/M let out a tiny gasp before springing up from her bed and flinging herself from the comfy confines of the bed and sheets. She startled her brothers awake, all of them sleepily joining her in the hallway towards Alfred and Bruce's rooms. Y/N sprinted into the room and jumped up and down on the end of her fathers bed.

"Wake up! Wake up!! It's Christmas!! Father! It's Christmas!" She chanted as her bouncing intensified until Bruce sat up and pulled her into his arms. He tickled her till she shrieked mercy then proceeded to make his way down stairs.  The living room was glowing with happiness and warmth, the whole family circling around the tree. Presents were being sorted and looked through, separate piles appearing near each person. Laughs and jokes were thrown about the room, giggles and smirks tossed in.

For the first time in a while everyone was content and happy, smiles appearing on every face. This year wasn't exactly the greatest for them, they know that. Who cares really, when you have the ones you love surrounding you? Everyone alive and healthy, breathing and joking with others who were just as perfect. They have and have had it tough, comes with the job, but they were content for now. Plus, it's a new year soon. A time to forgive and forget.

Merry Christmas!! My one Christmas wish was to be able to reach 100k before the new year. You guys made that happen! I couldn't thank any one enough for what I have accomplished. I hope all of you feel proud and happy too for what you have accomplished. It sounds cheesy but I could not have done anything like this with out your guys. Thank you so much for all of your love and support! I will write a big long authors note later with more but I just want to say thank you! Anyway, suggestions are wanted and appreciated! Keep it PG to PG-13 and NO SMUT!! Ciao!

P.S I don't know about you but I need to prepare myself for some good zzzzzz's for tomorrow. You know, CHRISTMAS!!!

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