I Trusted You!

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Sorry if this is late but I was baking with my sister than cut my finger with a knife and its really hard to write with a bulky bandage on. I am very tempted just to flip my computer like a table and walk away. Anyways, Enjoy!!

You were the twin sister of Jason. But, you and Jason couldn't be more different. You trusted everyone with ease and was always kind and gentle with everyone. The only thing that was the same with you two was your looks. Even though he now has a white streak in his hair, he rest of your appearance's were the same. You trusted Jason with your life. An he trusted you with his life. Neither of you ever though you would betray the other. And you never did, until one day.

You had just told Jason the day before that you liked both girls and guys. He had triple promised not to utter a word to anyone about this until you were ready. He had respected your wish, not saying a single word to your guys family. You were so grateful to him, until you reached school the next day.

As you were shoving books into your locker and picking out new ones, you couldn't help but let your ears wonder to different conversations. One conversation coming from a group five lockers to the right of you.

       "Did you hear? Y/N is bisexual!" A group of girls gossiped, stupid enough to do it right by you. You froze with your head in the locker, slowly picking up your Science book.

        "Where did you get that idea?" Another girl asked, eyebrows raised skeptically. 

         "I heard Jason Todd talking to his friends about it. He had a disappointed look on his face." The girl explained. "It's like he was disgusted by her choice. Worst brother ever." The girl finished, jumping when she heard a locker slam. Her face paled when she saw you running away towards the doors. "Oh no." Was all she said.

You didn't really know how to feel. Scratch that, you knew exactly what you felt but you were just confused about why Jason would do something like that. And the fact that he looked disgusted with your choice sickened you, in the end making you throw your lunch into a nearby alley way. You didn't care about school anymore. You just wanted to go home and cry your eyes out into your pillow. Jason better have a darn good explanation for this or else he can kiss her loyalty and trust goodbye. Once she did make it home she just walked right into the house, not bothering to knock. Dick was in the hallway immediately. His hard gaze softened at your distressed form, bringing you into a tight hug. You managed to make it to the living room couch before you broke and all of your tears escaped and washed out your pride facade. Once you stopped sobbing, you told Dick you side of the story. He immediately pulled you into a hug, reassuring you he and the rest would love you nonetheless. But, you could tell he was majorly ticked off with Jason. To be honest, you didn't see a reason why he wouldn't be. You were furious with him. You trusted him. He was your brother. You and Dick sat there for hours, talking crying and hugging. Soon the clock chimed three and you knew the Jason would be home any second. As you suspected you heard the light screech of tire as it stopped on the pavement before a door slammed shut. You and Dick both stared at the door as the doorknob turned, the door opened a crack before fully opening. 

Yeah I've been in a very cliffhanging mood and wanted to wright one so...Sorry? Also as I said I cut my finger with a knife while cutting apple so I have a bulky bandage on and its really annoying to type. But, not as annoying as trying to type with a cast. It's not a fun experience. Trust Me. Also I may have flipped my computer a couple times and walked away to breath. Maybe. Anyway, suggestions are as always wanted and appreciated. Guys I'm loosing inspiration again! Keep them PG to PG-13 and NO SMUT!! Ciao!

Question of the day: If you could have any super-hero power in the word, which one would it be? I would love Captain Americas,Spiderman's or Wonder Woman's powers.Comment your answer!

P.S Why am I even making these anymore? Does anybody even read these? Well guess what, when you get a cut on your finger it makes it really annoying to edit. Even more annoying than usual so I saved myself from more computer flipping and didn't edit.

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