What's Happening to Me!|Batmom/Save Yourself Part 6

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It's finally here! There is only one after this! Also, thank you so freakin' much for 51 followers and 87.3k reads!! I am so happy!! Special New's at the bottom, please read that. Enjoy!!

Jester was let out of the Asylum when her mental state improved to normal Gotham standards. She got a job as a waitress and adapted the name Kylie, now living in a rustic apartment. Bruce checked in on her regularly. Well, Batman checked on her regularly. The boys would tag along sometimes, holding conversations before making there way out. Everything seem to be looking up.

Glass flew across the room and smashed against the wall, plates and bowls following after. She screamed and grabbed onto her hair tightly. Her head felt like it was on fire, like electricity was being stabbed violently into her skull. Blood leaked from her eyes, ears and nose. She scrambled for the door, her hand gripping the doorknob when she dropped down to the ground.

It was just suppose to be a simple checkup, pop in and see if she was sane or if she needed anything. He wasn't expecting to find her body by the door, blood escaping from her ears, eyes and nose. Jason quickly dropped down on his knees next to her body, checking her pulse and freezing when nothing bumped beneath his fingers. He frantically rolled her onto her back, hands pressed to her chest. He lowered his head to breath into hers when she sprung up and clutched her head in obvious pain. With eyes wide he called his brothers and fathers, demanding they got here right away.

"I don't know, all I remember was having this anger flood through me and smashing a bunch of things against walls. That's it." Kylie answered honestly, shrugging her shoulders. The others looked between themselves and then back to her.

"What did you feel, exactly, when it happened?" Batman questioned, arms crossed. She looked thoughtful for a moment before responding.

"Like fire was running through my veins. Kinda how it feels to be electrocuted." She announced. They gave her strange looks. "What? Joker once told me that he had electrocuted me from my original form to be, well, me. His words kind of triggered something in my brain and I felt all of the pain that had been inflicted on me." Kylie wrapped her arms around herself, avoiding the looks the men and boys gave her. 

"Wait, your were brainwashed? So this means that you had an actual identity before all of this? Maybe we could find out your old self. Your family must be tearing up the streets to find you!" Nightwing exclaimed, arms flying up in excitement. Kylie smiled but it was wiped off of her face when sudden, fire-like pain filtered through he nerves. She tasted crimson on her tongue and spat it out, eyes widening when she found herself curled in a ball on the floor. A hand was placed on her shoulder, rolling her over onto her back. Minutes passed when the pain faded and was left twitching on the ground with the super-hero's hovering over her. 

"What's happening to me?" She whispered she was pulled into Red-Hood's arms, eyes closing and body relaxing into the turmoil of sleep.

I am so sorry for not updating in so long!! I feel so bad! I have had so many tests and problems occurring that I didn't have enough time to sit back and write. Plus, I'm doing an essay for school which is sucking all of my writing inspiration and such. Please forgive me! Also, THANK YOU SO MUCH FRO OVER 85K READS!!! IT'S BLOWING MY MIND! I NEVER EVEN THOUGHT MY WRITING WAS THAT GOOD!! Seriously, I can never thank you guys enough for the support and respect you give me. Even with all my hiatus's and all. If you're one of those people who actually read this than, please head to my Tumblr and ask some questions there. Or even in the comments now. I will answer any and all questions as I get them since the rest of today is a free day for me. Anyway, suggestions are wanted and appreciated. Keep it PG to PG-13 and NO SMUT!! Ciao!

Tumblr Link: https://www.tumblr.com/blog/fireinthewriter

P.S I want to work on more chapter to make up for my laziness, no way am I gonna waste my only free day editing! Nope!

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