How It Began

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        You were walking down the street towards the Wayne manor, a gala was hosted there tonight and because you were a very close friend of the family and a good business partner you were invited, suddenly a white car parked right next to you. Knowing the crime rates in Gotham you hurried your pace, almost running towards the gates of the manor. A man grabbed you wrist and pulled him towards you. You smelled alcohol heavy in his breath, almost gagging when he spoke to you.

        "A pretty lady like you should be able to get me a few good bucks." The man breathed, you mentally gagged, rolling your eyes at the man. You of course new every kind of self defense arts in the world. You smirked slightly, kneeing the man in his groin before yanking your wrist out of his reach and giving him a good upper cut to the face. You dusted off your hands and walked away, leaving the man moaning in pain. At the gates a boy, thirteen, watched you take down a man twice the size of you in less than a minute. When you approached the gates they opened without you doing anything and you suspiciously eyed the surrounding area.

        "They should seriously put more of a security system here." You said, flicking your (H/C) hair off you shoulder. As you took one step in you heard the slight rustle of a bush, the leaves brushing up against each other. "Come out, I know you're there." You said, not caring if bystanders looked at you weirdly. The same boy who watched you came out, brushing a leaf from his tux. Your raised your eye at him, knowing him as the youngest child of Bruce Wayne, Damien Wayne. He saw the raised eye brow and glared at you making his way towards the home. You sighed, fixing your hair. You followed him, your eyes sparkling as the lights of the party reflected in them. You spotted Bruce talking with his sons. As you made your way to the wall, you felt eyes burning into your skull. Quickly you turned around only to see someone duck around the side of the stairs. As you made your way over to the stairs, you looked up the only to see green eyes and hair. A white powdered face and a big red smile. You took a step back, looking around to see if anybody else noticed the face. No one did. No one noticed the figure leaping down the stairs and grabbing a hold of your hair. You let out a shuddering scream, causing the guests to turn to you and back away, noticing the Joker standing behind you. He had a knife twirling around in his hand, grinning evilly at you. Bruce and his kids made there way to the front. You were very good friends with their family, and good business partners too. You shifted your eyes through the crowd, lastly landing on Joker next to you. Anger suddenly filled you, first you were almost kidnapped by a strange man and now this. No way were you going to let this slide! Growling you yanked your head away from his hand, not caring about the pain it caused. You felt the Joker grip loosen and you took your chance. Pulling again you managed to get away from his grip, but you felt an intense pain in your shoulder. You saw Joker's dagger sticking out of your shoulder. He looked at you expecting you to fall to the ground weak and hurt. But, no your weren't weak and defensiveness. You gripped the hilt of the blade and yanked it out, stumbling a bit before regaining your balance. You held the knife lunged, sticking it in his thigh. He fell down gripping his leg and he still smiled through gritted teeth.

        "Your tough. I like it." He snickered, still gripping his thigh. You threw him a disgusted look before turning back towards the crowd. Bruce and his sons were gone from the front row and now the party guests were looking at you stunned and also very relieved. "Oh hey batsy, your a little late. This one already took me out. She is a very good fighter. Maybe you should recruit her and stop torturing poor boys with the job." Joker laughed, turning towards the stairs.

        "Shut up!" Both you and Batman said at the same time. Joker laughed looking between you and Batman, each giving him a horrifying glare. 

        "Yes you would be great part-Ow!" Joker exclaimed after you kicked him in the gut. He shut up, but of course he was still smiling. As you stepped back you fell to your knees, clutching your shoulder and biting your lip, keeping yourself from screaming. The bat crew made there way down stairs, Batman walking over to you. You fainted from blood loss, Batman catching you just in time. The guests of the party were long gone, leaving just the bat-crew and you. 

        You woke up on a metal bed, your shoulder throbbing. You lifted your head looking around, the place was dark and there was a big computer a little ways across the room. Once your eyes focused you noticed a tall dark figure walking towards you. You sat up fully, eyes widening when you realized where you were.

        "Bat-Cave......" You whispered looking around the cave. When your eyes landed on Batman the rest of the bat-crew behind him. You tilted your head to the side, closely studying the figure before you. They all looked familiar but you couldn't quite put your finger on it. "Thank you for your help, sir." You said gesturing towards your shoulder. He nodded but didn't let his gaze waver. You couldn't help but be confused by this, why was he staring at you so....questioningly? You slowly stood up, stretching out your arms and legs, wincing from the stiffness. "Quick question, how do I leave?" You asked, after you were done stretching. When stretching you realized that you were still wearing your dress from the party that you were supposed to set up a deal with Bruce at. You would have to call him later. Batman studied you for a moment before hitting the back of your neck. You caught his hand pushing it away from you and glaring hard at him. "Could have just asked me if you were going to do that and all you have to do is pinch right here to make anyone go unconscious, leaves thugs in less pain and quicker fights. Go ahead try it." You side pointing to the side of your neck. He hesitantly pinch you and you immediately fell down, unconscious. He glanced back to his sons, all shrugging. He sighed, picking you up a carrying you to the bat-mobile. Getting in he drove you back to your place which he got from searching you on the computer. It wasn't a mansion like his, instead it was cozy home big enough to fit two people, but you live alone. Making his way to the roof he dropped into your room from the open window, gently placing you on the bed and staring at you for a little bit. It was no secret that Bruce had a crush on you, he hid it well. But, he decided that today, he would call and set up a date for picnic outside the manor, where he would make a move. He was worried though. Worried you think of him as just a play boy. He let out a big sigh and mentally slapped himself. He was acting like a teenager. 

        Later that week Bruce called you for a date. You said yes, since you also had a crush on him. During he picnic date he confessed and you confessed too, becoming a couple right then and there. The boys loved you and treated you as there mother. Two years later he proposed to you and you said yes before he could even finish your name. His sons gave their blessing and you ended up getting married to the Bruce Wayne three years exactly after your first date. But, Bruce never told you of his alter ego and neither did the boys.

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