Baby Bat

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Two Updates In A Day?!?!? I'm On A Role!!!

         The former and new Robin's weren't softies, well maybe except for Dick. They had never been the ones to aww when they say something cute, again except for Dick. When they had entered the hospital to see you, their new baby sister in their father's arm they couldn't help but softly smile at the sight. Dick was full on crying and smiling like a goof ball. Though none of them would admit it, they all already loved you in that moment. Bruce held out the bundle on blankets that was you to Dick, who shakily took you. He gazed down at you, cradling you against his chest protectively. Jason stood next to him and peered down at you, composing a straight lipped look on his face. But, as soon as you reached a small hand up and poked his face his lips curved upwards into a goofy grin. Dick passed you to Jason carefully, chuckling as his face lit up when he saw your face. You had the signature Wayne Blue eyes, the same blue eyes that always held a scowl on the other Wayne's. Now they were smiling, big blue eyes smiling at Jason's eyes. Jason laughed when you gargled, a little bit of spit resting on the corner of your lips. He wiped it away and turned to Tim who was staring at you in wonder and happiness. Jason nudged him, glancing down at you then back to him. Tim nodded rigorously, taking your from Jason and holding you tight to his chest. He almost cried when you smiled your gummy smile at him, instead letting at a happy gasp. Damian stood away from his siblings scowling, although he wanted to hold you he was scared he would drop you. Dick noticed this and pushed him next to Tim, Damian glaring at Dick. Tim held you out to Damien who backed away, shaking his head negative. The adults in the room chuckled at him, while Tim just plopped him in his arms. Damian, stared wide eyed at you, gulping audibly and sending a quick glare to Tim. The bundle in his arms cooed, grabbing his nose with its small hands. Everyone sucked in a breath, waiting for Damian to glare at the baby. Much to the immense surprise of everyone, he smiled and laughed giddily. A doctor walked in and smiled at the scene. The boys were all huddled around Damian, making baby noises at you. The doctor walked over to Bruce and smiled again.

       "There defiantly going to be protective older brothers." Bruce said to him as the doctor handed Bruce some papers.

         "Wait till she gets of age to date." The doctor chuckled, not noticing Bruce suddenly freeze at the words. The Bat-boys turned there heads to the doctor who looked up and saw five glaring faces. Bruce was tightly holding onto the pen in his hands while Damian hugged you tighter to him. All of the boys held a deep glare, while the doctor audibly gulped and ran from the room. The glares followed him as he ran from the room, softening when they heard the happy giggle coming from your smiling face. 

        "She's not going to ever learn what a date is. Ever." Jason said threateningly, eyeing his brothers who nodded,agreeing. 

       I'm taking a brake from Bat-mom but that doesn't mean you can't still suggest one-shots for bat-mom. Anyway suggestions are wanted and appreciated. Please keep the PG to PG 13 and NO SMUT!! Ciao!

P.S Yep I didn't edit this. Sorry but I don't like editing!!

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