I hate Karma|Batsis

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Sorry for not updating in a while. School has been hectic! Enjoy!!

Your the eldest Bat-sibling, adopted by Bruce when you were twelve.

Being the eldest sibling in a large family has it's perks, but it also has it's cons. Like being the first to move out and not getting anything on your birthday. That's exactly what happened to you. You had moved out four years ago, seeing your family whenever you could but it had been two weeks since your birthday and your family haven't even sent a simple text. You decided, after hours of staring at your phone, to finally text the others about it. You picked up your phone, clicking on your messages and went on the group family texts.

You: Hey guys! Been a while since we talked! Any birthday's coming up or have passed?

There you sent it, now all you had to do was wait for the reply. It cam almost instantly.

Dick: No, I'm pretty sure all birthday's are far away, why do you ask?

Tim: Yup, what Dick said.

Jason: I agree with Replacement and Golden Boy.

Damian: Same, Todd.

You stared sadly at the texts, throwing your phone to the ground and gathering your purse and belongings. Time to go confront your family.

It wasn't a long drive from your apartment to the manor, not bothering to even knock when coming in. Even Alfred and Bruce had forgotten your birthday, and you didn't know how long you would stay mad when you saw the butlers guilty face. Stomping childishly through the house you stopped at the living room, tears and anger stained on your face. Damian and Dick were lounging there, watching some random show on T.V.

"You were right Dick, no birthday's are for a while. But mine was two weeks ago." You said calmly, causing Dick's and Damian's heads to snap in your direction. They both were frozen to their spots, completely horrified with your revelation. 

"Oh, Miss. Y/N I didn't hear you come in." Alfred said from behind you, widening his eyes at your tear stained face. "Miss?"

"I don't blame you for not planning any special party on my birthday, you were probably too busy. But not even sending a simply text hurts. It hurts a lot." You muttered, loud enough for everyone to hear you. Alfred looked mortified, while the boys just sat there. Guilty. "Any way, tell Dad, Jason and Tim I hope their doing well. Good bye." With that you left, head held high as you walked away from the shocked boys. 

Dick Grayson P.O.V:

How could I forget my own sister's birthday?! I hung my head low as I sat, trying to think of any way to fix things with her. It seemed impossible now, having not said anything, not even an apology, when she was talking. I shook my head, grabbing my hair into my fists and squeezing tight. My mind wandered to what could happen. What would happen if she was killed, if she was kidnapped and never seen again today? She would forever hold the memory of her family forgetting her birthday. I shook my head again, don't jinx it.


Sometimes I really hate Karma.

Dun...Dun...Dun!! Okay so I have come up with a proper schedule for this so you guys can expect updates and yell at me when I don't update on time. Every Tuesday, Thursday and Sunday I will update whatever stories I have. Also, I am starting a Sanders Sides One Shot book this Thursday, so look out for that and comment some prompts and suggestions for it. I will be up till 9:00 o'clock tonight answering all comments and questions to make up for my lost time, so ask away! I think that's it for announcements. Anyway, suggestions are wanted and appreciated. Keep it PG to PG-13 and NO SMUT!! Ciao!

Question of the day: Who's your favorite Youtuber? I'm stuck between Daniel Howell, AmazingPhil and Thomas Sanders. Comment your answer! (If you don't watch Youtube then who's your favorite Wattpad author and maybe a title of their work.)

P.S I am so sorry for not updating for so long and do you expect me to edit when I so badly want to publish this? No. Good.

Bat-Family and Bat-Mom-(Batman)One ShotsOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz