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"For once in your life Bruce, stop your pity party and appreciate the people around you."

Fighting with Bruce was never something you wanted to do. It pained both of you every time either one you fought. It was always something as stupid as not getting enough sleep or being reckless during patrol. That was exactly what this argument was about. 

You and Bruce had decided to patrol together that night. It was a peaceful night, as peaceful as it could get in Gotham, when the alarms of the Gotham City Bank blared through the streets. You guys didn't even spare each other a glance before running towards the crime, making it there in under five minutes. The petty street thugs fought as soon as you entered, leaving you no time to check the area. A sniper was hidden behind a desk, aiming straight for your husband. You right hooked the man fighting you and ran towards the desk, distracting the sniper from Bruce. You tackled the guy, not before him shooting a bullet at you. It lodged itself in your shoulder, only making you grit your teeth before nerve striking the guy. You stood straight up from the ground, dusted off imaginary dirt from your suit and sneered at the guy.

"Next time you aim for my husband, make sure I'm not around." You glared at the guy again before turning on your heel and stomping back to Bruce, bashing two thugs heads together. He looked up at you, raising his eyebrow before furrowing them at the sight of blood. He tied up the thugs, right after phoning GCPD before grabbing you and grappling away to a nearby building.

"What happened?" His gruff voice asked you, tying up your wound with a piece of tattered cloth.

"A sniper was aiming for you. I tackled him, but I wasn't fast enough. He shot randomly, as you know hitting my shoulder." You explained calmly. He gripped your other shoulder tightly.

"You should not have attacked without disarming him." He responded coldly. You leaned back from him, staring into his mask. "Your fighting was sloppy and uncalled for. I could have handled it."

"What no thank you for saving you life? Too prideful to admit that I helped you? Or are you too sorry for yourself that I got hurt because of something involving you?" You questioned, putting your hands on your hips. He glared at you, pointing a finger at your chest.

"It was un-called for. Your emotions can't interfere with work. I'm not your husband on the field. You're not my wife. Try and imagine it because I have no trouble doing it." He stated lowly. Your own glare darkened.

"For once in your life Bruce, stop your pity party and appreciate the people around you. Pretend I'm not your wife, be like that. But sometimes even super-hero's need saving. And save it with your whole 'I'm not a super-hero' speech. I don't want to hear your voice ever again." You declared, turning away and making your way back to the cave. 

You marched angrily into the cave, tearing of your cowl and slamming it down on the bat-computer. Jason, who was down there training, turned his head to you.

"Ma? What's wrong?" He asked. You ignored him, stomping up the stairs and up to your room. Your negative aura caught the attention of the his other brothers. They all followed you to your room, watching as you sat on the bed and started sobbing. The boys rushed in, engulfing you in four big hugs. "What happened?" Jason asked again, looking at you straight in the eye. The boys nodded, turning to you too. You took a deep breath.

"Me and Bruce had a fight." Your boys tensed up at these words, knowing fights with Bruce never ended well."I had seen a sniper ready to kill him, so I did what any wife would do. I tackled the guy, not before him shooting my shoulder. Oh about that, Dick could you get the first aid kit out of the that drawer?" You asked, pointing to your bedside table. He nodded, motioning for you to continue. "He asked me what happened. So I told him. Immediately he just changed. Saying that I needed to pretend he wasn't my husband on patrol. Saying that it's easy for him to pretend I'm not his wife." By the end your crying, not from the pain of Dick stitching your shoulder, from the pain of what your husband said. The boys hugged you again, mindful of your shoulder. They soothed you until you fell asleep, Jason laying you down before jumping up and racing down to the cave. Dick, Tim and Damian followed without a word.

Once Jason got down to the cave, he slapped Bruce straight across the face. Bruce looked at him, furrowing his eyebrows.

"How dare you sat that to her! To your own wife! Your lucky I'm only slapping you." Bruce looked towards his other sons, seeing their equally angry expressions. He sighed and sat down, running a hand down his face.

"She got hurt because of me. She had a bullet in her shoulder because of me."

"We know Bruce. you're not one for cuddles and crap like that. But you can't say that kind of stuff. We all want to keep her safe, telling her that its easy to pretend she isn't your wife is not going to keep her from protecting you." Dick said, kneeling in front of his adoptive father. Bruce sighed again, hanging his head. He messed up big time. How dare he say that to you. How dare he! He was your husband for gods sake. He had only meant to protect you, to stop you from hurting yourself to save him. 

Sorry for not updating yesterday, just wasn't a good day. Also, I am not going to do a part two for this. I wanted this chapter to be about Bruce and the reader fighting, not making up and forgiving each other. I want to keep this chapter as this so you guys and come up your own theories for what happened. Like, did the reader ever forgive Bruce? Did the reader start doing as Bruce said, pretending that Bruce wasn't her husband on patrol? You decide. Anyway, suggestions are wanted and appreciated. Keep it PG to PG-13 and NO SMUT!! Ciao!

Question of the day: What's your favorite book? Mine is Serpents Shadow: Kane Chronicles. Comment Your Answer!

P.S I'm not having the best of days this week. Even if I did like editing I wouldn't do it.

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