Best Friend|Damian/Colin

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OMG I just found my new ship. I know I'm late to the party but Damian x Colin! Is it just me or are these two just so cute! Please comment any good Damian x Colin fics. No O.C's in this one. Enjoy! 

P.S I aged up Damian and Colin to make this less weird. Their both fifteen.

Warning: BxB. If you don't like BxB, then don't read. Simple as that.

Colin walked slowly up the Wayne Manor, it's size intimidating him. He sighed heavily when he reached the doors, knocking hard with his knuckles on the dark wood. While he waited for someone to come to the door, Colin leaned against the porches pasts, eyes drifting over the grounds before him. He had been to the Manor many times before, it's size still baffling the teenager. He smiled to himself at the memory of his first visit. The surprised faces of Damian's brothers when Damian came in the door smiling, a red-headed holding his shoulder. Dick had instantly started squealing, trying hard not to scream like the fanboy he was. He of course had been the first one to ship the two of them together, and after long pestering talks they finally ended up together. And Now they were both fifteen, together for one year. Almost two years, since they had gotten together on Damian's birthday which was weeks away. He was pulled out of thoughts as the door opened, revealing a very grim looking Alfred. Colin's body tensed slightly, fearing Damian had gotten hurt. Alfred's eyes landed on him and the butler's look instantly went more grim, if possible. Now Colin was panicking.

"Alfred. What's wrong?" He asked softly, not trusting his voice to speak at an even normal tone. Alfred just shook his head, motioning for the boy to come in. He obeyed, stepping inside the Manor and almost flinching. It was cold, eery and quiet. Something the Wayne Manor should never be. Colin walked with Alfred to the living room, where he saw Dick and Tim sitting down and faces the blank T.V. Alfred cleared his throat, both of the boy's heads snapping towards the doorway. When they noticed Colin there they widened their eyes. Not a good sign. Alfred left without a word. Colin took a seat on the other side of the couch, looking curiously at his boyfriends brothers. "What happened? Where's Damian?" He said, looked between the two brothers for answers. Dick let out a long shuddering sigh, one the promised bad news. Colin gulped.

"There was an attack." Dick started softly, glancing up at Colin. The latter nodded, urging him to continue. "Damian's mother created clone. The Heretic. Bruce had ordered him to stay here, but he disobeyed. After we met up, we fought the clone together. The Heretic was strong, way to strong for any normal clone. He had managed to knock me out with one punch. Damian kept fighting. Kept fighting as arrows were lodged into him. He was so brave. But, bravery gave him no leverage. The Heretic killed him, he killed Damian." Dick finished, him and Tim in tears when he finished. Colin froze, his head facing the ground. He had his hands squeezed shut, eyes following. And then he started sobbing. Full on sobbing. They were loud and sharp, catching the attention of everyone else in the manor. Jason wondered into the living room, ready to try and comfort one of his brothers when he froze and stared at Colin. It was no secret that Colin was close with everyone in the Manor, all them so happy that Damian had finally found someone. And here he was, the demon brat's boyfriend sobbing over his death. He had his head in his hands, shaking his head.

"No. No. He's not dead. He's not dead. Please. Tell me your lying. Let this be some cruel joker where Damian's pops up from behind the couch and yells surprise. Let it be anything but true!" Colin pleaded, staring at Dick with frantic eyes. He got up from his spot on the ouch and crouch down in front of Colin. "Dick, Please. Please. Please." He pleaded again, whimpering and choking. He had come here to check on his boyfriend, stop in for a friendly hello to Bruce and Alfred and the boys. He had not come here to learn that the love of his life was. He wrapped his arms around himself, rocking slowly. "He can't be dead. Dick, it's not true!" He exclaimed shaking his head in denial. Dick wrapped his arms around the boy, glancing at his brothers. They were both crying now, feeling the exact same way when they found out.

"I'm sorry Colin. I'm so sorry. But, he's gone. I don't wanna believe it either. My baby brother. I wish he wasn't gone either, but life's stupid like that. It sucks, loving something that death can so easily touch." Dick told him, rubbing the boys back. Jason and Tim joined the hug, holding the sobbing boy as he shook. As he grieved.


Colin lazily threw a coin in the air, catching it as it came back down. He sighed, repeating the process over and over again. 

"That seems quite boring." A familiar voice said from his window. Colin stopped mid throw, snapping his head in the direction of the sound. He gasped and shot up in his head, the coin flying to someplace in his room. The owner of the voice, slipped through the window, making sure to close it before turning around. Damian grinned at the bewildered look on Colin's face, placing a hand on his hip. "You should seriously close your window. Never know what people would be looking to sneak in." Damian didn't even have a chance to smirk before lips were pressed to his, his body falling back onto the ground. He grunted at the sudden movement, but didn't pull back. When Colin finally pulled back, he buried his face in Damian's neck. His shoulder shook and Damian realized that Colin was crying. Instantly he frowned.

"What's wrong? Beloved?" Damian asked. Colin whimpered at the name nuzzling into Damian's neck more.

"You're back. You're back. Don't leave me please." Colin begged, lifting his head up to connect their eyes. Damian's frown turning into a smile, wrapping his arms around Colin.

"Never again. I'm sorry I left you. I promise to never to it again." Damian vowed, smiling from the corner of his mouth. Colin connected their lips again, this time with less urgency and more romantic. Colin sighed happily, his boyfriend back in his arms. And no way in Batman was he letting him go every again.

*Squealing in the corner because she just wrote a fluffy fic about her OTP* I LOVE THIS SHIP SO MUCH!! Please, if you have any fics about these two idiots comment them. PLEASE!! I don't think I have ever loved a ship this much ever. Well, except for *cough* Dan and Phil, Phan *cough* Sorry, something in my throat! Anyway, suggestions are wanted and appreciated, keep it PG to PG-13 and NO SMUT!! Ciao!

Question of the Day: What's your OTP! Mine is Damian/Colin but besides them it's Phan/Dan and Phil! Their just two British idiots who bloody belong together!! Comment Your Answer!

P.S I am too fangirly right now, I need to calm down. Editing will not help me calm down.

Bat-Family and Bat-Mom-(Batman)One ShotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora