This Song Saved My Life

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I warned you, I am in a very angsty mood so you better be prepared. This is the first chapter written from a song. This Song Saved My Life isn't mine, it was written by Simple Plan so all rights of the song go to them. Enjoy!

Damian Al Ghul Wayne wasn't a singer, or so he let his family believe. Damian Al Ghul Wayne never changed from when he was in The League, or so everyone thought. Damian Al Ghul Wayne was a fantastic liar, that much is true. 

        The bat-family just came back from patrol, Jason, Tim and Dick so tired they decided to crash at the manor. Their rooms were just across the hall from Damian's, whose door was cracked open just enough for sound to flow out of it. The three older brothers were all relaxing on their beds until they heard a deep but soft voice start singing.

I wanna start letting you know this

Because of you my life has purpose

You helped me be who I am today

I see myself in every word you say

Sometimes it feels like nobody gets me

The three older brothers popped their heads from out of their rooms, looking at each other than to Damian's door. They sneaked towards it peeking in to see Damian,a dagger in his hand. He was singing. The Demon was singing. What made the brothers stay was the dagger clutched in their little brother's hand.

Trapped in a world where everyone hates me

There's so much that I'm going through

I wouldn't be here if it weren't for you

Damian held a picture in his other hand of his family. His whole family smiling by the garden outside, Titus and Alfred the cat laying by Damian's feet. A single droplet of salty water dripped down onto the picture, causing the hand holding the dagger to shake. The three brothers stared in shock at the scene before them. Damian Al Ghul Wayne, was crying and shaking. Big brother instincts were overwhelming the three boys. They wanted to barge in and engulf their little brother in a big hug. But they held back just to see what he would do.

I was broken

I was choking

I was lost

This song saved by life

I was bleeding

Stop believing

Could have died

The boys breath's hitched in their throats at the word. Damian had died, but he was brought back to them and they were never allowing him to leave again. Damian's hand that held the dagger was slowly being lifted to his chest, right were he was stabbed by Heretic.

This song saved my life

I was down

I was drowning

but it came on just in time

This song saved my life

The family picture was being squeezed tightly, like if he let go then he would never see his family again.

Sometimes I feel like you've known me forever

At this line the boys instantly knew what the song was about. It was about them, how they saved Damian from his mother and the League and brought him here just in time before he broke completely. 

You always know how to make me feel better

Because of you me and my dad are so much closer

Than we used to be

Those lyrics couldn't be more true. Damian and Bruce are so much closer now, and they still have much to learn about each other.

You're my escape when I'm stuck

In this small town

I turn you up whenever I feel down

The boys remembered how many times Damian would randomly start trying to annoy them, sometimes ending in arguments.It was Damian's way of trying to spend time with them, even if it wasn't the most efficient way. The dagger lowered again, his hand falling limply to his leg. The photo was still clutched protectively in hisother hand.

You let me know like no one else

That it's okay, be myself

I was broken

I was choking

I was lost

This song saved my life

Damian's voice started cracking the more he sang, more tears dripping from his blue orbs to his lips, then to the picture below them. They would be lying if the older brothers said that they weren't crying by now too.

I was bleeding

Stopped believing 

Could have died

This song saved my life

I was down

I was drowning

But it came on just in time

This song saved my life

The dagger fell to the floor from Damian's limp hand,  the picture now clutched between his two hands. The tears were flooding his face, soaking into the paper and making it damp and easily rip-able. Dick opened the door slowly and quietly, ushering his brothers in and to be quiet. Damian didn't notice them, or at least pretended not to notice them.

You'll never know

What it means to me

That I'm not alone

That I'll never be

The boys agreed with the lyrics. Their little brother is never going to be alone. Never again.

I was broken

I was choking

I was lost

This song saved my life

I was bleeding

Stopped believing

Could have died

This son saved my life

I was down

I was drowning

But it came on just in time

This song saved my life

The picture fell from Damian's hands on the last note, and he was immediately pulled into a bone crushing group hug between his brothers. They let him cry in their arms, rubbing circles on his back.

My Life

Not gonna lie, I really like this one. I also felt as though the song was meant for Damian because he can relate so much to the song. Plus, I told you I was in an angsty mood, so of course with angst comes feels. So here a yeah go, another feely chapter. I'm gonna put a fluffy chapter in between each feely one so don't worry, you won't be crying every single day. I hope...Anyway please leave any and all suggestions, they are always wanted and appreciated. Keep them PG to Pg-13 and NO SMUT!!! Ciao!!

P.S Surprise this is actually edited! I hate surprises.

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