Just The Way You Are

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This was a request, so I hope you like it!

Warning: Damian is Transgender in this. I am personally not Transgender so if upset anyone I am deeply and truly sorry. If you don't like transgender fics, than skip it. Simple. Enjoy!!

It was his secret, only his. He was born a disappointment, beaten until he learned that he was Damian. Not anything else. He was born a female, countless surgeries performed on him until he was male. Thalia gave him no choice on the matter. When he moved to his fathers, he kept the secret with him. Damian could never, ever tell anyone what he was. 

Damian had learned of the term transgender before when he over heard some girls talking about it at lunch. Later that night he looked it up, finally at 12 am coming to the conclusion that he was transgender. It didn't matter is he was forced to be a boy or not, he liked being one. That's all he needed.

The family finds out in the worst way possible. They were all joking in the living room after thanksgiving dinner, teasing and playfully insulting one another. Jason had made a joke about Damian being a girl deep down inside. Damian stiffened in his spot. Trying so hard to ignore the gazes of his family waiting for him to make a remark. He didn't. A big, calloused hand was placed on his shoulder, squeezing it gently. 

"Damian, are you...?" His father had asked him, eyebrows drawn together. The dam broke and Damian spilled everything about how and why he was a....him basically. He didn't bother meeting anyone's eyes, rushing up to room and slamming the door shut so hard the lone picture frame on his wall fell to the floor and broke. He gasped and began picking up the sharp glass, edges cutting and tearing his skin. The glass was slipping out of his hands now, blood pooling on the carpet beneath him. His thoughts were dark and unhappy. Your family thinks your a freak. The voices he had worked so hard to get rid of chanted. They think your disgusting. He fell asleep to the sound of them rasping in his ear, oblivious to the pounding on his door.

Damian woke up to bandaged hands and worried brothers and a father. They immediately bombarded him with questions, all of them giving him hugs through their long speeches about their love for him. He was close to crying again, choosing to just sit their and take their affection however they handed it to him

The next few weeks were strange for Damian. He expected them to be weary around him, he expected them to be walking on egg shells and choosing the words that come out of their mouth carefully. It was so relieving for them to not do that, for them to just be normal and relaxed around him. Just because he released another secret to his family that could potentially change their view of him didn't mean it had too.

Just to start off, I am in no way shape or form Homophobic. I love people for them and I don't care if their gay,lesbian, bisexual, transgender, etc. Heck, I am good friends with a married gay couple and I can not tell you how cute they are! Damian's thoughts are in no way my own thoughts towards Transgenders. Again, it doesn't matter who or what you are, you are you and no one should ever tell you other wise. Also, you may be really angry at me for not updating in a week and I am so sorry but I had to take a break. School has been hectic and with trying to keep my grades at all A's (which I am doing so Whoohoo!) and keeping myself sane at the same time. Just a heads up, I am going to be doing a Halloween special thing where for the five days leading up to halloween I will be doing only requests. On Halloween I will be holding a Q and A in the conversations tab when you click on my profile. Send in any and all requests and I will choose five to do! Anyway, suggestions are wanted and appreciated. Keep it PG to PG-13 and NO SMUT!! Ciao!

Remember, I will be stating all Questions Of The Day's in the Comments!

P.s I'm re-watching all the episodes of Supernatural Season 1-12 and I need to get back to that! So no editing today! Fooled you there, ya Idjit!! (Kidding,Kidding! You guys are probably smarter than me!)

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