Damien Wayne x Reader

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        So this is my first X Reader one-shot and it might not be the best because I have no idea how the Bat-Bros would react in these situations. Tell me if you like these X Reader and I might do more or stop depending on what you guys want. Also, we hit 200 views! Yes thank you so much this book if growing so fast and just wow I'm really happy! Quick shout out to GIRLONFIYAH14 for voting and commenting on my book! Thank you!

        You and Damien Wayne were inseparable. You had a best friend bond like no other. He even told you his secret identity, well more like you were walking around the Manor and stumbled upon the cave so he was basically forced to tell you his alias so yeah same difference. His brother's were amazed at how well you two connected, Damien even had a nickname for you and it wasn't your last name. When you were told the true identities you were practically forced to take martial arts so you knew how to defend yourself just in case. Even though you were very careful on where you walked and who you trusted you still managed to get kidnapped. Oh the difficulties of being friends with a super hero! 

It was just a normal day in the life of you, lazily walking around you apartment, randomly cleaning things here and there. (A/N I actually do this!) You weren't planning on going any where today since Damien and the boys were busy, and you literally had no other friends it was actually kinda sad. After your patrol of the house for garbage, you plopped yourself in front of your window and sighed. You thought about Damien and his smile, the way his green eyes filled with humor when you made a stupid joke, his face was absolutely- okay so it's safe to say that you had a small no wait, huge crush on Damien. You were so lost in though about him that you didn't notice the dark figure creeping up behind you. The figure placed a white sweet scented rag on your mouth and you gave into the fruity scented darkness it welcomed. 

        So you know when I said it was a normal day in your life? Yeah scratch that it was absolutely not normal and pretty crazy. So you were captured by the Injustice League, yay for you. You were brought to an old run down warehouse (Villains and their warehouses am I right?). The Injustice league new you had a connection to Robin and the rest of the Bat-family from creepily stalking the Bat-bros. They had purposely created a distraction so you wouldn't be hanging out with them. You fell right into their little trap when you were staring out into space, thinking about your little crush on the newest Boy Wonder. You watched as they set up a camera, making sure it played all over Gotham. Harley was holding it, winking at you every now and then. You would keep glaring at any villain who come near you. Scarecrow walked over, and you could see the red light on the camera indicating that it was playing. He stood behind you, resting a hand on your shoulder. You wanted so much to smack it away, and give a good sucker punch to each villains face, but of course that was impossible since you were tied to a chair....with chains and ropes. 

        "Stop glaring my dear. It's opening night and your the stare in the show!" Joker laughed. When you didn't stop, he turned towards the camera pointing a finger at hit. "You seeing this Batsy! She has your scowl! I think she has been spending to much time with the bat-boys. Time to turn that frown, upside down!" He said, flicking out a blade from his sleeve. He slid it lightly across your face, stopping at the corner of your mouth. "C'mon if you just stop glaring I won't have to do this. You don't want to look like me dear forever right? Even though it would be a big honor." He said lowly, pushing a piece of your (H/C) out of your face. You bit at his hand, making him flinch away and cackle loudly turning once again to the camera. "She's feisty and I like feisty. I might just keep her." 

        "Can we have some fun Mr. J? This is getting boring!" Harley complained, slouching her shoulder a bit. She wanted to beat the girl senseless and do her Puddin' proud. His mouth turned up every so slowly, a Grinch like smile raising his red lips and white cheeks. 

        "Why yes of course. Let's start with this!" He exclaimed, sending a hard slap to your face. That sent the villain's in a frenzy, taking it as their cue to smack punch kick and beat you. All the while you sat there staring at the camera. Biting your lip and keeping your screams to your head. You wouldn't give them that satisfactory. They were practically begging for you to scream. For you to beg for mercy, or even beg for death. As you were about to give in to the torture and scream, a bullet flew from a gun and hit the ceiling, stopping the murderous attacks on you. You looked up and smiled. There was the family you were hoping for. Super-hero's dressed in black, blue, yellow and red. The villains scattered away, seeing Red Hoods raised gun in the air. Harley had thrown the camera in the excitement to torture you, so she was also scattered. But, there was a tall green haired man creeping forward ever so slowly, a gleaming object whacked against his open palm. "You remember this don't you?" He asked, raising the object up. The super-hero's stopped in their tracks, glancing from the crowbar in his hand, to you tied to chair in front of him. You noticed the object too, remembering it from the story Jason told you. You started rocking back and forth, fear taking over your options. The bounced, landing right on the Joker's foot. He grunted, sending your his devious, murderous smile. "You my dear will need the same lesson that second Boy Wonder had. And you can guess the first lesson." He threatened bringing the crowbar down to your stomach. You spat out the blood in your mouth, keeping your grunts and screams in your head, along with a list of other words that would make even a sailor feel like a child. 

        "Stop it!" The Bat-siblings exclaimed, Red Hood practically screaming it. But, Batman stayed silent. He thought of you as his daughter, you were the only one who could rival the bat-glare. He already had one child die to this crazy lunatic. And he might just have another. Joker looked up from you, staring Red Hood straight in the eye. 

        "Now tell me dear, which one hurts the most? A- *Smack* B- *Smack* or-" He didn't get to finish his sentence before a punch and a kick sent him flying to the far wall, letting him sick down, the stupid evil grin plastered to his face. 

        "Get her to the cave now!" Batman yelled, nope he screamed it at Robin. Damien untied you, carrying your bloodied body to the cave. He studied your beautiful face, bruises covering it. It wouldn't be enough to say that he had a crush on you, he loved you. Seeing you being beaten tonight made his heart shatter, and although he will never admit it he let tears fall when carrying you into the cave. Damien screamed for Alfred, the butler running down the stairs and not even taking a second glance at you before getting to work immediately. By the time he was done, Damien had walked around the cave 120 times and the rest of the hero's were home. They watched Damien walk around the cave not bumping into anything, with his head down and hands behind his back. Alfred had proclaimed that you were going to live, letting the bat's (and birds) rest their shoulder. Damien was next to you in an instant, holding your hand and staring at you.

        You had woken up two day's later.Alfred made sure you were attending to at all times in case your stitches came out. Damien was with you every step you took, helping you walk and carrying heavy things. It had taken a while for everyone to go back to normal, and you weren't even sure they were normal.

        "Hey, (N/N)? Can...I.....Can I speak to you in the garden's?" A nervous and neck rubbing Damien asked you. You raised your eyebrow as you followed him to the garden. Damien was acting strange, he was getting tongue tied.  Pushing your thoughts aside, you focused on Damien who had brought you both to a bush of roses, there thorns protecting their royal ruby beauty's. He picked one, careful to avoid the thorns and turned towards you practically shoving it in your face. His hand was rubbing his neck again, a crimson red lighting up his face and ears. "W-will you go out w-with me?" Damien asked, a slight stutter in his tone. You blushed to, taking the thorn free rose and placing it behind your ears. Your smile was from ear to ear, rising your (S/C, skin color) cheeks.


        Did you enjoy this X Reader? 'Cause if you did then I will gladly make more because I don't really know how this one turned out. I put some light humor in the beginning to make it seem a little less dark but hey I have a morbid mind so yeah nothing can't be dark. Any way, suggestions are wanted and appreciated  (Don't forget you can suggest X Reader's too! Also if you wanted a one-shot about the bat-bros and the reader being the sister/brother you can suggest that too!) You should know my ratings by now. Ciao!

P.S Yeah this one is unedited too, surprise surprise. So if you see any mistakes blame my Laziness!

Bat-Family and Bat-Mom-(Batman)One ShotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora