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It's been six months since the fight with Blaine, and the Blood pack. Since then, we have rebuilt with a strong alliance with the Moon Goddess pack. Against Jason's wishes, we still have Blaine in custody, but Drake's fate was sealed. Those wolves that chose to, joined our pack with the condition, that they have thirty days to prove that they are worthy of joining. Some wolves simply opted to remain rogue, with the stipulation that they stayed off our lands. I suggested to Jason that we give them land, adjoining ours for them to call theirs. 

That's still a debate between him and myself. 

At the same time, Ashley and Devon became pregnant, and quickly got married. They welcomed a baby boy into the world, named Trevor. He looked just like my brother, and he had a knack for winding Devon when they played. 

Trevor and Kyle had decided to move on for a time. My parents were not thrilled with his decision, but he promised to come back. It was a tearful goodbye to say the least. Jason and I always told them they would be welcome no matter when they came back, and Devon did the like. 

My parents were thrilled when they became grandparents, that it was even sweeter when I announced my pregnancy. 

Though, I was worried about what Jason would say. 

Knocking on his office door, I heard a grunt from the other side. Poking my head in, I could see Jason buried up to his eyeballs in paperwork. 


Stopping, he ran his fingers through his messy hair. "It's okay, baby. Come in." 

"What's wrong?" 

A frustrated sigh left him. "I swear the paperwork never goes away," he complained. 

Sitting on his lap, I pushed the papers away from him. "Don't worry about that now. I have something to tell you, and I really want you to listen."

Sliding his arm across my lap, gently rubbing circles on my back, he seemed puzzled. "What's going on, baby?"  Taking a deep breath, I look him right in the eye, briefly seeing all the scenarios that will play out. Most of them bad. Pausing for a moment, I reconsider telling him. "Talk to me, honey. You're worrying me." 

"Promise you won't be upset with me?" 

I needed the reassurance from him before I divulged anything. "Of course, I won't be." 

"I'm...I'm pregnant!" I blurt out, covering my face. 

His eyes widen, and I immediately panic internally. "Oh my god!!" he exclaimed, picking me up, twirling me around. 

"You're happy?" I asked, stupidly. 

"Oh, baby, of course I am. I'm going to be a father. We're going to have pups!" Pausing, he looked me dead in the eye, realizing what I had said after I told him. "You thought I'd be upset that you're pregnant." Sheepishly, I nodded my head. " Kissing my lips tenderly, he smiled. "No, baby. I'm ecstatic, and I know my parents will love having pups to spoil. And you're parents, of course, they will." 

"I love you, Jason." 

"I love you, Dakota."

~2 years later~

"Jace, get your little behind over here, and pick up your toys!" I bellow at my son. 

He was outside playing with his father, who was whirling him around like an airplane; his favorite. He was always in awe of how strong his Daddy was. "Jason, help me here."

Looking over, he sees me, his again pregnant wife with a scowl on her face. "Alright buddy, you have to listen to Mom now. For both our sakes."

"I heard that!" I bellow back. 

Giggling at me, Jace went running past me into the house and started to clean up his toys. Jason came in momentarily afterward. Growling at him slightly, he smirked. Kissing my forehead, I felt a purr leave me. "How's my newest little one growing in there?" Kneeling down, he kissed my belly. 

"Doctor said she's growing just fine." 

Whipping his head up, I hadn't told him that I was carrying a girl. "She? It's a girl?!" 

A giggle left me,"Yes!" 

Standing, he bear hugged me but was careful not to squish my belly. "Oh, she's kicking." Grabbing his hand, I put it where I felt it. "Jace, come here, honey." 

Bashfully, he stopped at the doorway, thinking he was in trouble. "Yes, Mommy?"

"Come here, buddy. Put your hand on Mommy's belly." Jace picked his little hand up, and Jason adjusted his hand accordingly. "Feel that?"

"The baby in Mommy's belly!" he squealed. 

"And guess what buddy?" He looked at us inquisitively. "You're going to have a baby sister!" 

A loud squeal left him, and he started running around the room in happiness. 

Watching him made us laugh. "I guess he's happy about having a sister." 

"An understatement," Jason remarked. 

Going over to sit on the couch, it was the most comfortable place for me since my second pregnancy started. "Jace, come sit next to me for a minute." 

Calming down, he came right over, and plopped his little body down. "Yes, Mommy?"

"You're going to be a big brother now. I want you to make a promise, to both Daddy and I. Can you do that?" He started nodding his head furiously. "Promise me, and Daddy that you will always, and I mean always, protect your baby sister. No matter what happens. Can you do that for us?"

His little eyes lit up, and he got off the couch. Leaning down, he gently kissed my belly. "I promise to protect you, forever, sissy." 

Tears left my eyes hearing my son say that. Jason was proud of his son. 

As was I.

When the day comes that he becomes Alpha of this pack, I know he will follow in his father's footsteps. A great leader with courage, and conviction. I'm already proud of the wolf my son will become. 

Seeing my two boys, I knew that I was the luckiest woman in the world. 

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