Chapter 7

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"Dakota, wake up, baby," Jason's voice said. "We're home." 

Opening my eyes, I rubbed them so I could focus. He opened the door, and picked me up bridal style. The house was immense; this must be the pack house. It was three stories high, beautiful columns in front, gorgeous front granite front steps, and the front door was a perfectly cut mahogany entrance. It was overwhelming. 

"I can walk, Jason. It's okay," I sleepily said. 

"I got you, baby," he answered. 

Curling in closer to him, I closed my eyes again. Something soft hit my back, and I cuddled in closer. I felt warmth, and it roused me awake. 

Jumping out of bed, Jason looked at me strangely. "What's wrong?" 

"I'm not ready for this," I confessed. "Can I sleep in a different room?" 

Sighing, Jason got out of bed, half dressed, and led me down the hall to a guest room. It was fairly plain, but the furniture was elegant. "You can stay in here," he said, sighing. 

"Thank you," I whispered. 

He gave me a slight smile, and went back to his room. 

Crawling into the large bed, it felt empty, and cold. Covering my head with the comforter, my mind started racing. I was thinking about home, my parents, brothers. Tears fell. As much as I wanted to go home, I knew being with Jason was right; I just wasn't ready to share a bed with him. That would take time. The only way I could calm my mind was to think of Jason, and his warmth; I was lulled to sleep quickly. 

~the next morning~

A delightful smell woke me from my slumber. Smells like home. 

Getting up, my bags were in the room. Jason must have left them here early this morning. Digging through, I found my toothbrush. Padding into the bathroom, I looked at myself into the mirror. My hair was all over the place, and the bags under my eyes prominent. Jason will definitely find me repulsive; I hate mornings. 

Throwing my hair into a ponytail, I put my feet into comfy socks. Rubbing my eyes, I was careful not to run into anyone or anything. Maybe if I look gross on day one, Jason would send me back home. 

The smell of food just got stronger the closer I got to the kitchen. Upon entering the kitchen, there were several people sitting at the kitchen island chowing down. Jason included. Walking in, they all stopped and stared at me. 

Jason got up, swallowing what was in his mouth. "Good morning," he said. All I could do was smile at him. He ushered me to a stool next to him. The boys continued to eat once I was seated. "Are you hungry?"

Shrugging my shoulders, I wasn't sure. "Kinda," I whispered. 

There was a lady slinging the pancakes, bacon, and sausage. She was humming to herself; she looked a lot like Jason with her dark hair, and eyes. "You must be Dakota," she beamed. 

"Yes, I am," I replied. 

"I'm Jason's mother, Diedre. It's so nice to meet you, sweetheart. You are just the cutest little thing." She squeezed me in a hug, cutting off my oxygen. 

"Mom," Jason groaned. 

"And I'm Jason's father," another male voice boomed, "Anthony." He extended his hand, and I shook it. 

"Oh, stop it, Anthony. She'll be your daughter-in-law before you know it, may as well give her a hug. She's cute as a button." 

His father was a formidable specimen. He had lighter brown hair than Jason, and his wife. No less muscular than Jason, his features were chiseled. I was intimidated by him; the former Alpha. "You're the only daughter of Don Mayfield?" 

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