Chapter 21

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"What?!" Devon's voice made me turn. "I left Ashley at the pack house!" 

"It's started," Trevor said. 

"What? What exactly has started?!" Jason thundered at my brother. 


Devon roughly grabbed Trevor by the collar, throwing him against the wall. "And what about my mate?! Did you think that coming here was the best fucking idea?! Didn't you think for a moment that maybe those assholes you got away from followed you?!"

"That's enough, Devon." My father tried his hardest to rip him off Trevor, but to no avail. Devon was using all his Alpha strength. Jason stepped in, using all of his strength to pull my brothers apart.

Cars roughly pulling up caught all of our attention. Tearing the front door open, there were three vehicles. Two SUV's and a sedan. 

Piling out, everyone looked like they had been through the ringer. Jason rushed forward helping the survivors out of the cars. 

"Luna! Luna!" Layla and Landon yelled. 

Running toward them, I scooped them in my arms. "Are you guys alright?" Layla's little sobs racked through her tiny body. "Where's Tamara?" I asked.

"She-she's dead!" Landon exclaimed. 

My mother came forward and took them from me, handing Landon to my father. "We'll take them inside."

Standing up, I see Ashley and Devon in a warm embrace. Thankfully, Ashley made it out mostly unscathed. Willie was carrying a bloodied Anica into the house, while Andrew was carrying an unconscious Erika into the house while Mandy was sobbing, following them inside. Brian and Alexander trailed behind them, looking roughed up. 

Collapsing, I realize that perhaps this was the time I made my first bold move as Luna of this pack. My friends, and family have suffered enough. 

Everyone disappeared into the house which was my chance to make a move. Going into the sedan, the keys were left in the ignition. 

Starting it up, a knock on the window scared me. Trevor was standing there with his arms crossed. "What the hell do you think you're doing?" 

"I'm ending this." My short response was enough to make him growl. "Look at what's happening, Trevor. I will not allow this to go on." 

"Do you have any idea what will happen to Jason if you get killed? Or are you so stuck on being selfish that you would risk your life, and the life of your mate?!" Anger flared off my brother. He had a point, but I didn't know what else I could do. Calming himself, he took a deep breath. "Let's just go in the house, and come up with a plan." 

"You're right," I conceded. "I'm coming." 

Trevor turned on his heel to go back into the house. Taking a couple steps, I bolted away from him, keys in hand. Before I could start the car, the door ripped off, and blackness came over me. 


Voices were ringing in my head, as I woke.

"What the hell gave you the right to knock her out?"

"She was going to do something stupid--"

"That's not an excuse!" the voice growled. 

"Jason," I whispered, getting up from the bed. My head was pounding, I felt completely dizzy. "What happened?"

"Your brother decided he could hit you--"

"To bring her back into the house," Trevor finished. 

Rubbing my temples, their yelling was making my head hurt more. "Please, both of you, just shut up. My head hurts." 

"I'd like to speak to my mate, alone." Jason's tone was murderous, and I flinched. 

My parents, and brother left me alone in the room with Jason. Pausing at the door, Jason's back was to me, and I could hear him rumbling. When he turned, his eyes were pitch black. Obviously, I pissed him off, something serious. "I'm going to remain as calm as possible," he started, "so I put this question to you. Why did you try to run off?" 

Standing before him, I could see the fury in his features. I knew that I had to tread carefully when I answered his question. Breathing deep, I collected my thoughts. "I had the idea that if I were to give myself to this vampire. The only thing I could think of was to go to the pack house, and see if there was anyone left, maybe a member of the Blood Pack could take me to him--" Looking up, I stopped talking, immediately. His nostrils flared, fists clenched, and I could swear that his eyes were a deeper shade of black. "Jason, listen--"

"What the hell is wrong with you?" he boomed. "Do you know what will happen to me if you die?!" Flinching away, I backed up, falling on the bed. Softening his features, he knelt in front of me. Cupping my face, he pressed his forehead to mine, his minty breath fanning my face. "I'm sorry, baby. But you can't just go off, and be reckless." 

"I didn't know what else to do, Jase. This is going to cost too many lives. I don't want that. I don't want anyone else to get hurt. Tamara is dead, the twins--"

"Ssshh," he cooed, "it's alright. None of it is your fault." Wrapping his arms around me, I buried my face in his neck, and he breathed in my scent. "We'll figure this out. Together." 

"How will Andrew ever forgive me?"

Rubbing my back, I could tell that he wasn't quite sure how to answer me. Though it wasn't directly my fault she was killed, she was indirectly because of a vampire that seems to wants to get his hands on me. "We'll talk to him together. It wasn't your fault." 

Down the hall, we can hear arguing. My stomach clenches at the thought of having to tell my new pack that the reason the pack house was destroyed was because of me. The moment we step in, silence comes across all. 

Andrew looks distraught as he cradles the twins in his lap. "It all happened so fast," he whispered. 

"What happened?" Jason asked.

"From the moment we got back from here, they were waiting for us. Some were already dead. Others were still fighting. Not everyone was killed though."

"They took them?" I interjected. 

"Sadie was taken. Some of the warriors. The rest, Willie and I sent out on patrols like you had asked us to. We linked them to come here." Holding the twins closer, he looked up with teary eyes. "What did they want?"

Jason tensed next to me, knowing that I would spill my guts. "They wanted me. And me is what they're going to get." 

"Goddamnit, Dakota. We've been through this."

Pointing my finger at my brother, he could see the Luna rage in my eyes. "I will not sacrifice one more life in my pack. You want to be useful; instead of telling me I can't, tell me how I can."

"This is insane," my Dad interjected. "You cannot seriously consider sacrificing yourself. This pack needs you."

"Exactly, Dad. They need me to do what's best. Besides, I never said anything about not having a plan."

Everyone looked at me slightly confused, but I knew what I had to do.

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