Chapter 15

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Jason froze, staring at me. Disbelief all over his face. "What did you say?"

"" My lip was quivering as I spoke. The sheer look on Jason's face was enough for me to lose my emotional control. "I was afraid to tell you. I don't know what he is." 

"Was he in this house?" he gritted out. 

"No, of course not." Jason's anger was rising rapidly. Stepping back, I instantly regretted my decision to tell him. "Please don't be angry with me." 

Without a word, he stormed away from me upstairs. Frozen in place, I stood and sobbed my heart out. Everything that I worked for with Jason was gone. He didn't want me anymore. 

Forcing my legs, I went upstairs to see Diedre cleaning up broken ceramic, and glass. Honing further, there was slamming and the sound of wood being splintered. 

"What's going on?" Diedre asked, distressed. 

"Something personal between Jason, and I." 

My puffy, red face was the only thing anyone could see. Anthony came down the stairs, looking upset. "I don't know what happened, but you have to do something. He's uncontrollable." 

"Anthony, I think they had an argument--"

"Regardless, she is his mate. It's her duty as his mate, and Luna to subdue him."  Nodding, I walked past him. Gently he tugged on my arm. "If you need anything, mindlink me." 

Cautiously going upstairs, the sounds of destruction subsided. Holes in the walls, and dry wall were all over the place. For the first time in a long time, I was scared to face Jason. 

'How could she does this? Why wouldn't she tell me?'

"Jason?" I called out through the door. "Can I come in?"

All I got was silence. 

Carefully, pushing the door open, our whole room was destroyed. The dresser was splintered, the bed frame was broken, and even glass was broken on the window. Poking my nose around the room, I didn't see him. Closing the door behind me, a presence came behind me. 

Frozen in place, I almost mind linked Anthony. Rather, I went for the door knob again, when the door was slammed. Covering my face, I felt Jason's breath on my neck. Gathering my courage, I looked at Jason's arms. Veins were protruding. This was going to be ugly. 

"Why did you lie to me?" Jackson growled. 

"Jackson, I beg you, let me explain." 

Turning slowly, Jackson's eyes were pitch black. "Why should I? All you'll do is lie again." Reaching forward, I tried to touch him, but he recoiled. Pulling at his hair, he paced around the room. "Were you ever going to tell me?" His breathing was erratic. 

Dipping down, I knew one person who could help me. Viola. 

'Viola, help me, please.'

'Don't worry, I'm coming to help our mate.'

Switching to Viola, I could feel my eyes shift to gold. Viola was in charge now.

"Jackson," Viola said. 

He turned rapidly when he heard her voice. "Viola," he growled. "Why are you here?"

"Because you won't listen to Dakota." She growled. "She didn't lie to you." 

"She didn't tell me that her brother was alive!" he snarled. 

"Because she didn't know!" Viola snarled back. "Twelve years she thought he was dead. There has to be a reason he presented himself now!"

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