Chapter 3

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Jason POV

Oh my goddess, I do not want to be in this meeting anymore. It is never ending. Even my Beta and Third in Command were half asleep.

As I sit here in the meeting with the Moon Goddess pack, I wonder how Devon even came to be the Alpha. Not that he's not capable, but his pack needs some refining. I'll give him credit, for his age, he's doing well.

"So I think we could have a party. Mingle the packs together as a sign of our allegiance? Jason....?"

I was snapped from my thoughts by my beta, Willie, slapping my arm. "Oh...uh, yes. That would be fine. I'll let my pack know. Just call me with a time later on."

His father and former Alpha, Don Mayfield stood. "It's good to see you, Jason. Definitely been way too long," he extended his hand.

"Yes, sir. It has." Don was still the Alpha when I took over a couple years back. He gave Devon the title a few months ago, but I can see that Don still has a lot of say. "Devon," I say, extending my hand.

"Good to have you here, Jason," he said, shaking my hand. "I trust I'll hear from you later on?"

I nodded at him and headed toward the door. Willie opened it for me and a beautiful scent hit my nose immediately. The smell of honeysuckle and lilac. My wolf was pacing in my head. 'Mate,' my wolf, Jackson said.

There she was. A short little thing. Dirty blonde hair, curves in all the right places. Her skin was pale, but she had a rosy red tint to her cheeks. Holy shit! My mate is perfect.

"Mine!" I growled.

Her eyes widened and she took off up the stairs, leaving me behind.

Just as I went to chase after her, Devon put a hand on my chest stopping me. "What do you think you're doing?"

A growl erupted in my chest. "Mate," was the only word that left my mouth.

Devon's eyes widened. "My sister? Dakota? She's your mate?" His brows furrowed. Clearly, something was not right.

He looked to his parents momentarily; his mother had a worried look on her face. It looked like they were mind linking each other from the looks on their faces.

Taking a step forward, Devon stood in front of me blocking the stairs. "Let me see my mate!"

"I understand that she's your mate but my sister is not like other wolves. She won't accept you right away," Devon explained.

My fists were clenched, and my breathing was ragged. I controlled my wolf because I knew me beating up my mates brother was not a good way to start a relationship.  "I have a right to speak to my mate." My beta, Willie and third in command, Andrew flanked me, seeing my anger.

The former Luna, Karin stepped in front of me with a look of concern on her face. "There are some things you have to understand about our daughter, Alpha Morgan." She paused, a slight tear in her eye. "Dakota is not like other girls. she has never felt that she was a worthy wolf. To this day, she blames herself for the death of my eldest child, Trevor. He was killed by vampires when she was a girl and he died protecting her. Ever since then, she has never felt that she is worth anything, always feeling responsible for his death. We don't blame her, we never did. Trevor always protected her even when she was down on herself. As a wolf, she is incredibly small and so is her wolf. Even though she is the only daughter of an Alpha, Dakota never valued herself as such and has always been very sensitive."

My body relaxed some hearing what her mother had just said. How could my mate not think she was perfect in every way? The mere glimpse I got made me want to sweep her off her feet and make her Mrs. Morgan. Her dirty blonde hair. Her gorgeous emerald eyes. There is no way that she's not perfect. That was it. I had to find a way to make her believe that she was not only a worthy wolf, but a worthy mate.

I sighed deeply. "I still want to see my mate. I have a right to," I said.

Devon pinched the bridge of his nose in frustration. "Have you not heard one word any of us have said?"

"Watch your tone with me pup," I said through gritted teeth.

"You have to understand, she's not like other wolves-"

"She's mine! She belongs with me!" I bellowed.

"Dakota is my sister! And this is my house! Do not disrespect me!" Devon shouted.

In that moment, Dakota's mother and best friend ran up to her room to try to reason with her, mainly because I was losing my temper. Seeing her would calm me down, I think her mother knew that.

Don, Devon's father stepped in between us.. "Alright, that's enough. The both of you back off. I know my daughter, Alpha Morgan . She won't come right to you. Let us speak to her."

I let out a loud grunt. "Fine. I want this resolved!"

Slamming the front door shut, Willie and Andrew trailed behind me. "I don't think that went very well, Jase," Willie remarked.

"Oh shut up," I growled.

The three of us piled into our SUV, headed back to our pack. 

I'm not sure how much time passed before someone spoke up. "You need to relax, Jason," Andrew piped up. "She'll come around."

"How the hell do you know?"

"Because she's your mate," he replied.

What the hell did Andrew know, he didn't even have a mate yet. Who was he to tell me how mates behave. Right when I was about to say something back, my phone rang.

"Alpha Morgan here."

"It's Devon Mayfield."

"What's going on?"

There was a slight pause. "Look, she'll kill me for this but she went out on a run. If you want to get anywhere with her, try when she's out on her run. It's the only time that she feels anything."


"I warn you though, Morgan. Don't hurt my sister or-"

"Or what Mayfield? I wouldn't dream of hurting her. She's my mate."

He sighed audibly. "She won't be out for long. If you want to get somewhere with her, I suggest you go now."

"Thanks," I said.

I hadn't even realized that Willie pulled the car over, more than likely because he heard the conversation I was having with Devon. Looking over at Willie, he had a smirk on his face. "Go get her, man."

I exited the car and shifted into my wolf.

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