Chapter 10

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Jason is still beating on the door, and I'm ignoring him. In fear, I scrambled to the far side of the bed on the floor. Jackson had come out, I could tell by the way he was pounding on the door. 

"Dakota, please come out." 


"Answer me!" 

"I have nothing to say," I finally replied. 

"I beg you, please," he pleaded. His words seemed so sincere, but I wasn't sure if I could believe him. "Dakota, honey, please. Come out, I want to talk." 

Breathing deeply, I went to the door, considering opening it. I could still smell him on the other side, but I also smelled the faint smell of salt. He had been crying too. 

Opening the door, he was standing there, red faced, puffy eyes. In between there was a minor pause, which must have been when he went to throw on a pair of sweatpants. At the same time, I heard him yelling at Sadie, and forcing Andrew to remove his sister from his home. 

"Dakota," he breathed out. 

He took a step toward me, and I backed up. "Don't come near me." 

"Please let me explain," he begged. "I don't know why Sadie was in my bed; I swear to god." I crossed my arms; I wanted to believe him, but I know what his reputation was before we met. Girls were part of his daily life. He dropped to his knees. "Please, baby, don't leave me."

"Nothing can change what I saw, Jason." 

"Give me the chance to make it up to you, please." 

Thinking about it for a moment, I closed my eyes and considered the fact that we would both be miserable if I walked out. "You are going to have to really work to make me believe that you want to be with me."

A smile came across his face, "I will, baby. That's all I want, a chance to show you how much I care about you." 

"For now, I don't know what I want to do." 

Standing up, he took a step back. "Come to my room, let's talk." 

"No. If we're going to talk, I want to do it downstairs." 

"Okay, let me get dressed, and I'll meet you down there." 

He walked back to his room to finish getting dressed, while I ventured down to the living room. Plopping myself on the comfy couch, I was thinking of all the things I wanted to say to him. I wanted to say things that made him truly realize that I was not going to let him treat me this way. 

His stomping was coming closer, and I readied myself for our talk. 

Curling myself up into a ball, Jason walked up in a tight fitting white t-shirt, and straight leg jeans, with his motorcycle boots. Oh god, please stop being so attractive. 

He sat down rather close to me, but when I recoiled, he moved back to give me more room. "Why can't I sit near you?"

"I'm not ready for that, yet." 

Nodding, we started the talk. "I know what you saw, Dakota. And I have to tell you that Sadie means nothing to me. She's just the pack slut. Yes, we did have a...thing, but we don't associate anymore. I only put up with her because she's Andrew's sister." 

"Why was she naked in your bed?"

"She must have run here as her wolf; the gym door must have been open, and she snuck upstairs past everyone."

"No one else smelled her?"

"After a long training session, it's hard to pick up each others smell through the sweat." 

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