Chapter 17

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Perking up, he looked around the immediate vicinity. "Shit!" Anger boiled in my bones. "Willie, go left, Andrew, go right."

"Ronnie!" I screamed out.

"What? I'm over here," he said, coming out of Hot Topic.

A collective sigh of relief came through all of us. Jason mind linked Willie and Andrew, bringing them back. "Why didn't you say anything? You can't just walk away!" I scolded. He recoiled from me. Seeing his fear, I instantly regret yelling at him. "Oh, buddy, I'm sorry." Pulling him to me, I hugged him tightly. He understood why I was so angry. "Why don't we keep this to ourselves, okay?" I smoothed the hair away from his face. 

Holding onto him a we walked, I forgot how much bigger he was than me. I remember when he was little, he would cling to my legs if he didn't want to do something. I wonder if he would remember Trevor. He was so young when he died, only three. 

Everyone climbed into their respective cars, and we went back to the house. The ceremony was tomorrow, and I was not ready. Not that it could be postponed anymore, but I had a horrible feeling in my stomach. Things around us were quiet, too quiet. I could tell Jason was uneasy too, constantly tense. 

Arriving back at the pack house, we all piled out heading back inside. Things seemed to die some around the house. A lot of the pack members had already left. I could see favors made, tables set up, and Diedre was in the kitchen with my mother cooking for tomorrow. The smells coming from the stove were unbelievable. I guess they were going to make all the food. I hope they make enough. Jason eats enough to cover the pack.  

"Hi, honey," Mom beamed, still stirring the pot of food. "How did shopping go? Was your brother behaved?" Her ulterior motive.

My brother scooted past me going with the twins, shooting a pleading look at me. "He was a perfect angel," I lied. 

Narrowing her eyes at me, I think she knew I was fudging the truth for his benefit. "Dakota Mayfield, are you lying?" 

Putting my hand on my hip, I gave her an exacerbated look. "No, Mom. Believe it or not, he was well-behaved. Ask Jason." 

"Dakota isn't lying, Mrs. Mayfield. Ronnie was well-behaved, never left our sight," he lied. It was very hard not to smirk at him, watching him lie to my Mother was entertaining. 

As with me, she narrowed her eyes at him. "Being an Alpha, and also your house, I won't call you a liar." Her expression softened to a smile. "I'm glad he behaved for you." 

'You are a brilliant liar, baby' I linked him. A rumble came from his chest. 'Later' I said, with a wink. 

Kissing the mothers on their cheeks, Jason and I headed outside to relax a little. He went to rough house with the guys, while us girls sat under the tent watching them. Ronnie took a seat next to me, he didn't look to be in the mood to rough house with the guys. 

"Dak," he whispered, "is Trevor alive?"

Freezing in place, I didn't know how to answer. When I looked at my brother, I had to play dumb. "Buddy, Trevor was killed twelve years ago." 

His eyes drooped, "I swear I saw him while we were out." 

Pulling him close to me, I wrapped an arm around his shoulders. "I bet it was someone who looked like him. I hated lying to my little brother, but it was for the best. Kissing his hair line, I just had to keep this going until my family was gone. "Go hang out with the guys, bud. Relax a little." Resigning to my words, he sighed and jogged over to the others. 

From a distance, I saw Jason get a good look at Ronnie, how down he seemed suddenly. Rather than link him, I smiled at him. Immediately, Jason included my baby brother in what they were doing. My chest swelled with pride at how well he was treating my baby brother. Devon  came to sit besides me, I could see that he wanted to participate, but he always said he was too old for such things. 

"Devon, you realize that you're allowed to have fun."

'I'm too old,' he answered.

'Stop being such a stick in the mud.' 

Growling slightly at me, I started chuckling at him. Next thing, he jumped into the fun. I was so proud of him. 

Ashley called over to me, "How did you get him to do that?"

"I told him to stop being a stick in the mud," I teased. 

All us girls laughed in unison. 

"Ronnie, time to go. We're staying in the pack house," Mom called.  Jogging up, Ronnie was slightly roughed up, considering he was playing with the older guys. Patting his clothes off, she looked at him funny. "What have you been doing?"

"I encouraged him to hang out with Jason and them," I answered. 

Jason came up to my mother. "Mrs. Mayfield, you and the family are welcome to stay here. There's plenty of room." 

Devon came up next to him, "No, thanks, Jason." His tone was slightly hostile. 

"Devon Mayfield!" she gritted, in her Luna tone. "Thank you for the offer, Jason. Don and I will give you two your privacy." 

I cringed hearing my mother say those words. Good goddess, how embarrassing. My family, and former pack members filed out of the house. We hugged and kissed everyone, and we finally had the house to ourselves. 

Curling up on the couch, we found a movie to watch, Avengers. About ten minutes into it, we both fell sound asleep, cuddled into each other. 

Trevor POV

How stupid was I today? 

My baby brother caught sight of me. Panicking, I had to duck into a store. Smart kid, he followed. I'm surprised he remembers what I look like. He was only three when I disappeared. Good thing I know how to cover my tracks well. 

Seeing my sister be happy, even briefly, made me happy. Her mate seems to be a good wolf. Always on the alert. Chances are, she told him about me. His constant need to watch his surroundings wasn't just paranoia. 

When Ronnie made is reappearance, Dakota laid into him, as well she should. He needs to learn. Her regret was evident, but he understood. She lost enough in her life. 

Waiting until they were long gone, I left the area and got back as fast as I could. The sun didn't fry me, but it stung to be out in it too long. Halfway back, I smelled something familiar. 

Oh, no. 

"What do we have here?" a voice slithered. Growls, and snarls surrounded me. "Paying your sister a little visit, are we?" Drake hissed. 

Clenching my jaw, I was caught. "Stay away from her!" 

"That isn't for you to say." Blaine appeared. "She's mine." 

Drake looked at Blaine. "What should we do with him?" 

An evil smile showed, "Ah, my precious pet, you've done it now."

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