Chapter 20

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Mom rushed towards her son, but I stood in front of her. "Get out of my way, Dakota!"

"Mom, wait! Let me explain--"

"You knew about this?" Her voice quivered. Shaking my head, I dropped my eyes, not wanting to look at her. A sharp pain hit across my cheek.

"Karin!" my Father bellowed. 

Jason growled behind me. Moving my back towards him, he needed to stand down. "Let me explain, Mom." 

"How dare you keep this from me? How long have you known about this?" 

Trevor spoke up for me. "Mom, I know how this looks. I made her keep the secret." 

Covering her mouth, she held a sob. "Trevor, how could you?"

"Mom--" slapping me again, I could feel the anger radiating off her. 

"Enough, Mom!" Trevor yelled. 

Stepping back, my parents were shocked at how he spoke to them. Checking my face, Trevor gave me a soft smile as if to say he was sorry. 

Looking back to Jason, I could see his Alpha anger flaring off him. "Calm, down, Jase. Please." Rubbing his arms, his body softened at my touch. "You have to invite Trevor into the house."

"And my friend, Kyle," Trevor added. 

Coming forward, Kyle bowed in respect to Jason, and I. "I promise I intend no harm towards you, or your pack. If you deem me unsuitable, I'll wait out here--"

"Stop," I started. Lifting him by his arms, I could see scars on his neck, and shoulders. His eyes remained trained on the ground. Tilting his chin up, I could see fear in his blue eyes.  "You will be welcome into our home." A smile came across his pale skinned face. Turning my attention back to my family, my mother couldn't bring herself to look at me. My father wasn't sure how to feel; I could see the conflict in his features. "Jason, as Alpha of this pack, you must be the one to invite them in." 

Nodding at me, Jason knew how important this was to me. "I, Jason Morgan, of the Black Forest Pack, do invite you, Trevor Mayfield and Kyle--"


"Kyle Howard, into our home." 

Extending his hand, Trevor looked to Jason. "Thank you for inviting us into your home. Also, thank you for taking care of my sister." 

Reaching for my phone, I looked to them both. "I'm going to call Devon." 

Walking past both my parents, I could feel their stares on me. How was I going to tell Devon that his big brother was back? As it is, my parents are beyond furious at me for not telling them that Trevor was alive. It's not like I had been keeping this secret for years; he just presented himself to me a few weeks ago. Deep breath. 

"Dakota," my father's voice sounded. 


He stalked toward me. "You had better tell me the truth this minute. How long have you known that Trevor was alive?"

His Alpha tone made me flinch. "I swear to you, Dad. I've only known for a couple weeks. He begged me not to say anything. I wasn't about to break that promise to him." Squarely looking him in the eye, he knew I was being truthful. 

Cupping my cheek, my father let a lone tear fall from his eye. Kissing my forehead, he took my phone from me. "I'll call your brother. See to your mother."

Dad took my phone and went into the living room. Coming back to my mother, she was walking into the house, with Jason in front, and Trevor next to her. Kyle was in tow. 

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