Chapter 16

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"What? Are you sure?" 

Handing me the letter, I sat down with it. "Rather, I think you should read it, without me."

Standing up, he tried to walk out when I grabbed his hand. "Don't. Please."

 Squeezing my hand, he kissed my hair. "I'll be right outside." 

Leaving me alone with the letter, I hesitated to read it. I can't imagine what it has to say. 


I can't believe it's been twelve years since we've seen each other. I'm proud of the wolf you have become. Strong, like Dad. Smart, like Mom. This may surprise you, but I've been keeping a close on eye on you for the last few years. After the attack, I stayed away because I was scared that if you saw me, then you would run away. Now that you have your mate, I thought it would be a good time to present myself. If anything happens to me, he will protect you. 

I'm sure you're wondering why I wrote this letter to you. 

In a nutshell, I wanted to tell you what happened to me after the attack. First, and foremost, it was not your fault. Not one ounce of it. You did exactly as I told you. What happened was simply fated by the Moon Goddess. 

We were targeted because the vampire in question, Blaine, smelled you. I'm still not sure, to this day, what about your scent attracted him. I spent a great deal of time after to figure it out, and still haven't. 

As far as where I've been, I can't tell you. I have already taken a serious chance with your life coming to you the times I did. Given that your life has changed so much, and you're mated to an Alpha, I had a feeling that it was a good time now. I beg you though, please don't tell Mom and Dad. They wouldn't understand why I haven't come home. There is no way that I can now. I always said that I would protect you, and I've done the best I can from the shadows. 

I don't know when you will see me again. Hopefully, it will be soon. 

Lastly, I don't think I can express to you how happy and proud I am of the wolf you have become. You're a Luna now, and you have a responsibility to your pack. If the time comes that I can show myself again, I promise I will. 

Until that time, please stay safe and be good. 

I love you, Dak. 

Your brother, 


Reading the letter made tears fall from my eyes. 


'Jason' I mindlink.

Bursting into the office, Jason looks concerned based on my tone through the link. "What happened? What did it say?"

Mindlessly, I hand him the letter, allowing him to read it. "Oh, baby." He knelt down next to me. "Are you alright?" He was wiping tears from my eyes. 

"I...I don't know." I dropped my head in my hands. "Years he's been watching me. Years!" 

Crushing me to his body, I calmed feeling his warmth. "You read what he said. It was dangerous to show himself. I'm sure it still is." 

Something occurred to me that hadn't a minute ago. "Jason, if he was a wolf and a vampire bit him, what exactly is he?"

"There have been reports of hybrids, but nothing has ever been substantiated." Seeing my face made Jason sad. He wanted to break the silence, but he wasn't sure how. It took him a couple minutes to collect himself. "Hey, why don't we go back out, and get some food in you? I'm Andrew could use a break from those twins." I chuckled slightly. 

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