Chp. 74 "Aftermath"

Start from the beginning

Roger shrugged, “They don’t know yet, but when Pearce was killed everyone began coming clean about the truth. They’re going to shut the place down for a while until they find someone suitable, but until then we don’t have to worry about anything.”

I nodded, “So no more bad guys?”

Roger smiled weakly, “No more bad guys.”

I looked at Roger and Henson, smiling, “For now.”

They laughed slightly, and then Roger sighed, “Andrea, we have a position for you and Avery. You two could work here, we already consider you Agents. It would be up to you two if you would want.”

I had figured this day would come eventually, where I would be asked to join the force, but I wasn’t sure if it was something I wanted. I had talked to Avery about it once, but I never really got a straight answer out of her about it.

Me on the other hand, I wasn’t sure if this is what I wanted. But maybe it would be best, considering I would be the most valuable agent considering my condition. I was a Healer, what else was I going to do with my life if I never grew old?

I couldn’t just sit at home planting flowers and watching TV show re-runs; I would want to do something for the rest of eternity.

I shrugged, “I… I don’t know.”

Henson sipped his coffee as Roger spoke, “If you didn’t want to we would understand, we just wanted to run it by you.”

Henson looked at me, eyeing me as if he had something important to say. He leaned back in his chair and questioned me, “Andrea, what are you thinking about?”

I was currently thinking about me and Avery, and how we had wanted ot go to school together and just live a normal life. At least that’s what I wanted, but I wasn’t sure about Avery. Maybe once she found out her dad was working here she would want to work here too, but I just didn’t want that.

I wanted normal, but I couldn’t have it.

“How much I just want to have a normal life,” the response exited my mouth without giving me time to think about it. I had never reveled this to Roger, but I had told Henson about how I had wanted a normal life. I wanted to grow old, travel the world, and face life the normal way I had been exposed to.

I didn’t want to live forever.

Henson looked at Roger and then at me, folding his hands on the table as he leaned forward again, “Andrea, me and some other doctors have been doing some research. I believe there’s something you might want to see.”

He stood then, and Roger and I followed him quickly into the elevator that brought us to the floor that held the Lab. I was confused, but I was excited at the same time because for some reason I felt as if good news lied ahead for me.

Which was something I desperately needed right now.

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