| Twelve |

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Craig's P.O.V.

The last few days were quite refreshing.
It was like all drama was over and even though I'm still not Tweek's lover, just staying by his side as a friend was enough.
I was still not sure about my feelings and it was new for me to feel this kind of thing for a boy, so the first thing I had to do was accept myself.
Sure was, that I liked Tweek more than a friend. Kinda. Maybe. Somehow.

Anyway, Clyde was always sitting alone, which was sort of funny me. Though I did seen him with a black-haired boy from time to time. I still had Token and Tweek, my best friends. Of course, I still regretted my choice of words at that time and I wish I could go back, but luckily Tweek forgave me. He still wasn't really over Clyde though.

But, today something was off. Tweek was acting weird. He didn't want to talk to anybody and just stared holes in the air.
Token and I tried to cheer him up, but he rejected the thought of a conversation. Something was definitely on his mind.
I was surprised, when I unlocked my phone and saw a message of Tweek there.

Tweeky❤: We need to talk.

Me: why?

Tweeky❤: Please, Craig. Meet me 11 pm. at Stark's Pond. And you better be on time. This is IMPORTANT.

Me: k. I'll see you there. And I won't mess up again, promise🙌

Tweeky❤: 💕:)

I tried to reply as cool as possible but actually, I was screaming inside.. Was this like.. A love confession?! No, I had to confess this time. I clenched my fist together and already picked out my outfit for this evening.

• • •

It was now 10.30 pm. and I was looking at myself in the mirror. I admit, I was looking pretty good. A white T-shirt under a checked black-grey shirt and ripped, blue pants. As I put my blue hat on, I climbed through my window and jumped down. The fall was.. Long.
"Aergh!", a weird noise came out of my mouth when I landed.
I shook my head and stormed to Stark's Pond. I had a little present for Tweek, I smiled while holding it it in my hands.

As I arrived, I saw Tweek's blonde hair from the distance and his face staring at the water.

Tweek!", I yelled and waved. He quickly turned around smiled. I could feel, something was wrong with him. It was a broken smile.

I took a seat a seat next to him and he sighed.
"Why did you wanted to meet?"
"Look.. Craig, t-there's something I n-need to tell y-you.."
My cheeks flushed red.
It was a confession, wasn't it?
"Me too, Tweek..", I mumbled.
He stared at me and said:"Me first!"
I quietly nodded.

"Okay, y-you see.. My parents have this coffee s-shop. And it got p-popular and that real f-fast. So n-now.. They d-decided to.. M-m-move to Denver..."
My eyes widened.
"Oh.. Tweek.. It must be hard for you to live alone. You can live with me! Don't worry, I'll take good care of you."

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