Chapter 22

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"Did Hyungwon really say that? For real?" Jooheon, also known as the "Food God" asked with his usual nasal tone.

The best friend of his, Changkyun, bit his lip and nodded. "Yes, he kept asking me about Kihyun and Wonho in a way he rarely is. You know? Posessivly with a sense of bitterness." The detailed analyzer assured while looking down into the wooden table.

Jooheon stuffed a fork with spaghetti wrapped around it into his mouth and opened it to talk while chewing. "For real? Sounds quite dangerous with him behaving like this?"

"Yes." Changkyun quietly mumbled, refusing to look up, aware of that he'd have to meet the sight of the rests of Jooheon's meal being chewed wide open in the boy's mouth. The one thing or habit the best friend didn't find as charming as the rest of him. It straight up disgusted Changkyun and sometimes he wondered if the two of them were mentally 10 years apart.

Jooheon just shrugged and continued eating, seeming unbothered by it all despite the younger's concerns.

"Listen-" Changkyun demanded, twitching his eyes as if he truly was scared. "I'm sure Hyungwon will do something that is not like him. I do not know what or how but according to the behaving patterns that he's been following the last days and the things that has slipped through his lips, he will do literally anything to get in between you know who." He whispered in order to prevent any of the guys and girls surrounding them in the afterschool hang out place from hearing what he had just said.

Pushing his bowl of spaghetti to the side, Jooheon stretched out his hand over the table, nodding at it. "Give me your phone, Changkyun." He demanded.

The confused brunette didn't ask why, instead he faithfully handed the Samsung device over and watched his friend unlock it with ease. They knew each others pin-codes by heart. How typhical of best friends.
Jooheon found Changkyun's chat convo with their friend Hyungwon in the blink of an eye and opened it. Patiently, he scrolled down the bright display.

After a couple of minutes, he put the phone down and returned it to its owner. Jooheon just shook his head. "Isn't it obvious? Hyungwon likes Wonho." He sighed.

"We can't just let them all turn against each other though. And...We're gonna do what about it?" Changkyun quietly asked with a worried face. He just couldn't stand fights or anyone hurting, emotionally or physically. Such kidness is rare.

"Nothing!" Jooheon chuckled, adjusting the jeans cap that had been hiding his slanted eyes all along. "We are peace keepers, right? That's our role, my friend. This is not our fight."


"Saturday, 30th July. Diary, did you know? Kihyun told me that we should take a so called break. It's been almost two months now and I'm sorry for not writing before but this has taken its damage on me.

I think I have always fleed from who I am. This is making it more obvious. How I never talk, don't actually have energy and is just lonely. I know I've always been this way but I always wanted to believe I was the opposite. Leaving myself alone with myself makes me realize, I'm not. Am I talking too much about my internal feelings? I'll stop.

What really happens outside of these walls of mine? Everything. Everything is happening but I'm not there. I'm here by myself. Won't anybody join me at lunch? Not anymore.
The others sits without me now, including Kihyun. I can't wait for this to be over because maybe then...Maybe everything would become normal again. I know it never will, I know that. But maybe I could see that boy's smile again. The bright smile of the boy I love. Then maybe it would be different. It wouldn't be the same as before but different for sure. Then maybe everything would get a little bit better.
-Minhyuk ❀❀❀❀❀"

The writer lowered his ironically pink pencil as he stared at the text he had just covered the pages of the book with. As the days had passed, Minhyuk had started to write very short poems to forget how slow the time went by. Eventually, he had become pretty good at it. As his dark eyes studied the diary entry, he came to realize: He was actually good at writing.

The unfamiliar thought made him confused and frustrated which caused his diary to end up at the floor somewhere. Closing his eyes, Minhyuk could recall all the past weeks struggles. How many times he had cried, wondering what he ever did wrong, wondering why he had to feel this way. It wasn't like him but it still had happened somehow.

As he gazed out through the window, he could see the mild yet cold rays of sunshine shine against him despite the late hour. The sun was fascinately still up even during the evening during summer.

The green grass that had seeked its way up from underbeneath the ground reminded Minhyuk of the thousand times he would find himself laying next to Kihyun on the ground of his yard. Suffocating from laughter. Laughter caused by nothing in particular. Maybe it was because his own eyes blinked at different times which Kihyun found hilarous or because Kihyun's dimples showing below his eyes was just too funny or maybe it wasn't because of any of that. It might have just been because of them. Because joy and laughter doesn't need a reason to be sometimes.

The notification signal of Minhyuk's phone interrupted his nostalgic thoughts and he hated himself for letting his heart throb as he read the text message. The text was delivered under Kihyun's name.
"Come over tomorrow. I have a new idea for the contest. Sorry about this break thing btw. Missed you♡"

Minhyuk swallowed as he slowly typed a short reply saying that he'd come. Had Kihyun missed him? Even though nothing would ever become as it used to be, it'd be different from now on. And maybe if he could see the bright smile again of the boy he loved, everything would get a little bit better. Minhyuk grinned a little bit by himself, feeling the weight on his shoulders lift. "Just maybe." He thought.

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