Chapter 2

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Minhyuk threw his sketchbook along with his colourful pencil-case at the fake grass as he threw his own body onto the ground as well.
He laughed loudly, rolling around on the ground.

"You're way too enthustiastic about this." Kihyun commented while watching the other boy whoms smile was too contagious, causing himself to smile.

"I'm always enthusiastic! It's sunny and...I just feel great!" Minhyuk yelled and pointed at the ground, signaling Kihyun to lay down beside him.

Kihyun who was carrying his new camera carefully laid down next to Minhyuk who never seemed to stop smiling.
He studied the camera with his eyes squinting from the strong sun rays that warmed his skin and searched its way into his eyes. It had a lot of buttons that Kihyun had never seen before on his old polaroid camera.

While Kihyun played with his camera, Minhyuk grabbed his sketchbook and pencil-case. The pencil-case had lots of stickers attached to it. There was a frog, rabbit, bear, dog, wolf, tiger and hamster.

Kihyun put his camera aside and switched position to lay on his stomach. He grabbed the decorated pencil-case and immediately removed the hamster sticker from it.
"This shouldn't be here!" He groaned as he attached the sticker next to the dog. "I belong next to you."

Minhyuk giggled and slapped Kihyun lightly. "Stop saying that! People might think we're gay!" He whispered, still smiling as he snatched the pencil-case back.

Kihyun couldn't help but burst out in laughter as usual. "It's not real friendship if people don't mistake you for dating."

"Shut up already!" Minhyuk yelled as he opened the sketchbook but ended up laughing so hard that he couldn't breathe.

The two boys eventually stopped laughing after some minutes. They just laid there on the empty footballs field with their eyes closed under the heating sun.
It was perfectly quiet beside some other students chatting in the distance.

"I love you, bro." Kihyun suddenly said without opening his eyes.

"I know, you said that earlier today." Minhyuk smiled.

"Aren't you going to say it back?"

"No, that's gay."

"...Guess I'm gay then." Kihyun sighed with a serious tone.

Minhyuk shrugged. "Bruh, are you serious?"

"No, I'm not!" Kihyun giggled in a response. "I just love you."

Minhyuk rolled his eyes as he started sketching something in his sketchbook. "Fine but I won't fuck you even for money."

"Immature ass, as if I'd ever ask you to." Kihyun snorted, watching how the lines in Minhyuk's sketchbook took shapes.

"I'd report you for underage prostitution." Minhyuk replied.

"Do you even know what that means? You're like 13." Kihyun asked, sighing at Minhyuk's stupidity.

"Yes, I do and I'm 16 in November, excuse you." The young artist snorted without interuppting his pencil strokes.

"Yeah yeah, don't act high just because you're some weeks older than me. Anyways, what are you drawing?" Kihyun asked curiously while fishing up his phone from his pocket. He scrolled through his playlist to find something to break the silence with.

"It's a daisy. I remember you taking a photo of one so I used the photo as a reference. It actually helps a lot." Minhyuk replied, handing a polaroid photo of a daisy to his friend that he had been hiding in his pencil-case.

Kihyun studied the photo and then at the sketch. "It looks good." He simply implied. "I can take more photos of flowers as references for you if you like drawing those."

Minhyuk nodded and smiled. "That'd be great! Thank you."

"No need to thank me. It's what friends do right?" Kihyun said as he touched the display of his phone to play the chosen song.

"I really like this one." He said as the smooth piano tunes filled the air followed by soft rapping.

"Me too! It's Exy, right?" Minhyuk asked with an enthustiastic voice. "It's called Love Therapy I think..."

"Yeah, featuring Zia. It's super nice and light. Perfect for a day like this." Kihyun nodded along with the rhythm.

"You music nerd." Minhyuk teased.

"Yes, I'm a nerd." Kihyun confidentily replied.

"You're my lovely nerd."

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