Chapter 15

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"I think this is turning out good." Minhyuk mumbled, holding up his many drawings in the sunlight to study them from every possible angle. "It really takes a lot of time though."

"Yeah...Hard work pays off in the end though." Kihyun mumbled back, struggling with adjusting the lightning in his photos to match it with previous shots of the drawings to not make it look messed up when being turned into an actual movie. Kind of.

"I wonder who else will take part in our category of the competition. What do you think?" Minhyuk wondered, trying to initiate a conversion, returning back to the blank papers on the desk to continue with the craving project.

"Hmm..." Kihyun started, pouting as he thought. "Jungkook? In grade 7. Probably teaming up with that Taejung. Taehyung? Yeah. He's in 8th grade I think. Yoongi mentioned them. Not sure though." He rambled.

"Oh, I thought you were more sure as the student concil president but I guess that's good enough. They're good, if I remember right." Minhyuk recalled, remembering the art club he was once a part of but decided to quit.

"Yes, they are." Kihyun sighed. "Hopefully we'll win anyway, right?"


The time passed with ease and without neither of them noticing, being sucked up by their little project. How typical of artists. As if swallowed by their work, the sound of a librarian tellling them to get out woke them up.

"It's time for us to close the local. Be kind to walk out through the exit."

"What?" Minhyuk asked who hadn't heard what the woman said.

The librarian cleared her throat and repeated once again. "We are closing the library right now. You unfortunately will have to leave as quickly as possible."

"Why is that?" Minhyuk spitted back.

"Sir, the time is 6 PM."


"She's right. Let's get going." Kihyun added, collecting the messy papers and putting them neatly in Minhyuk's folder which he handed together with the thick pencil case with stickers on it. He hanged his camera around his neck in its strap and excused them both to the woman who had asked them to leave before shoving Minhyuk in front of him to force him out through the exit.

As they walked out through the door, they noticed how the sky was still clear and not dark at all which was a relief. Making their way to the busstation, they "coincidentally" spotted Wonho by the sporthall.

Minhyuk tried to walk faster but Kihyun insisted to talk to his boyfriend, dragging Minhyuk with him.

"Oh! Hello you two. What's up?" The short boy greeted with a bright smile making Kihyun's cheeks to turn red as tomatoes and his mouth's corners to tilt up, forming an awkward smile on his face.

"We were just heading home after working on our animation project at the library." He replied, glancing at Minhyuk who nodded as an answer. "And...You?"

Wonho chuckled his usual deep chuckle that could make almost anyone melt. "I'm here for my weekly kendo training. I thought Shownu would join me too but the time is already 10 minutes past 6PM." He sighed. "I still have time until 7PM so it's fine actually. When does your bus arrive?"

"8PM so we have time too! Should we wait here with you?" Kihyun asked kindly.

"That'd be great!"

Minhyuk just rolled his eyes, aware of that it was way too late to convince Kihyun to leave once he had decided to stay so he just sat down on the bench that was placed outside of the door to the sporthall without even being asked to.

Kihyun sat down next to him and Wonho insisted to sit in between of them to any price, shoving Minhyuk to the side.
"How come your bus arrives so late?" He casually asked, focusing fully on Kihyun.

"You know, we live relatively far away from here. The buses going there are few." Kihyun kindly explained.

"Yeah, unlike you, living in the middle of town. City rat." Minhyuk mumbled, recieving a mean look from Kihyun.

Wonho just brushed the comment off without showing any sign of getting offended. Instead he pet Minhyuk's head, messing up his hair.
"Calm down, child." He joked, making Kihyun giggle.

"Don't touch me."

"Minhyuk, what's wrong with you? Stop being so unpolite. I know you're not like this." Kihyun frowned, giving him a sharp glare from the other side of the bench.

"Nothing. I just want to home." He lied, looking away. He didn't even know why he was put in a bad mood whenever others hanged with them, especially Wonho. Maybe he was just a very jealous friend. What a pity.

"Don't worry! I'm sure you'll feel better after a good night's sleep, right?" Wonho brightly suggested, ignoring Minhyuk's negative aura.

Kihyun nodded. "Exactly, no need to be upset for nothing." He added, getting a simple groan as a response, most likely meaning "okay."

It didn't take many times of casual chatting between Wonho and Kihyun before they got interrupted by the familiar voice saying "Hi, what's going on here?"

Wonho turnt around, facing his fellow kendo club member. "Shownu! I'm glad you're finally here. These two just happened to pass by so they waited here with me until you'd come." He answered with ease, pointing at Minhyuk on his right side and Kihyun on his left side of the bench.

Shownu responded with a short "Mhm", being the quiet type of kid he was. Not because he didn't like talking, he just avoided saying anything unecessary as you could never know the outcome of it, he had explained in the past.

Grabbing the tall, thin case containing his sword, Wonho rose from where he sat to say goodbye and enter the sporthall. "It was nice seeing you guys, have a good evening!" He said, waving while following Shownu who was already walking towards the door.

"See you! I...I love you!" Kihyun yelled, feeling himself being awkward and pretty embarrassing but that was nothing Wonho cared about. "I love you too!" He just yelled back with his normal bright smile pasted on his face, making Minhyuk feel like vomiting, watching the whole scene take place in front of his eyes but then again: He had no reason to feel jealous. Not a single one.

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