Chapter 20

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With her tan hand, Bora pushed back her dark bangs followed by a deep sigh. The little brother's words had been quite heavy and hard for her to comprehend, leaving her wordless, not sure of what to say at all. The habit of touching her hair all the time was getting to the young girl as she twirled a strand of hair around her finger in nervousity.

Minhyuk swallowed, looking down at the floor. "Are you mad?" He asked.

"No! I just..." Bora pouted, trying to figure out how to place her words on her tongue. "First off, I really feel bad for you. Having a crush on a friend is really hard. Secondly, it was quite unexpected to discover you were- queer??" She rambled.

"I'm not queer I guess something like this just happened but I just want it to stop." Minhyuk replied in an upset tone, scratching the back of his head. "I hoped writing diary would help me get closer to my feelings to be able to get over them." He continued.

"That sounds more complex than it should be but hey, maybe he likes you back?" Bora suggested with a smile on her face.

Minhyuk shook his head and frowned. "No. He has a boyfriend actually. It's Wonho." He hopelessly stated, feeling how his mood got worse and worse the more he talked about the whole situation.

"Now that's a lot of gays." His big sister giggled. Joking at not so suitable times was her speciality and it showed once again. Minhyuk shrugged it off very quickly and Bora cleared her throat to make one last attempt to cheer him up and said "That's bad but don't give up! Positivity is what we live off in this family." Messing up Minhyuk's ruffled hair.

He nodded and rose from the couch and started walking towards the door. "Thank you, Bora. I feel better."

"Where are you going?" Bora asked with a confused expression on her face.

Slipping on his sandals, Minhyuk opened the door to go outside. "I think...I'm going to Kihyun's house. Our art project is still not done."

Bora jumped up from the couch and reached out her hand. "Wait! I can drive you there." She offered.

"Would you really do that?" Minhyuk asked with a surprised voice, unused to his sister doing anything for him like that.

"Of course, now get your stuff little one, the sister taxi don't wait forever!" Bora convinced with a smile, pointing towards the stairs as she watched Minhyuk's face lit up. He excitedly sprinted up the stairs to bring his backpack and hurried to stuff it with all kinds of things.

Up there, he searched up a notepad he got for his birthday last year that was yet to be filled with messy scribbles. The case containing ink pencils in warm and cold shades also attracted his eye and the whole kit of watercolour items just screamed for him along with a bottle of water. Being an artist was draining. Hydration was important.

The mountain consisting of everything from what had expanded to apples, rubbers and rulers all got forced into the full backpack which Minhyuk proudly took on. It was heavy but he suddenly felt great and so there was no problem for him to run down the stairs where Bora stood, ready to go.

The darker shade of red on her lips told that she had quickly thrown on make up in the meantime as careful with looks as she was. "Let's go then." She said and walked out the door with Minhyuk following her closely.

As soon as they had entered the black vehicle and attached the seatbelts, the dressed up Bora pressed the pedal and drove along the thin road with a little too much of speed. At first, the ride was silent and stiff until the confident driver turnt on the radio. The soft tunes of some new pop song that neither of them kept up with flowed from the speakers and seeked its way into their ears.

"This is weird." Minhyuk finally said, pouting as he stared at the road in front of his eyes.


"I don't know what I'm doing anymore. One second I'm sad and hopeless and the other, I'm suddenly positive and believe this friend actually likes me. Everything feels messed up." He continued with an empty tone in his voice. "I don't really know what to do and there is still about 2 months left to that stupid art contest." The moody boy muttered, not getting along with his own feelings.

"All you can do is keep going. Only time can tell what will happen next." Bora shortly replied, focused on not driving off the road.

Leaving space for thought, the rest of the ride remained silent until the little blue van parked on the road below the tiny grey house belonging to the Yoo family.

Jumping out of the car, Minhyuk waved goodbye to his sister, mouthing "Thank you" for her to see through the dirty window glass. As his frain hand left two knocks on the wooden door, steps could be heard from the inside until Kihyun himself opened it.

"Minhyuk? Why...are you here?" The confused boy in the doorframe asked.

"I just wondered if you wanted to continue working on the art project if that's okay?" Minhyuk answered, turning around quickly to show off the bag he had packed full of supplies for a week.

Kihyun nodded and held up the door to let his friend in the house. "Sure."

After slipping off his shoes, Minhyuk followed him into the livingroom where they both sat down in the black couch of leather. The mouintain of packing got spread out on the tiny table in front of them one by one until there was almost no space left. While Minhyuk did that, Kihyun took the chance to fish up a couple of polaroids that had been laying in his pocket for quite some days. They all had the motive of different flowers which he recognized from the field where he had lead Minhyuk just a month or so ago.

Leaning over to the side, Kihyun patted his guest on the shoulder to gain his attention as he held the polaroids in a steady grip for him to see. "Minhyuk, look. I wanted to give you these."

Minhyuk turnt his head around to face Kihyun and looked right into his eyes by accident. Their gazes met, realizing that their faces were maybe just a bit too close. Minhyuk prayed that his now red cheeks wouldn't be that noticable and for a second, he thought he could hint a slight blush on Kihyun's cheeks too.

"HEY! What's going on?!" A familiar voice suddenly yelled from behind, making both of them go stiff. It was Wonho.
"Minhyuk, what are you doing? Here?!" He yelled, confused and upset about how close the kiddo was to his boyfriend.

"What are you doing here?!" Minhyuk threw the question back, shocked by the classmate's sudden appearance.

That was when Kihyun aggressivly rose from where he sat, giving both of the boys a death glare that would make anyone fall silent, even them. "Wonho, I told you to go home. Why were you still here?"

"I don't know, I-" The redhead started defending himself before Kihyun interrupted him.

"Never mind." He sighed. "Go home, please."


"Go home." Kihyun demanded once again, making his boyfriend leave with a weird look on his face as he closed the door.

"Sorry about that, Minhyuk. I thought he had gone home already...I just didn't want you two to fight." He excused.

Minhyuk shook his head. "Don't worry. I didn't mind." Deep inside, he did mind but chose to pretend none of it had happened. For now.

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