Chapter 29

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The neon pink ring drawn around the number 11 in Minhyuk's calender made his stomach twist, realizing only 2 days remained until the art contest that had been waiting for them for so long.
He swallowed and felt the feeling of failure take over though the contest hadn't even taken place yet.

Kihyun who stood right beside him attempted to pat the taller one's shoulder in comfort. "We'll do well for sure. I'm in the judging panel after all." He assured and itched his neck, meaning his confidence was not the best at the moment. The duo had decided to make a cheap scrapbook collage instead of the original plan. The pictures in the book were polaroids with only different kinds of flowers as the motive, taken by Kihyun. Minhyuk had written to it in rainbow colours and drawn doodles here and there as a quick solution. It wasn't the most professional piece but  both of them were fairly satisfied.

Minhyuk huffed and walked over to his bed placed on the other side of the room where he laid down and closed his eyes. "Do you think Wonho is angry by the way?" He asked, switching topic drastically.

Kihyun shrugged. "Honestly...No. I called him and told him about- us. Apparently he just felt the same way as me. Who I am worried for though is Hyungwon."


"Changkyun texted me several times and said that Hyungwon acts crazily jealous and I cannot deny that I have noticed it." The short boy implied, choosing his words carefully as he tossed back and fourth in the small room. "I don't know if I should apologize to him. I don't want to make things even more dramatical."

Minhyuk made a disgusted face as he rolled over on his stomach, watching Kihyun guilt-tripping himself in circles. "No! Of course not! Let it be. I'm sure he'll get over it as soon as he gets to know about you and- Wonho." He assured, sounding quite convincing. Jumping up from the bed, he wrapped his long arms around Kihyun's tiny body, stopping it from walking a mile by now. It felt strange since Minhyuk hugged Kihyun as his...boyfriend this time. Boyfriend. How silly sounding. Yet, Minhyuk loved it. He loved every second with Kihyun in his embrace.
"Don't worry, Kihyun."



The horrific sound of shattering glass echoed in the fairly naked room. No paintings or posters covered the light blue walls. Only a bed, closet and writing desk filled up the empty void between the low roof and wooden floor. By the toes of two big feet laid the sharp pieces of a broken porcelain vase painted in blue. The rubble was stained in blood.

"Why am I like this?" The voice belonging to the owner of the feet mumbled. "I really am horrible." As the boy glanced towards his dark window, he could see his reflection in the glass staring back at him. The thick and distinct eyebrows, bangs parted in two, the plump, dry lips and big, gloomy eyes. He. Chae Hyungwon.

He fell to his knees and watched the mobile phone with broken glass that he had just thrown with disappointing eyes. He knew he was dangerous when he was angry and it made him even more angry, knowing it was all caused by jealousy. "Stupid. So stupid." Hyungwon repeated with a dry tone as he lit up the cracked device's screen and read through the messages sent and delivered just an hour ago.

Hyungwon...I don't know if you're sleeping or so but I wanted to tell you that I'm sorry for partly freezing you out lately. I know that you care a lot about me and I feel the same. However- Kihyun and I broke up so I hope that everything will be back to normal maybe? You know I never meant to hurt you and I'm certain you didn't mean to hurt either me or Kihyun.
Sincerely sorry.

I was horrible. Don't apologize.

The more Hyungwon thought about it, the more he felt guilty. All this time, he had been trying to ruin his best friends relationship. Act like a whole brat. He had behaved like a...not a friend at least and now, Wonho apologizes to HIM.

Yes, Wonho had always been the kindest of people. Always blaming himself to protect others. An angel. Why couldn't Hyungwon be the same? Why was he so selfish and jealous?
Almost drowning in self-hatred, someone knocked on the door. Before he could open, Changkyun revealed himself in the doorframe and stepped in.

"Hello, Hyungwon." He formally greeted and kneeled down. "What's this for?" The black haired visitor calmly asked in a rethorical manner, pointing at the mess before Hyungwon's feet. "Really, you need to stop being so dramatic." Changkyun sighed and before Hyungwon knew it, he had already cleant up it all. It wasn't the first time.

Sitting down beside Hyungwon, he sighed and threw with his head, making his long bangs reveal a bit of his eyes.
"You don't have to say anything. I knew this would happen. One way or another. I know you, Hyungwon."

"...I don't even want to know how you predict things and know what's happening without anyone telling you." Hyungwon mumbled, knowing that his friend was indeed very smart after all. "What should I do then?"

Changkyun gave an immediate answer without any hesitation. "You got jealous of Wonho and Kihyun's relation because you like Wonho, tried to destruct their bond by painting out Kihyun to be horrible somehow, then got a backlash from Minhyuk who holds Kihyun close to his heart. Well? What do you think you should do, Hyungwon?"

Both of them went quiet and the question was not responded so Changkyun threw with his head once again and turnt his head to look at the boy next to him. His eyes were sharp and determined like the ones belonging to a wolf and Hyungwon couldn't avoid them. "Apologize. Don't sit here pitying yourself. Apologize." Changkyun repeated, placing his hand on Hyungwon's shoulder who just nodded gloomily.

"I know that you're right. I will." Hyugwon sighed. "I will do it after the art contest on Monday..." He added.

"It's not that hard y'know. You knew I was right all along, silly." The younger one chuckled lightly as he ruffled Hyungwon's messy hair.

"You're always right."

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