Chapter 7

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The sun stood at its highest point when Minhyuk and Kihyun finally parked their bikes behind the little school painted in a faint, pear-green shade.

The yard was vast and looked pretty abandoned but the boys spotted the stand where people attached posters and announcements pretty fast where they immediately rushed.

Kihyun ran his fingers over the tall wooden board with all kinds of papers pasted on it until he finally spotted a purple one.
He started reading the headline followed by more detailed descriptions printed in black.
"Major Art Contest...blah blah art, music, blah-"

"Read properly, I don't understand anything!" Minhyuk complained, stomping his feet in frustration.

Kihyun rolled his eyes. "It's in August so there isn't too much information yet. Basically, you can attend any type of art but you have to do it in the category where your type of work belongs. The competition will be in teams of two. Ain't that great?" He rambled.

Minhyuk let out a loud sigh. "Perfect...Do you have any ideas though?" He asked, sitting down on the bench placed next to the board.
Kihyun sat down beside him, itching the back of his head.

"Not exactly I guess but we shouldn't do something we don't master. Like potraits." Kihyun finally answered.

Just as they sat there on the bench, rolling wheels of a skateboard could be heard in the distance.
Minhyuk squinted his eyes to see what was going on.

He could immediately tell that the three figures approaching them were indeed the "sk8ter boi", as he wanted to call himself, Changkyun, rolling on his worn-out skateboard with his bestfriend Jooheon walking beside him, carrying a speaker, blasting Avril Lavigne as loud as he possibly could. Next to him, the tall boy Hyungwon walked, looking unbothered by the loud music but also not amused.

Kihyun raised his hand in a greeting, waving at the other boys who all belonged in the same class as him and Mihyuk.

Jooheon carefully lowered the volume of his stereo, putting it down beside the bench where Kihyun and Minhyuk sat.
Changkyun jumped off his black skateboard with a green print, matching his overall clothing in terms of colour scheme while Hyungwon just stood there, quiet as usual when hanging out without Wonho who apparently wasn't present.

"What are you doing here on a weekend, ya geeks?" Changkyun asked, chuckling lightly.

"Checking out the upcoming art contest." Kihyun answered without hesitation, obviously disturbed by the boy's music choice ranging from metal and punk to rock ballads.

"Cool...I guess?" Changkyun slowly said, not that impressed by Kihyun's answer. Himself, he rather enjoyed skating or jamming to loud music which he did every hour of the day.

"Yeah but anyway-" Kihyun started. "Where is Shownu and Wonho? I thought you guys alway sticked together." He asked, avoiding the topic.

Hyungwon cleared his throat, opening his mouth for the first time since arriving. "Wonho is sick and home. Showu is at his dance class." The black haired boy shortly said with his raspy voice.

Kihyun rolled his eyes. "Sure...Sick, huh? Betting 10 dollars on that Wonho is laying on his bed playing video games as we speak."

Hyungwon chuckled, adjusting his round glasses. "You nailed it."

"I can't believe he ditched us!" Minhyuk bursted out. "At least Shownu is doing something productive."

"Turn the saltiness down." Changkyun gave Minhyuk a deadly glare, cutting through the now silent air.

Jooheon started to feel anxious, adjusting his snapback and stomping his feet. He finally decided to break through the awkward silence.
"Um guys! I wrote these new lyrics for Mirror by Bruno Mars and Lil Wayne...I wondered if you wanted to try singing it with me?" The light haired boy carefully suggested as he pulled out two papers with lyrics printed on it.

"I don't sing, Jooheon." Kihyun sighed.
Minhyuk nodded. "Me neither."
"I don't quite have the right voice either." Hyungwon added. "Sorry, Honey bee."

Jooheon pouted in disappointment. He really worked hard on his lyrics and rapping which wasn't the best yet but was rapidly improving. He lowered the papers, ready to put them back into his pocket but Changkyun who had noticed Jooheon's hurt behavior stopped him.

"Can we share the rap-lines?" Changkyun quickly asked, half-yelling. He really wanted Jooheon to feel loved and this was the least thing he could do. "Let me look at the lyrics." He demanded, snatching the papers which made Jooheon's face light up once again.

Kihyun and Minhyuk looked at each other and then nodded as if they had a psychic conversation.
"Jooheon, we'd like to try the vocal parts." Minhyuk said.

"Cool! You can share paper with Changkyun." Jooheon rejoiced.

Hyungwon sighed, glancing over Changkyun's shoulder to read the lyrics. "I guess I have no choice but to join as well."

Jooheon happily put a CD that he fished up from the bag hanging on his shoulder into the stereo containing the instrumentals of the song.
"Changkyun, you'll rap this part." He instructed. "Minhyuk can start singing all the vocal parts okay?"

Minhyuk nodded. As the music started to flow from the speakers, Jooheon started rapping in a half-crappy rhythm.

Minhyuk forced out some average tones during the chorus but it didn't really work. As the song came to an end, Minhyuk shook his head. "That was pretty hard. Hyungwon can try next."

So the process repeated itself and Hyungwon, just like Minhyuk had a hard time pulling off the song.
He handed the task over to Kihyun who pulled off the notes without effort.

"Bruh...That was amazing." Jooheon slowly said, facing Kihyun. Changkyun nodded.

"Thanks, too bad I don't enjoy singing." Kihyun replied.

"Yes it really is. Anyway, thank you guys for the help! I have stuff to improve so...see you around!" Jooheon suddenly said, picking up his stereo in a steady grip, marching away.

"Gosh, that was...weird. Sometimes I wonder if Honey is on crack or something." Hyungwon sloppily said, looking and sounding naturally drugged himself.

Changkyun shook his head. "Jooheon would never take drugs. Do you even know him?" He defended his friend.

"You're too kind, Changkyun...It was a joke." Hyungwon sighed, patting the shorter guy's shoulder.

Changkyun really couldn't hurt a fly but shrugged off the comment as if nothing had happened.
"Whatever, see you around." He shortly said, skating away as fast as he could.

Hyungwon shrugged, shaking his head. "My parents owns a flower store."

"And?" Minhyuk asked bluntly who had just been watching the intense conversation in silence.

"I know you guys enjoy flowers...Drawing and photography. That kind of stuff so I thought you'd might get some inspiration for the art contest?" Hyungwon carefully suggested.

"Right! That'd be great." Kihyun answered. "I really want to do something with flowers for this project." He excitely said, facing Minhyuk who nodded.

Hyungwon cracked a smile. "I'll meet you two up here tomorrow then." He joyfully said, happy to be useful for once which he rately felt like he was, sleeping or napping the majority of the time.

"Yeah! Let's get moving, shall we? I need to buy new watercoulours." Minhyuk answered, getting up from the bench. "Do you want to follow us?" He asked Hyungwon.

"Um..." Hyungwon hesitated, yawning. "Sure, I need to get out more anyway."

"Okay cool, let's go immediately!" Kihyun said who had brought his and Minhyuk's bike while the other two were talking.
"Time is money y'know."

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