Chapter 13

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The blinding rays of sunshine that slipped in through the curtains forced Minhyuk's eyes to open though his eyelids felt like they were made of steel. Rolling down on the floor from the bed with no screech following, the tired one slowly opened his eyes, greeting the sunlight with a disgusted face.

His head ached, probably from staying up way too late the last week. He couldn't figure out why that was though. Reaching for the phone lying on the floor, Minhyuk disconnected the charger to check his possible notifications. Four. Unlocking the display, the notifications showed up, unveiling a disappointing sight.
Two were reminders from the library, telling him to return his lended book, one was from his mom, wondering if he had gotten up yet and the last one...A snap from Kihyun?

Minhyuk blinked at the yellow bar, now fully awake. He hesitated to tap on the icon but his curiosity couldn't be helped. Kihyun hadn't contacted him a single time since the party as the easter holidays had started right after. They were usually together during every holiday but this time, not at all.

As Minhyuk's thumb hit the button, his mood sank immediately. Here he was, hoping his best friend would actually care to contact him but it was just a picture he probably sent to everyone in his contact list of him and Wonho hugging. The blurry picture made Minhyuk throw his phone onto his bed in frustration.

"Why am I like this?" He groaned to himself, knowing no one else was home at the moment. Crawling up from the floor, he started dressing up and just the thought of Kihyun and Wonho being together without him made him feel sick. Really, he knew jealousy was not a good option, in fact, he should be happy that Kihyun...had...a boyfriend. Supposedly. Hopefully. Not. It was a crazy scenario but what else was going on between them if not a relationship. You just don't kiss a less close friend and spend the holiday with them WITHOUT your best friend?

The thoughts flew accross every corner of Minhyuk's mind and he barely even noticed how he completed his morning routine automatically, including dressing up, making his bed and brushing his teeth as well as washing up. He had become very good at multitasking when wanting to.

After stuffing his soar throat with a burnt toast, the literal walking cloud just dumped down on the wine red coach that stood in the livingroom downstairs with a deep sigh. He really felt and was lonely. Pressing the home button once again, the disappointing sight of 0 notifications hit Minhyuk. At that exact moment, his phone started vibrating. Hyungwon was calling him. Minhyuk rolled his eyes before sliding the green button to pick up. He actually thought Hyungwon was a bit annoying. Not that he yelled and talked non-stop. He was a control freak kinda. That guy wanted to know everything. What was it this time?

"Yes, Minhyuk speaking. What do you want, frog face?" Minhyuk asked carelessly.

"I just wanted to ask you if you wanted to join us at the local café." Hyungwon answered, unbothered by the insulting nickname.

"Why would I?"

"Kihyun and Wonho are here."

Minhyuk sighed. He decided that the best would be to keep an eye on the two so he rolled his eyes and replied with a groaning sound, sounding like a yes before getting up from the coach, walking towards the hallway. Quickly throwing on a simple flannel because of the mild weather, he was ready to go pretty soon.

The road was relatively long to walk to the supposed café and Minhyuk had to walk for a good 20 minutes before getting there. The sight along the walk wasn't very exciting. Just trees and trees and streets. The normal.

When entering the café, he immediately noticed how the atmosphere became stiff as soon as he sat down next to Hyungwon who looked anxious in a way, having Wonho and Kihyun in front of them being all lovey-dovey.

Minhyuk thought for awhile, figuring out what to say. "You're such a cute couple!" He suddenly said, cracking a fake smile. No one noticed it was fake. He was in fact not certain about if Kihyun and Wonho were an actual couple now and questions needed indirect answers. Minhyuk wanted to know more and the only way was to manipulate his way to getting answers, something he had become very good at, experiencing a childhood rich of betrayal, disappointment and loneliness. He knew how to get what he wanted without people finding his ways suspicious. Without people being able to see through his bright image. That was manipulation in its purest form.

"Really? Thank you Minhyuk!" Wonho smiled, revealing all of his incredibly white teeth which could make anyone jealous.
"Okay, I confirmed they're a couple." Minhyuk thought before playing his next card. "You're welcome! What have you been doing this holiday?"

Kihyun finished his cup of hot chocolate before answering. "We've been hanging out together. And you?"

"Nothing. I was working on our stop motion movie, ha ha." Minhyuk answered, not showing a sign of bitterness.

Kihyun nodded. "Good job."

"So he feels no guilt. Okay." Minhyuk took short notes, concluding one thing after the other. Hyungwon on the other hand only seemed anxious about the whole situation. At least on the outside and as the meet up came to an end, all of them started moving. Hyungwon got on a bus to head back at home and so, only Minhyuk and the fresh off the bench couple were left there alone. It was an awkward situation.

"I will go home now." Minhyuk said, waiting for Kihyun to respond with the usual "I'll follow you." But that never came. Instead he got no response at all and just watched the couple walk away until their backs were just two squares in the distance. Minhyuk let out, for sure the 15th sigh so far this day as he made a U-turn, walking back home alone. Again.

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