Chapter 11

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The clinking sound of bottles being dumped on a table could be heard meters away.
Shownu, a well-built teen, had carried two bags of alcohol all on his own and now he just stood there in the basement of Changkyun's house. It was already Friday and so the party that Wonho had decided to throw was only hours away by now.
"It's generous of you to let us hold the party here." Shownu said, facing Changkyun who sat on the couch to the side.

"Yeah...You're welcome, bro." Changkyun quietly mumbled as an answer. In fact, Changkyun wasn't allowed to have parties but he didn't tell anyone about it since the worst thing he knew was saying "No".
The guy was way too kind despite his baddass image. In reality, the boy felt slightly sick, knowing that he was actually not allowed to drink at all but now he had let his friends come to his house and pretty much invite the whole school, a rough overexaggeration.

Wonho was the next person to make an entrance into the sulky basement together with Jooheon who took a seat in the couch.
"Are Minhyuk and Kihyun here yet?" Wonho asked as soon as he closed the door behind himself, throwing a bag of cheeseballs to Changkyun who catched it in the air.

Changkyun shrugged and nodded at Shownu, expecting an answer from him.
"No. Why do you care?" Shownu blurted out, uncareful about asking straight out like that.

"Just wondering." Wonho answered shortly, dumping down on the couch as well, covering most of its space.
"Should I wake him up or-" He slowly asked, throwing a glance on Hyungwon who looked almost dead in the corner with his thin limbs all stretched out. The tall beauty dozed off wherever he went. It wasn't insomnia, he in fact just got very exhausted from the smallest thing. It was because of his weak heart caused by the lack of fat on his limbs, most supposed.
"I'm awake." Hyungwon cut off Wonho's question in a scarily woke voice. "I was conscious all along so don't even think about bad mouthing me." He groaned, changing to a sitting position on the thick mattress.

"Good morning!" Wonho chuckled, cracking one of his warm grins at Hyungwon who didn't answer nor make any attempts of standing up either.

Shownu suddenly pulled out a blue mini bulb strand and threw the tangled mess at Hyungwon.
"Go hang it up somewhere. You too, Jooheon." He ordered the younger ones out of nowhere.

Hyungwon and Jooheon sighed, grabbing the "strands" in frustration. "Why me?" Hyungwon muttered, way less willing to do this than Jooheon who still wasn't up for it, under his breath, quiet enough to slip from the others ears.

Just as the silence started to fill up the room, the door opened with slight aggression in 120 degrees.
There stood Minhyuk whoms face wasn't the brightest in the room. Next to him stood Kihyun who didn't look either happy or upset at the moment. Both of them stepped into the basement space.

"Hi!" Wonho greeted, flashing another smile while waving at Kihyun who waved back.

"Aren't you gonna wave to me too?" Minhyuk groaned, nailing his sharp gaze into Wonho's puppy-looking eyes.

Wonho just laughed. "Wow, chill dude! You just seemed to have a bad day so I thought you wouldn't be in the mood to wave." He explained, sounding pretty dumb in Minhyuk's opinion.

"My day is going GREAT, thank you." He sarcastically responded. He walked up to the couch where the other boys sat and gestured them to make place for him. Kihyun as well tried to find a place in the couch but ended up sitting at the floor.

Changkyun immediately broke the silence that once again started to root in the atmosphere. "Um...How is the art project going?" He asked carefully, glancing at Minhyuk who now sat next to him.

Minhyuk sighed. "I started inking the first pages but seriously...stop-motion requires A TON of pictures. I wrote the whole storyline the other day though. Plus, SOMEONE hasn't made their contribution yet also known as taking the photos for it."

"Excuse me, I thought it'd be better to wait until we had all the drawings." Kihyun pointed out, aware of who he was indirectly referring to.

Changkyun felt pressured, feeling the tension in the room that Minhyuk had brought with him. "Please don't fight..."

"Yeah, nevermind. Glad I'm not the one sitting on the floor." Minhyuk cut off to avoid the petty argument.

"No one has to sit on the floor." Wonho interrupted, rising from his seat. "You can take it." He said, looking at Kihyun who nodded.

Hyungwon who was still attaching decorations on the walls looked back to see what was happening. Unlike Jooheon who had put on a pair of headphones, closing off from the rest of the world, he payed attention to the ongoing converstion and didn't like how Wonho didn't pay as much attention as usual to him.

"What's really so special about Kihyun?" He asked himself quietly. "Wonho can't just snatch others best friends and replace me like that, right? What an asshole. Right?" The thoughts spinned around in Hyungwon's skull throughout the whole evening but not a single word slipped through his lips. That was what he usually was like. Careful with what he said since he knew everything he said could be turnt against him.

Wonho stared at the clock hanging on the wall with excitement sparkling in his eyes. The time was almost 8 at this point which meant that the party would start. The unpleasant tension had eventually faded away and everyone was getting along at the moment.
Wonho was happy when others were happy but sad when others were sad. That was just what he was like.

Just as the pointer passed 8, a slight knocking sound could be heard on the basement door. Changkyun got up to open it and greet the first guest.

"Hello there!" The girl in the door frame waved kindly and flashed a smile. Her dark, shoulder lengthened hair rested on her shoulders and her nails were perfectly done.

"Why are you here, Bora?!" Minhyuk almost choked on the coke can he was currently sipping from, seeing the girl who just entered the room.

Bora sat down on the couch where Minhyuk had taken up almost all the space by laying down, leaving the others with no other choice than stand up or sit on the floor.
"I wanted to look after you maybe? Isn't that what big sisters are supposed to do?" She grinned, showing off her bright smile, extrenely similar to Minhyuk's.

"Yeah, yeah...Thanks." Minhyuk mumbled as an answer.
Bora was a few years older than the other boys and often volunteered when being asked to drive them to requested destination. She even helped his little brother, Minhyuk, to snuck out sometimes. They were very alike. No thoughts about consequences but very kind in the end.

The older female who was fancily dressed in black from top to toe pulled out a rose gold coloured iphone from her pencil-skirts tight pocket. Her fingers danced over the bright display in an incredible speed.

"What are you doing?" Changkyun asked, hesitating.

"Inviting my friends, duh!" Bora answered, laughing one of those nasal teenage girl laughters.

None of the boys dared to question her. As a 19 year old, she was like an adult to them and was respected regardless of her childish behaviour.

After a couple of silent minutes, Bora finally finished her texting session.
"This party won't be dead at least! Don't worry guys, I invited girls your age too." She smiled and winked. None of them looked very intrested.

Kihyun who had found a spot to sit on a box, got up to fill a bowl with the cheese balls that Wonho had brought and placed it on the table. He proceeded to open his mouth to comment about how Hyungwon looked like he was sleeping with his eyes open but got interrupted by the door getting slammed up. The girls in the door frame were Bora's older girl friends who they were all familiar with since before. Hyolyn, Dasom and Soyu who were all about Bora's age.

Hyolyn, the shortest out of the four, walked into the room with her high heels making sounds everytime she took a step. The other two followed her with bright smiles covering their faces.

"Turn on the music, boys!" Hyolyn rejoiced, nodding at Shownu who politely did so and soon the beats from the early 2010's could be heard.

Hyungwon got up from the floor with some encouragement from Jooheon who had finally disconnected his dear headphones. The tall one went to turn off the lights and turn on the light strands on Hyolyn's order.

Wonho smiled brightly. He was very excited in comparison to the other guys and was clapping his hands in joy like a little 7 year old.
"The party can finally start!"

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