Chapter 9

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"Kihyun, I think I have crippling depression." Minhyuk sighed from where he laid on the wooden floor in his bedroom. He had all his four limbs stretched out.

Kihyun shook his head. "Stop being so edgy. You sound like a memer on google+."

"Am I not?" Minhyuk ironically asked.

Kihyun snorted at the, what he considered, ridiculous question.
"I'm unfriending you immediately if that's the tragic truth."

"Leave immediately." Minhyuk hissed, trying to suffocate a laughter that almost escaped his lips.

"Okay, I didn't need your weed smoking ass anyway." Kihyun spitted.

"NO STOP RIGHT THERE, YOU KNOW I LOVE YOU BRO!" Minhyuk suddenly yelled at Kihyun's cold comment, throwing a backpack on him.

"Okay, okay! Don't throw your stinky bag on me though...stinky." Kihyun wheezed.

"Love hurts." Minhyuk mumbled and went completely quiet as he was now leaning against the wall with Kihyun's camera in his hands.
He scrolled through the pictures one by one in silence.

Kihyun crawled to his side to look at the pictures as well. He leaned against Minhyuk's shoulder who didn't protest for once.

"I look fine here." Minhyuk giggled as he got to a picture taken of his own back at a beach in the sunset.
"I had no idea you took this."

"It's transferred from my old camera! It's pretty old but it's...Nice. I mean the scenery, you just happened to be there." Kihyun quickly added.
He clicked away the picture, slightly flustered.

"That's me too!" Minhyuk gasped, observing the close-up of his own, glossy, sleeping face.
"Admit I'm photogenic already." He bumped his elbow into Kihyun's side lightly with a proud grin on his face.

Kihyun rolled his eyes and sighed. He snatched the camera from Minhyuk and clicked away the picture once again. "Sure, shut up now...More importantly-"

"What could possibly be more important than my face?" Minhyuk interrupted making Kihyun sigh for probably the fourth time already.

"The art contest." Kihyun simply stated, pointing to the flower pot holding the peacefully light green ivy standing on Minhyuk's messy desk.

Minhyuk nodded and rose from his sitting position, walking up to the desk.
He opened a drawer and fished up a tiny bag of what looked like children's stickers. Pasting two eye-stickers on one of the ivy's leafs, he picked the whole plant up and held it in the sky as in that one scene in The Lion King.


"It's art! Isn't my son beautiful?" Minhyuk asked in a very loud voice, still holding the poor plant in the air.

"Wow yes, let's just bring this plant to the art competition like hello this is our son, he's art and he's a plant." Kihyun said sarcastically, rolling his eyes.

Minhyuk faced him and nodded furiously with excitement in his eyes.

Kihyun sighed, now deeper than ever before which was followed by silence.
After about a minute, he lit up the display on his phone to search through his phonebook.
He found the number he was searching for and pressed the "call" button.

Minhyuk who now laid on his 90 centimetres wide bed, observed his friend, wondering what he was plotting this time.

As the call was dialing, Kihyun put the speaker on so that the repeating "beep" sounds could be heard loud and clear.

"Hello?" A familiar voice greeted from the phone.

"Hi, Wonho. It's Kihyun."

"I feel lucky that you even typed in my number, what's up?"

"Can you come over? I'm at Minhyuk's house."

"Man , that's kinda gay though."

"Shut up, you're gay. Just come over."

"Okay, okay."

After about 30 minutes, a slim, well-built teen in Minhyuk and Kihyun's age walked into the tiny bedroom where the two friends sat in separate corners, playing with their phones.

Kihyun raised his small hand in a greeting towards the boy in the doorframe who dumped the sports trunk he carried on the floor.
"Hey, Wonho!"

The brown haired handsome boy cracked a big smile which could've made anyone fall in love at first sight.
"Hello there!"

Hoseok walked up to Minhyuk's narrow bed and sat down at it, glancing at Minhyuk who sat on the floor in the right corner and then at Kihyun who sat on the chair placed in front of a writing desk on his left side.

"Why did you even invite him?!" Minhyuk bluntly asked, pointing at Wonho who didn't seem to feel hurt by the direct comment.

"Oh- yeah, well...I thought he could help us maybe? Since you are not helping that much." Kihyun explained, giving the plant with stickers as eyes a mean look.

"Um, excuse me BUT-" Minhyuk raised his fist in rage but got interrupted by Hoseok who cut him off. "What exactly do you need help with?" He asked in confusion.

"We're attending the school's art contest but we don't know what to do. I thought you'd have at least some suggestions." Kihyun explained in detail.

Wonho nodded and itched his neck.
"Hmm...I don't know?? Art isn't really my strong side."

Minhyuk sighed and banged his head into the wall. "He so useless, oh my god, can I kick him out?"

Kihyun shook his head. "Don't be so rude."


While the two boys bickered, Wonho got up and studied the plant that Minhyuk had placed on the floor in front of him. Unnoticed, he brought another plant that stood in the window and put it next to the ivy with eyes.

He quietly snatched the little bag of stickers and pasted two plastic eye stickers, similar to the ones Minhyuk had used before and pasted them on the leaves of the other plant.

Neither Minhyuk or Kihyun noticed since they were too busy with arguing until Wonho lifted up the two plants, standing up. "A movie. Make a movie about living plants like these. A stop-motion movie with drawings."

All of them went completely silent, processing the idea.

"That's actually brilliant. Let's go!" Minhyuk yelled in joy.

Kihyun nodded at Minhyuk. "It could work. I could take the photos and you draw the actual comic? It'll take a lot of photos and time as well as supplies but I'm up for it."

"See, I'm a genius!" Wonho stood up and striked a pose, winking as the proud person he was most of the time.

Minhyuk rolled his eyes at Wonho's comment while Kihyun seemed to find it funny since he was quietly giggling from his side of the room as Wonho striked yet another sassy pose.

"Okay, now get out of my house." Minhyuk hissed.

Wonho grabbed his trunk and walked towards the bedroom's door with quick, overdone steps.. "Fine! I see that's how it is, I thought we were friends!" He gasped dramatically before slamming the door behind him. His steps could be heard loud and clear down the stairs followed by the deep chuckling that never seemed to stop.

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