Chapter 8

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Minhyuk let his eyes wander over the tall shelves, stuffed with everything from cactuses, roses and violets to exotic, gigantic plants. His eyes sparkled from the exciting sight.

"Minhyuk! Don't run away like that!" Kihyun yelled, catching his breath as he stood in the doorframe, exhausted from trying to catch up with Minhyuk who had sprinted as fast as possible into the huge flower store.

"It's cool, right?" Hyungwon stated without asking Kihyun who stood beside him.
Unlike Kihyun, the thin-limbed boy showed no sign of exhaustion. That was not because he was a good runner but because he walked there instead.
He didn't run but laziness ran in his blood.

Minhyuk nodded from afar, busy making quick sketches of a basket stuffed with yellow sunflowers.
"This is paradise." He mumbled, not expecting anyone to listen.

"This place is huge. Are your parents rich or something?" Kihyun asked sarcastically, studying the location with walls taller than trees.

Hyungwon chuckled as they slowly started walking in Minhyuk's direction.

Kihyun patted Minhyuk's shoulder where he stood, absent from this world.
Minhyuk shrugged by his touch.
"Isn't this great?" He asked, gesturing against the endless number of aisles.

Kihyun nodded. "It really is! I'm going to look at the aisle over there so..." He answered, walking away without finishing his sentence.

Hyungwon kneeled down next to Minhyuk and started to move the different plants on the tall shelf.

Minhyuk watched him in confusion but didn't ask.

"This is an ivy." Hyungwon simply said as he showed off a green plant to Minhyuk who looked at the plant, with a doubting gaze.

"But that's not a flower..." He mumbled, studying the green plant with plenty of leaves in the shape of a maple leaf.
It wasn't very beautiful nor did it look like a flower at all to Minhyuk.
"It's kinda ugly." He blurted out, honest as always.

Hyungwon sighed at Minhyuk's obviously stupid reaction.
"The ivy may not look typhically beautiful and it doesn't fit in with regular flowers but that's its charm." He explained, gesturing enthusiastically with his free hand.

"And?" Minhyuk impatiently asked, crossing his arms over his chest.

"The ivy stands for affection, everlasting love but most importantly- everlasting friendship." Hyungwon continued.
"I think that this flower's meaning...makes it beautiful. I mean- It's like a person who doesn't fit the standards but is more likable than a good looking person who is mean and an ass basically. Do you get it now?"

Minhyuk nodded slowly. "I never thought about it like that but you're actually right." He approved with slight hesitation, making Hyungwon satisfied. He liked being right.

"I think, for the art contest, you guys should make something out of an ivy. I don't know what but-" Hyungwon started but immediately got interrupted as usual, getting cut off by Minhyuk.

"That's right!! It's perfect!" Minhyuk rejoiced, pulling a confused Hyungwon into a tight but quick hug, smiling harder than ever.

"You...You're welcome..." Hyungwon stuttered in shock. He wasn't used to people hugging him or touching him in general.

Before he could say anything more, Minhyuk had already snatched the flower from his grip as he now was running towards the aisle where Kihyun visibly stood, observing a plantage of daisies.

Hyungwon just slowly followed the excited boy with loose, soundless steps considering his extremely light weight in comparison to his height.

Kihyun gave away a high pitched shriek as Minhyuk poked him in the spine without any further warning.
"Stop scaring me like that!" He yelled, giving Minhyuk an intimidating look.

"Sorry, anyway-" Minhyuk quickly started, brushing off Kihyun's boiling comment. He shoved the white flower pot in Kihyun's hands who surprisingly grabbed it without any hesitation.
"This plant here..."

"Yes!" Kihyun cheered. "It's perfect!" He almost yelled, reacting just like Minhyuk did just seconds earlier.

"But I didn't even-" Minhyuk started but got interrupted once again.

"I know what the plant's meaning is, dummy. I'm the god of useless knowledge." Kihyun spitted, slightly annoyed by basically nothing at this point.

"Stop reading my-"

"-Mind. Okay, let me pay for that now." Kihyun cut him off for the 124673th time for the day as he confidently marched towards the exit where the pay desk was.
Minhyuk sprinted after him with fast steps.

As they reached the pay desk by the exit, they noticed that Hyungwon apparently, already stood there. Neither of the two boys had noticed how Hyungwon had taken his place behind the desk long ago without making a sound.

"That's 5 dollars." Hyungwon automatically said as Minhyuk Kihyun placed the flower pot with the ivy on the grey, tiny counter.

"You expensive, tall fucker." Kihyun mumbled, digging in his pockets for money. He found 8 dollars and slammed the coins onto the counter.
"You can keep the leftovers. See it as a tip."

Hyungwon nodded, satisfied with the extra money. "Good luck then? You need it for the competition." He chuckled.

"Shut your face, we'll easily win!" Minhyuk spitted, immediately triggered by the comment.

Kihyun sighed. He grabbed the plant in his left hand while he grabbed Minhyuk's ear in his right, pulling him towards the door.
"Excuse him, he's a grown baby."

"That hurts!" Minhyuk yelled dramatically, trying to break free from Kihyun's steady grip but failing to do so. "You piece of shit!" He groaned.

"Anyway, thank you for your help, Hyungwon and-" Kihyun pushed the door open with his feet. "Excuse us once again. See you around." He pushed Minhyuk in front of him out of the huge store who was still throwing curses at him for making his ear red from pulling it too violently.

As the door closed itself followed by the bell's ringing, attached to the door, the location was left in complete silence.

Hyungwon couldn't help but grin slightly. He fished up his phone from his pocket.
The case's metallic surface shimmered in a sparkling mixture of purple, silver and pink.

The boy's frain thumb danced over the screen as he carelessly scrolled down his contact list.
He found Minhyuk and Kihyun's numbers there too and sighed deeply, putting away the phone.
"It must be great to have a friendship like that..."

Just as Hyungwon said that, the display lit up, revealing a message.
Hyungwon's face cracked a big smile as he checked the message.

"From: Wonho♡"

I'm sorry, I haven't updated in years

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