Chapter 17

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"What are you doing here?" A familiar, deep voice asked from behind. Minhyuk turnt around to face his friend.

"On my way home. What about you, Hyungwon?" He answered, throwing the question back to the slender boy whoms presence in itself was as graceful as a prince's.

"Me too." Hyungwon nodded, walking closer until he stood by Minhyuk's side on the side of the road. "How come Kihyun is not here with you?" He casually asked, sipping from the straw of a juicebox he had bought in the school café. The two automatically started walking slowly along the road.
"Should we take the bus by the way?"

Minhyuk nodded and started walking towards the busstop close-by. "Honestly...I guess things are a bit stiff between us two now?" He started. But that wasn't true. Kihyun still treated him as he always had. The wonderful person who always showered him with support, caring tips and affection. Minhyuk was the only one changing- He assumed.

"Hmm. Why?" The younger one asked, curious about the situation, pretending he had no clue. In reality, he had.

Minhyuk shook his head, itching his neck, not knowing what he was supposed to answer. "I don't know if I'm allowed to say this but-" He suddenly stopped before finishing his sentence. The doubt came creeping up his spine. Maybe it wasn't good to open up about the weird thoughts he had lately.

For a person like Minhyuk, it was really hard to talk about his actual feelings. That was the opposite of what people thought of him but it was the truth. The fear from eventually getting used or fooled weigh heavier than being honest. At least about feelings. Honesty in general was very important to Minhyuk and he never hesitated from telling the truth but when it came to feelings, the idea of coming off as vulnerable was frightening.

Hyungwon made one of his iconic weird faces that had "I'm waiting, what is it?" Written on his forehead and leaned against the busstop sign as the two of them had now reached their destination.

Minhyuk sighed. "Hyungwon..." He lowered his voice drastically before looking around to make sure no one was close enough to hear their conversation. "I'm dying of jealousy because of this couple shit going on between Kihyun and Wonho- Do you understand? BUT I don't know why." He whispered, leaning closer to his friend's ear.

Hyungwon's chin dropped and his eyes gazed towards the sky as if Minhyuk's comment had given him a realisation. He cleared his throat and faced the concerned cloud. "Do Kihyun? Perhaps?"

"No!" Minhyuk almost yelled, dramatic as he was. "I don't! I just feel replaced and thrown away when he talks to other people the way he always talked to me. I don't know why I'm jealous, I shouldn't be jealous but I just am. In fact I should be happy for him but it's as if Wonho wants me to feel like I no longer matter! Do you understand? Hyungwon?" Minhyuk rambled with his arms and hands doing all kinds of gestures, not holding down his voice a single bit.

Hyungwon stood silent for a second but then calmly nodded. "We're in the same boat." He said with a tone of arrogance in his voice as he raised his eyebrows, nudging Minhyuk's shoulder lightly.

"What do you mean?" Minhyuk asked, clueless of what Hyungwon meant.

Hyungwon snorted. "Don't act like you haven't noticed that Wonho haven't spoken to me in a legit week."

"Wait- Really?" Minhyuk asked. He never thought of that Wonho and Hyungwon were also best friends and had their struggles too. It made him feel bad.

"Yup. So welcome to the club, am I right?" Hyungwon sighed, throwing his now empty juicebox into the trashcan that stood placed just beside his feet. "But quite honestly- have you ever considered the possibility of you liking Kihyun?"

Minhyuk shook his head. "Of course not. And I don't. I promise I don't. It's just a plain bromance if that's what you call it. Like yeah, I would kiss him if I had to but it's nothing like that."

Hyungwon bursted out laughing like he always did when not supposed to. "Sorry Min but that's just a little bit more than what you call a bromance."

"No, you're wrong, okay? It's probably just temporary or a phase anyway." Minhyuk muttered, not amused by Hyungwon not only trying to convince him he was in love with his best friend but also laughing at him.

"So you do like him?" Hyungwon continued pushing, drying a tear rolling down his cheek from laughing too hard at something that wasn't funny. As usual.

"Maybe but I'll slit your throat if you as much as open your mouth to tell anyone." Minhyuk whispered and felt his cheeks getting warm.

"Sure, sure. Now get on the bus you little one." Hyungwon chuckled as the bus finally arrived by the stop and opened its doors.

"I'm literally 2 centimeters shorter than you, godzilla." Minhyuk spitted, sticking out his tongue and entering the bus, taking a seat at the very back with the other one following him.

"I need help by the way." He suddenly said after attaching his seatbelt.

Hyungwon raised a single eyebrow. "With what?"

"Getting over the tiny crush I don't have on my best friend if that's not too hard of a thing for genius Chae to fix." Minhyuk replying with well chosen words as usual.

The so called "Genius Chae" opened a blue backpack that had been resting in his lap and fished up a grey pencil case of leather and two, thin notebooks covered with white and black stripes.
"Here." He said, placing a dark pink ink pen together with one of the notebooks in Minhyuk's hands.

"What's this for? I'm not going to write diary if that's what you think." He said in a diagrunted tone.

"Actually, that's exactly what I want you to do, my dear Watson." Genius Chae grinned, patting Minhyuk's shoulder. "Write a paragraph or two about your day and then draw either 1, 2, 3 and so on flowers depending on how much you're thinking about Kihyun that day. The max is 5."

"Excuse me but why?" Minhyuk asked, not up for the idea at all, obviously. This was not his kind of thing at all.

Hyungwon did not get offended at all but calmly explained. "If you first write about your thoughts about your day, you will notice whether those thoughts involves Kihyun or not and the flowers are to make yourself realize how much or less you think of him. When you measure it that like that, you'll become more cautious and try to think less and less that way. It will either make you more attached or less attached but it's worth a try. You can burn the book afterwards."

Minhyuk grinned slightly. "You really are a genius." He laughed, giving Hyungwon a high five before pressing the "stop" button to get off the buss.

"Yeah, we're in the same boat after all." Hyungwon said to himself, drawing a flower in his own book.

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