Chapter 14

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Minhyuk laid on his tiny bed, stairing up at the ceiling. Nothing went well anymore and he started to wonder if it was worth it to keep on going at all. He blinked fast over and over again to not let any tears slip out of the corners of his blank eyes. Since Kihyun and Wonho had hooked up, he had come to realise how lonely he really was. It wasn't because he was jealous at all...It was just- Kihyun was everything he ever had. Of course they still talked, laughed and such at school and all but Wonho was always there too, freezing Minhyuk out on purpose. It irritated Minhyuk a lot and his short temper didn't make anything better.

Rolling onto his stomach, the cloud of self-doubt buried his face in the pillow, letting out a deep frown.
The time was currently 6:30 AM and school was waiting around the corner, a thought that could've made anyone feel at their worst.

As the minutes ticked by, Minhyuk concluded that he'd have to get up after all so it didn't take too many minutes before he stood there outside of Kihyun's door, waiting patiently for him to join him on their way to school. He knocked once and then twice after some seconds to be sure. Finally, Kihyun's familar figure could be seen in the doorframe, smiling like he always did. With his narrow eyes almost sparkling, his nose crunching a bit, showing his bright teeth. Minhyuk felt all of his worries go away. Everything was going to be alright, Kihyun never ditched him after all. They were still best friends and at that point, he found himself smiling back too, making both of them burst into laughter.

"Let's go, shall we?" Kihyun said, grabbing his bag, closing the door behind him.

"Oh, yeah!" Minhyuk nodded, being too distracted by his own thoughts.

They took the usual road and stopped by a bench to kill some time since today was Monday which meant the first subject was math. None of them was bothered by missing some of those lessons.

Kihyun unzipped his camera case and started to play with the buttons on the camera which he had treated like a family member ever since he got it.
"I hope you don't feel hurt by Wonho and my relationship...I'm really sorry for ditching you yesterday at the café." He suddenly said, not looking up from the camera.

Minhyuk shrugged. He didn't expect Kihyun to apologize or anything. He actually thought Kihyun didn't like him anymore until today.
"No, of course not! I'm..." Minhyuk hesitated. He could tell Kihyun that he felt left behind. How he got eaten by his loneliness and self-doubt. Maybe make him understand. But that'd be very selfish and he didn't actually know why he made it into such a big thing. No, his attention-seeking ass shouldn't affect his precious friend who just wanted happiness.
"I'm very happy for you." He just said.

"Thank god!" Kihyun smiled, nudging Minhyuk in the side with his free hand. "I was scared you felt left out but don't forget that it's still you and me."

"I'm not gay like you!" Minhyuk laughed, not being able to make a serious reply.

"I know you know what I meant! Us against the world, gay or not." Kihyun giggled, grabbing Minhyuk's slender hand, squeezing it with his chubby one.

"Yeah..." Minhyuk answered with a slight smile on his lips. "We should probably get moving by the way. You don't want to miss english, right?" He quickly changed the subject.

"Of course not. I just looove our teacher." Kihyun coughed, making his sarcasm show, adding his iconic eye rolls as he got up from the bench and stretched his hand out for Minhyuk to grab as support.

The rest of the day went pretty well in Minhyuk's opinion.
Wonho had to nag him with his stupid poking from behind in every class whenever Kihyun wasn't around but otherwise, it was fine. Wonho didn't insist to walk them home today, surprisingly which was a good thing. Maybe Minhyuk was just a very judging person because Wonho wasn't a bad person or anything. He just irritated him.

"What are you thinking about?" Kihyun suddenly asked where he walked by Minhyuk' side along the narrow sidewalk. The weather was mild and made them both feel at peace but something felt wrong with his friend.

"Me? No, nothing. I was just thinking...We could go to the library to continue working on the art project, right? I drew a lot but there's still a lot left. I mean we still have about...2 or 3 months left." Minhyuk suggested.

Kihyuk nodded. "That's a good idea. Good thing I brought my camera." He proudly stated, petting his camera case as if it was a baby.

The two boys took the bus to the central library in town. They both lived outside of town and so there were few buses stopping by and it took quite a while to get to different places. This bus ride was about 45 minutes so the two of them took a seat next to each other and took off their coats, feeling the temperature in the vehicle was even hotter than outside.

Just as everything seemed to go smoothly, Kihyun's phone made a notification sound, revealing that he got a text from no other than Hyungwon. Kihyun opened the chat to check what his kindergarten nemesis had to say this time.

Minhyuk got curious and stretched over to Kihyun's side, maybe a little bit too close, to be able to see the display.

"Hey. Is Wonho with you rn?" The short, serious appealing text said. Kihyun shrugged and made a clueless face before looking at Minhyuk who tried to figure out why Hyungwon would ask that out of nothing.

"No. Why?" Kihyun typed as a reply with flexible fingers dancing over the screen.

"Oh okay. I was just wondering...Oh well. See you around." Hyungwon texted before apparently logging out.

Minhyuk just shook his head.

"Hyungwon really is one of a kind, I guess." Kihyun sighed. "His reasons will show sooner or later anyway." Which Minhyuk agreed with.

The rest of the time on the bus was surprisingly fun to Minhyuk. Everything felt like it always had. Kihyun showed some weird selfies that Changkyun had posted on his Instagram, Minhyuk made fun out of some silly youtubers on his feed and so it went on until Kihyun pressed the "stop" button as they arrived at the right stop, just below the huge library.

Before heading there, the friends made sure to stop by the ice cream van right outside of the building. Minhyuk ordered a vanilla ice cream and Kihyun a strawberry one. They sat down in the reading room in the library where they decided to eat their ice creams.

Minhyuk was very quick with finishing his as the fast-eater he was. Before Kihyun could tell, he quickly turned on the camera on his phone that he had been holding for a while now and aimed at Kihyun who was busy with playing with the different features of his camera that was yet to discover.
"Look over here!"

Kihyun threw up his head, looking around in confusion. "What, why?"

"Just smile at me dummy!" Minhyuk laughed, making Kihyun laugh too as he faced Minhyuk's camera lens. He pressed the button and studied the blurry "masterpiece" he had created.

"Your smile is beautiful." Minhyuk said quietly with a dreamy gaze without thinking about what he was saying.

Kihyun blushed. "Thank you...Do you- feel better now? You seemed very down before." He interrupted to prevent a stiff atmosphere.

"Yes." Minhyuk answered, lost in Kihyun's dark eyes.

"I'm glad!" Kihyun rejoiced, flashing another of his blinding smiles.

Minhyuk swallowed out of doubt before gaining the courage to say what he was supposed to say. "I'm okay as long as you smile at me like that." He immediately heard how stupid it sounded as soon as it escaped his lips but he didn't give up. "Don't stop smiling at me like that...please."

Kihyun shook his head, squeezing Minhyuk's hand as he always had with a mild grin. "Never."

Flower Bromance | Kihyuk MONSTA XTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang