"Don't be, my friend, his brothers, and gang, treat me like thier kid sister, so in a way, I do have a family" I responded with a smile.

"Do you miss your folks?" he asked.

"Sometimes I do, but I try not to think too much about it" I replied. He didn't say anything. "Now, tell me stuff about you" I said.

"Well, I live with both my parents, I'm an only child, I play football at my school, and I don't like players, or seeing pretty girls, like you, cry" he explained. I smiled and blushed a bit. I think he noticed, because he laughed a little. "We're here" he said. We walked in and sat down next to a window. He ordered for me, which I thought was really nice of him. After we finished, he walked me all the way home. Once we got there, I turned to him. "Thanks for the date" he said.

"You're welcome, I hope to see you again soon" I responded.

"Me too, bye Cyndy" he said.

"Bye Micheal" I replied. I opened the door and walked inside. Good thing there was nobody home yet. I don't know where Ponyboy is, but I do know Johnny is with him. Dally is somewhere breaking the laws. The guys might be at the store or somehting, and Two-Bit is probably taking a nap at his house.

I walked into the kitchen to find that I was wrong. The whole gang was there, except for Sodapop and Steve.

"Cyndy, where have you been?" Darry asked.

"At the Dingo" I replied. "With who?" Dally wondered.

"Uh.... Who's hungry?" I asked, trying to change the subject. Suddenly, Soda ran into the kitchen.

"Cyndy, was that Micheal?" he asked. Everybody turned to me.

"You were with Micheal?" Dally sternly asked. I nodded and gulped. Since Dally was sitting down, he stood up and walked towards me. I was getting a bit scared as I backed away. I backed right into Soda, who kept me from backing away anymore. Dally was getting closer and closer. I thought he was ganna hit me or something, so I winced. "What are you doing?" he asked.

"I thought you were ganna hit me" I replied. He laughed that wierd laugh I love so much, and so did the rest of the gang.

"Why would I ever hit you?" he asked in his tough voice. I shrugged. He wraped an arm around me and pulled me close to him. "He didn't hurt you right?" he wondered.

"No, why?" I asked.

"If he did, I would kill him" he answered.

"No, he's really nice" I stated.

"He better be" he said. I could tell that Dally was upset somehow.

"Dally, wanna go for a walk?" I asked.

"Where do you want to go?" he wondered.

"Anywhere" I responded.

"Yea, sure, I'll go" he said. We walked out of the house, and on our way to god knows where.

"Are you okay?" I asked.

"Yea, why wouldn't I be?" he replied. I shrugged.

"You look upset somehow" I stated. He shook his head. "Is it about Micheal?" I wondered. He didn't say anything. "It is him isn't him?" I asked.

"I just don't know if I can trust him with you" he confessed.

I smiled. "What?" he asked.

"Mhhmm, nothing" I replied. Dally was totaly jelous, and I could tell.

"Are you planing to go to work tomorrow?" he asked.

"I don't know, probably" I responded. "Why?" I asked.

"Just to know" he responded. I thought it was a little weird for him to know what I was doing, but oh well. I felt like asking him why does he need to know these things, but I didn't. It was quiet for a while, so we decided to go back. We were a block away from the house, when a mustang pulled up next to us. Four Soc stepped out.

"Well, won't Paul be happy to see you" one said.

"Who's Paul?" I asked.

"The guy that tried to pick you up" Dally answered for them. In an instant, they charged at us. We tried running away, but they got ahold of us. They were dragging me to their car, but Dally was able to get free from the two Soc and came to help me. He fought off the two Soc that had me, and pulled me away from them. They got my wrist and tried pulling me back, but Dally didn't let them. They suddenly took out a blade, and so did Dally. I yelled for the rest of the gang, while Dally fought them off by himself. They were beating him, and then he tripped and fell back. One guy got ontop of him, and was punching him. I got up and jumped on the guys back. We both fell back. I quickly stood up and stood infront of Dally. The guys were coming towards me, and I punched one as hard as I could. I tried punching the other guys, but one of punched me really hard. I fell to the ground. It hurt so much, and I started crying. My hair was infront of my face, but I heard our gang screaming and running. They were chasing the guys away. I felt someone pick me up and set me down on my feet. The first person I saw, was Dally. He was beating the guy that punched me. I kept on crying and crying from the pain. I covered my face with my hands.

"Cyndy, are you okay?" a worried Sodapop asked. I shook my head. The gang surrounded me.

"Cyndy, what happened?" Darry asked.

"That guy punched her" Dally answered for me. He was mad as hell, and everybody could tell.

"C'mon, let's go home" Steve said. He had an arm around me, and we all walked home.

I was in my room, laying down on the bed. Then, Ponyboy came in."Hey, how are you feeling?" he asked.

"Okay" I replied.

"Doe it hurt?" he wondered. I nodded.

"Where did he hit you?" he asked. I softly touched my mouth, where it hurt the most."Ouch, well don't worry, cause we're not ganna let them touch you" he reasured me. I would of smiled if I could, but it hurt too much. "Get some rest okay" he said. I nodded, and he left.

The outsiders (My story)Where stories live. Discover now