Chapter Twelve- Hitsugaya and Unohana

Start from the beginning

      “From the beginning, of course.” Aizen spoke softly, his voice like velvet, but there was a hint of malice to it. “Since I became captain, I never once considered anyone but these two my lieutenants.”

      “So then, up until now, Momo, me, your own subordinates, every other Soul Reaper,'ve been deceiving us all?!” Toshiro was angry now, and his anger showed in his face, in his voice, even in his Reiatsu. I marvelled at how one person could show so much anger toward another.

      Toshiro had turned slightly to face us, his anger fulling Aizens words and actions.

      “I never intended to deceive. It's just... that not one of you comprehended...” Aizen glances up at Toshiro, “ true nature.”

      “Didn’t' comprehend...Momo...Momo looked up to you, she joined the Gotei just to be closer to you. She worked herself to death, just to be of use to you...and finally became your lieutenant!” Toshiro was not just angry, but furious.

      “I know. There's no one so easy to control as someone who admires you.” once Aizen said this, Gin looked at me. I didn't pay much attention to it when I was younger, but as I look back, I realize, Gin was scared for me. I loved Aizen, I never thought he would use me, never thought he was controlling me. The thought never entered my mind, not once. “That's why I pressed to have her as my subordinate.”

      I looked over at Toshiro, his face showing how shocked he was. I didn't understand it, he shouldn't be shocked, it was completely logical.

      “This is a good opportunity.” Aizen continued, “There's something you should remember, Captain Hitsugaya.” Aizen had tilted his head slightly, a grin plastered onto is perfect face. “Admiration is the emotion farthest from comprehension.”

      Toshiro begun to shake with anger, he released his Reiatsu, the white-blue glow of his spiritual pressure surrounding him. This is what Aizen had been waiting for. Toshiro released his Zanpakutou and a big explosion of gray mist, water from his Hyourinmaru engulfed us all. Gin with my hand still in his dragged me out from the mist, we landed beside Aizen, who had a satisfied grin on his face.

      “Bankai!” as the mist cleared, Toshiro appeared, and as he appeared he whispered one word. The one word was the word we all wanted to hear.

      Captain Hitsugaya was engulfed in his Hyourinmaru, turning him to an ice dragon of sorts. His three purple flowers begun to form, I made sure to spot them out right away. “Daiguren Hyourinmaru”

      The living area of Central 46 turned into and icy palace, as Toshiro rears to fight Aizen he sends an ice attack towards us. We jump out of the way, Toshiro focuses on just one of us. Aizen. I want to go and help but Gin still has a firm grip on my hand. I look down at our interlocking fingers, Gin squeezes tighter, making me look up at him. He whispers “stay put, Rin. Aizen's got this.” with his trademark smile I relax a bit.

      As soon as I begin to relax I'm snapped out of it by the presence of two individuals, Captain Retsu Unohana and her Lieutenant Isane Kotetsu.

      My attention is diverted to the two new additions to our little party, but I still hear the threat Toshiro directs towards Aizen. “Aizen, I'm going to kill you.” At this I squeezes my brothers hand harder, making him softly grunt in pain.

      With a sinister smile Aizen says, “Don't use overly strong words now, Captain Hitsugaya. It'll make you look...weak” Toshiro charges for Aizen, I keep my face passive, but there's a storm raging inside me.

     I smile as Toshiro stabs Aizen through the chest, I smile because it was the wrong Aizen. Toshiro freeze the fake Aizen, satisfied with his work. Aizen comes up behind him and gives a swift cut to his shoulder, dealing great trauma. The look upon Toshiro's face was one I shall never forget.

      As Toshiro falls to the ground, his Hyourinmaru shatters, Aizen's Zanpakutou drips with his blood. Hungry for more.

      “That's...impossible...” so he can still speak, he's stronger than I thought.

      Aizen lifts his head, a slight smirk on his face, “What a nice view.”

      Everything's silent, the mist from Hyourinmaru still travelling the ground. Aizen walks towards the body of Captain Hitsugaya, “It's not the season, but...seeing ice this time of year...isn't bad.” he passes Toshiros body and walks to wards Gin and I. I let go of Gin's hand and stand at the ready to receive Aizens.

      Unohana walked forwards then, I could hear her foot steps, “Captain Aizen. No, I suppose I shouldn't call you 'Captain' and longer. Perpetrator of high treason Sosuke Aizen.”

      “How do you do, Captain Unohana?” His smile was marvellous, his eyes gentle but unyielding. “I was thinking if you were going to come, it would have to be soon. Did you know I was here right away?” his question hung in the air.

      But not for long, “In Seireitei, the Purewood Towers residence is one area where entry is completely forbidden, no matter what the reason.” as she spoke her eyes where closed and she looked tired, as if she had explained this to a child multiple times and he just refused to listen. Yet she continued, “If you went to the trouble of creating such an elaborate corpse figure as that to hide yourselves, your destination would be the one place in Seireitei that would be the most difficult to be found in: nowhere else but here made sense.” she looked sad as she spoke, Aizen was beside me now, his hand in mine.

      “Close.” he replied, “You've deduced well, but you have two mistakes. First of all, I didn't come here to hide myself.” he looked at me then, as if implying I was the one needing to be hidden. “And the other, these aren't corpse figures.” he had taken his hand out of mine, and we both lifted up or doubles.

      Unohana had a look of shock, as did her lieutenant Isane.   “Wh-When did he...” Isane asked a stupid question, when did he? When did he?

      “When did I?” Aizen voiced what I was thinking, “I've been holing this the whole time. Only, until this very moment, I just hadn’t decided to show you that.” his smile was sinister, it was lovely.

      “W-What does that....” again Isane spoke, and again it was stupid.

      “You'll know very soon.” Aizen looked to his double, “Here, I'll undo it.” I had dropped my double and kicked it a little ways away from me.

      “Shatter, Kyouka Suigetsu!” In that instant my double vanished and his shattered, reviling his Zanpakutou, Kyouka Suigetsu. “My Zanpakutou, my Kyouka Suigetsu's ability is complete hypnosis.”

      “Complete...hypnosis.” Isane stated the obvious. “But you said Kyouka Suigetsu is a flowing-water type Zanpakutou uses diffused reflection of fog and water streams to confuse the enemy and make them attack each other! Captain Aizen, that's what you said!” Aizen stood there, a smile plastered on his face, I to showed a little smile. “You gathered the lieutenants and actually demonstrated it right before our eyes!” Isane was having a hard time grasping the hypnosis part.

      “I see.” Unohana began to speak, her voice, it was sad. “So that is the hypnosis ceremony.”

      “Precisely.” Aizen replied.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 06, 2012 ⏰

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