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I knew that PJ was overly obsessed with Eagle but I didn't think that he'd suggest anything about marriage.Today he gave her a necklace with his first name on it claiming that one day he'd give her his last. I was getting a drink at the water fountain when I saw a crowd surrounding them. Inside the circle was PJ fixing the necklace onto Eagle's neck as she awkwardly stared into the crowd. It's not like I can read minds and I'm the worst when it comes to sensing emotions but I could definitely tell that Eagle didn't want to be there.

She's never been a huge fan of crowds and ever since we were kids she'd become uncomfortable when more than 2 people confronted her at once. As soon as the necklace was laced around her neck a few guys gave PJ handshakes and congratulatory pats on the back. I looked around and Antonio was nowhere to be found. You'd think that he'd be the first one to congratulate his friend.

As the crowd dispersed I watched as PJ went along with a few of the guys from the crowd and a few girls went up to Eagle to tell her how lucky she was. How could being with PJ be anything but unlucky? PJ was a disaster waiting to happen and he brought bad luck everywhere he went.

Once Eagle was alone she turned to walk to her next class when I called out her name. It's been far too long since I've said her name and it felt good. I missed talking to her, being with her, and everything about her. The last time I saw her she was anything but happy to see me and I still couldn't figure out why.

"Blair?" she asked confused as she turned around.

"Uh...yeah,"I replied not knowing how else to introduce myself.

"I saw what just happened. Are you happy now?" I asked.

"Am I happy now? What's that supposed to mean?" she questioned.

"Well, you weren't happy with me so is being with PJ good enough for you?" I asked.

"Are you fucking serious Blair? I wasn't 'happy' with you? How could you ever know how I felt when I was with you? You never bothered to ask and if you did I doubt that you'd understand. You have no idea how much you've hurt me and continue to do so. Additionally, we were never together. You were the one who decided that. You told me that you didn't want to date. You asked if I wanted to be friends with benefits and when I said no you attempted to force me. PJ has nothing to do with us. Being with him has nothing to do with anything that happened with you. You need to stop thinking that everything I do revolves around you and move on with your life. I'm not a toy that you can play with whenever you want and throw away when you're tired of it. You've been too busy thinking so highly of yourself to stop and see the world around you. Now if you'd excuse me, I'm going home." she replied catching me by surprise. I had no clue why she thought that I was using her like a toy. I kissed her a few times but that's all PJ does to her. If anyone's using her it's definitely him.

"Eagle, we all know that you're not going home. You haven't been home in months. I have no clue where you're going but if you're meeting PJ just to let him screw you over you should know better," I shouted as she began to walk away.

"You have no say in what PJ will and won't do. What he does should not concern you and you should just leave me alone before I get pissed," she responded as she slammed the door of the school.

Sure, I had no idea what PJ would and wouldn't do. I have no clue if he'd abuse her like he seemed to do to Antonio. I have no idea if he was using her for her body. I really didn't know about their lives whatsoever. What I did know was that Eagle didn't love him. It was obvious that she'd rather be anywhere else when she was with him. She could hide her emotions from him but she couldn't hide them from me. I've known this girl for 15 years, I could read her like a book.

After I left I walked into the bathroom to find Antonio sitting on the floor beside a trash can. He looked as if he hasn't slept in weeks and he's really let himself go.

"Aye, Antonio what's good?" I asked trying to lighten the mood.

"What's good? Nothing's been good for a while," he replied clearly upset by my question.

"If you're upset about what happened with PJ and Eagle I feel the same way," I responded hoping that he'd realize that I'm in the same situation as him.

"You feel the same way? How so?" he asked clearing up. See, I knew that I could get to him.

"I want to be with Eagle just as bad or even more so than you ever will and I know how much it hurts to see her with a guy like PJ," I addressed.

"A guy like PJ. what does that mean?" he asked. Damn, this kid really needed me to spell everything out.

"Well, he's an asshole. We all know that. He treats her like shit and she deserves better," I replied with a laugh. Was he stupid or something for not realizing this sooner?

"Okay, before I lose my temper let's get a few things straight. PJ is not an asshole. He has his moments but he's no asshole. He treats Eagle like shit you say? How so? He's been nothing but kind to her. He literally suggested that he wanted to marry her and he does everything for her. Eagle deserves better? Maybe so. But, it's not like she even wants to be in a relationship let alone in one with you. So, I think that you should take your little assumptions and shove them up your ass because you know nothing about them," he explained surprisingly calm as he walked out of the bathroom leaving me by myself.

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