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I woke up wishing that everything that had just happened with Blair was just a dream. To my luck, it was far too real to just be a figment of my imagination. I dragged myself out of bed throwing on some sweatpants and a sweatshirt before heading to my car. I arrived at school a good 45 minutes early giving me at least 30 minutes to practice before the first period started. As I unpacked my equipment I heard my ringtone buzzing from the back of my bag. I sighed assuming that it was PJ freaking out about my well being but to my surprise it was Antonio. Since when he did he text me?

"Hey, how are you doing?" he asked starting a friendly conversation. I was debating about lying to him and telling him that everything was fine and my day was going great but what was the point of lying anymore? If he was really my friend he'd listen to my problems and I really needed to talk to someone about what had happened last night with Blair.

"Thanks to whoever got my parents to take me home yesterday, Blair invited himself over and assaulted me," I admitted trying to keep the details to a minimum. I'd rather not have to rehash the memory.

"What do you mean?" he asked clearly confused.

"Do I have to explain? He pretty much just came over and tried to force himself on me," I informed.

"I'm beyond sorry that this happened to you," he replied showing sympathy when it was really unnecessary. How could he have known what Blair was going to do and there's no way that he could've stopped it? None of this was his fault so she shouldn't feel responsible.

I ended the conversation telling him that I was fine once I realized that I couldn't handle talking about it. I think I needed a little more time to process what had happened before explaining it to someone. Everything seemed to happen so quickly that night and it still hasn't hit me that it was all real. I never thought that Blair would ever hurt me and he broke my fucking guitar. I knew he was insanely high-strung lately but I didn't realize that he could become so out of control.

"I woke up this morning with these really weird bruises and I was wondering if you had any idea why. I felt awkward asking PJ and you're probably my next closest friend," he explained. Why would he ask me over PJ? Weren't they like best friends? Maybe he wanted a girls point of view. It could be something too embarrassing to ask another guy I guess.

"Send a picture," I suggested. I waited a few seconds before receiving an almost naked picture of Antonio covered in hickeys from head to toe.

"Holy shit. Who were you sleeping with last night?" I asked out of curiosity. I doubted that he'd want to tell me and he most likely just finished a one night stand. Antonio wasn't one to date people and I've heard that slept around with a decent amount of girls. I wouldn't even be surprised if he'd been with multiple girls last night. There's no way just one person could give so many love bites in one sitting.

"No one," he replied dodging the question. Damn, I really wanted to know.

"Okayy. I'll just say that her hickey game is hella strong," I said finishing up the conversation.

I groaned realizing that, that stupid conversation with Antonio had wasted a good 20 minutes that I could've spent practicing. I started to unpack my music when the door to the practice flung open as PJ wrapped me in his arms practically suffering me. Part of me wished that he'd leave and just let my practice but I doubted that he'd listen. He needed me more than my bass did and he looked like a complete wreck. It was obvious that he'd woken up on the wrong side of the bed this morning.

As he let go of me it became obvious that he definitely didn't shower last night. He smelled absolutely disgusting. Even the overwhelming aroma of his shitty cologne couldn't mask the odor. It was a mix definitely a mix of sweat and some type of cheap lotion. I thought about mentioning it to him but I decided not to. His night most likely wasn't the best and I had no idea where he ended up staying. I assumed that he stayed at his house and from the looks of the bruise on his neck it didn't go too well.

He sat down on the floor leaving his legs open for me to sit inside. I turned to face him as I brushed out his messy hair with my fingers and re-buttoned his screwed up collar shirt. When I finished cleaning him up he entrapped me in another hug this time tighter than the first. Who would've guessed that he'd miss me this much?

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