Good Not Good

333 13 9

This story is 1671 words I finally reached my goal of at least over 1500.😊👑Enjoy

Dee-Nadia and this dang on doll.Ahhhhhh 💩.I didn't know plastic can hurt somebody.Is that blood??
Nova-Babe we need to find a hotel now!!
Dee-Nov I'm not leaving outta my home what's wrong.Besides this damn cut on my finger.
Nova-I don't know exactly but your dad's out here.
Dee-He lives in Baltim......
Nova-He's out here with some dudes selling sum.
Dee-Are you sure that's my dad he doesn't live Atlanta.
Nova-Come see for your self.
Dee-*mumbles*Always gotta make somebody get up withcha funky as$.
Nova-Tell me that's not ya dad.
Dee-That's not my dad.
Dee-That's the drug dealer from down the street Nova.
Dee-Go to sleep it's not good for a pregnant man to be up this late.
Nova-You the one pregnant sexy as$.But I'm telling you something going on I saw Tally walking in the garage with a body bag.
Dee-Sure you did.


Chelsea-*quietly opens Nadia's door*Nadi are you up.
Nadia-Mornin Chelsea.
Chelsea-Are you still mad at me??*pouts*
Nadia-No my mommy said she was gonna fix my dolly.
Chelsea-We still buddy's.

Tally-Come on Chelsea time to get ready to go.
Nadia-Where are you going??
Tally-To visit her daddy he wants to take care of her for the day.
Nadia-See ya later alligator.

Don't play with her don't be dishonest
Still not understanding this logic
I'm back and I'm betta
I want you bad as eva
Don't let me ju...gco
Dee-Nova wash your nuts and let's go I ain't got all day we can't miss this appointment!!
Nova-Nadia's not ready yet I got time
Dee-She putting her shoes on now.
Nadia-Yeah slow poke.
Nova-I am your father young lady!!
Dee-I am your wife I told you to hurry up!!
Nova-Alright I'm coming.
Dee-We in the car.Make it snappy.

Dee-Princess you excited to see if your having your sissy.*putting nadi in car seat*
Nadia-Yeah mommy!!But you still love me wight.
Dee-Always I love you and all my children to come.
Nadia-If I have a broby I don't wanna see his stinky diaper.That's yucky.
Dee-I know baby but you poop all the time.
Nadia-I use the potty now mommy I'm a big kid.Not a baby.
Dee-I know but you'll always be my baby.*kisses nadi gets in car*

Nova-Alright Alright.Nova in da building.
Dee-Smelling like death.
Nova-No I don't it's called axe
Dee-I know but the amount you put on is deadly.
Nova-Ion smell it.
Dee-Mhm.Just drive so I can get out this car with you. Gone pass out somewhere.
Nova-I'll let the windows down.
Dee-*mumbles*Like that helps.
Nova-Is this baby messing with yo mouth cause you been lowkey getting out on me??
Dee-You know I got a smart mouth.Should be nothing new to you.


Dee-Woo!!That's cold.*Dee's reaction to that gel they put on the stomach*
Nadia-You okay mommy.Stop hurting my mommy*hitting the doctor*
Nova-Nadia its fine mommy just cold.
Nadia-No!!Put that down!!Get it off my mommy's tummy!!Dada let me go!!The Doctor's gonna hurt mommy again!!
Dee-Princess sit down now!! Nova did you bring her tablet??
Nova-Yeah.Here babygirl sit down so we can play fruit ninja.
Nadia-No I want to hit on doctor he's still touching my mommy.
Dee-If you don't sit down the doctor's gonna give you a shot for hitting him.
Nadia-Nooooooo!!I'm sitting see doc.
*Doc.Rain,Dee,Nova laughs*

Nurse(Frans)-Doctor we have guest that wants to see the patient.
Doctor(Rain)-Bring em in.

Nadia-Aunt Jae!!*hug*
Flau'Jae-Hey my baby!!*hug*

Nadia-Jordan!!You want you play fruit ninja with me??
Nova-I thought I was playing.
Nadia-No dada move you cheat all the time.Come on Jordan.
Nova-Well dang.Rejected by my own 4 year old.Wassup Roscoe!!*handshake*
Roscoe-Nothing much man wassup with you.
Nova-Man let me tell you.You know I told you Tally came to stay with us cause she got evicted.
Roscoe-Yeah her and that little girl she had.
Nova-Yeah man bruh last night I caught her putting a big body bag in our garage.
Roscoe-What you think in it?
Nova-I don't know man.
Dee-Go check it out Nov.
Nova-Me.We need Investigation Discovery in this thang I ain't finna do that.(who else mom is obsessed with that show)
Flau'Jae-Yeah go see what it is. Probably nothing serious.
Nova-She brought it in before the drug dealer left.
Roscoe-You think she bought something from him.
Flau'Jae-Knowing her she would.
Nova-*nervous shaking*First I wanna see my baby boy.
Dee-Fine.You the main baby.

Doctor(Rain)-Here's your ultrasound Mrs.Barmer.*Turns screen towards everyone while scanning Dee's belly*There seems to be a little ball down where the private part would be so I'm proud to say your having a boy.(I don't know these medical terms)
Dee-Awww man Nova get ready cause we doing this again.
Nova-I got my mini me so I don't mind.
Roscoe-Even if you didn't have the boy you'll still be doing the do withcha wife cause I know you Nov.
Nova-Mannn you probably right it gets better everytime.
Roscoe-I know right like that second time they know how to throw it ba....
Flau'Jae-Roscoe there are children present.
Roscoe-My bad baby.Nova let's take this outside man.
Nova-Ight we'll be back.*leaves*
Dee-Dem boys.
Flau'Jae-I know girl and you would think there phone conversations was enough.

Doctor(Rain)-Wait a second Mrs.Barmer.
Dee-Is there a problem.
Doctor(Rain)-No problem just seems to me that there's more than one baby.
Flau'Jae-So the ball could have been another head or body part.
Doctor(Rain)-Yes but I'm not seeing the whole body of the other baby.Maybe there's conjoined twins??
Dee-Oh no that's not good.
Doctor(Rain)-I'm not completely sure though the other baby could be behind the first one but until one flips we're not able to tell.
Dee-Does that mean I have to stay*sounds sad*Cause we've been here for hours and I'm hungry. Them boys ain't came back with my sub.
Doctor(Rain)-Oh No Ma'am you can leave but we'll need you to do some exercises to make one or this baby flip.I'll be back with the paper that tell you what to do.
Flau'Jae-This is nerve wrecking like conjoined twins.That can be a problem cause lots of the time people get them separated but one doesn't make it.
Dee-Yeah and I'll be darned if one of my babies don't survive I'm flipping everybody out.But if it's conjoined twins then all we can do is pray ya know all I can say just pray.
Flau'Jae-Yeah I hope for the best.

*5mins later*
Doctor(Rain)-Here's your papers Mrs.Barmer.You can put your clothes on and go home.Every 5 hours try to do these exercises.I know it can be difficult but if you have stairs in your house then page 14 will be easier for you.
Dee-Thank you Doctor.
Doctor(Rain)-My pleasure see y'all later.

*After Dee puts clothes on*
Dee-Sis can you take me home cause I don't know where them boys at.
Flau'Jae-Of course let's go been here to long.I think my booty flattened from sitting down to long.
Dee-*laugh*Nadi sleep.*trys to pick up Nadi*She heavy.
Flau'Jae-I'll get her.You just take Jordan hand while we walk.

Flau'Jae-How we gone do this.
Dee-I don't know cause her carseat in my car.I'll put Jordan in his seat while I be in the back holding her cause I don't want her in a seat alone.
Flau'Jae-*passes Nadi to Dee while Dee's sitting in the car*She is heavy my arms feel so much better.

Flau'Jae-Y'all buckled back there.
Dee-Almost.....Got it.Man I feel fat.
Flau'Jae-You not trust me.

*This what Nov and Ros was up too*

Nova-Bro I'm worried I don't wanna go in there.*scared*
Roscoe-Bro this yo house yo garage you need to know what's gonin on.
Nova-Let me take Dee her food first.I know she can't stand cold lunch meat in a sandwich.
Roscoe-Excuses.Excuses.Get In There!!*pushes nova into the garage*........Where do think she would put it?
Nova-I don't know there's so much junk in here it could be anywhere.
Roscoe-Yeah.....Well let's search for it.
Nova-Here we go....I'm nervous man.

*1hr later*
Roscoe-Nothing...we searched for an hour and found nothing.
Nova-Let's check her room.
Roscoe-Good Idea man.Maybe she went through the garage to get to her room.

*Tallys Guest Room*

Nova-Is that it under the bed?*pulls out the bag*Looks like what I saw her carring.
Roscoe-Are you sure that's it??
Nova-Yeah it was big black body bag.
Roscoe-Go ahead open it I'll wait by the door.
Nova-Time to find out what she been up to.*Opens bag*

Nova-Are you kidding me!!!!

So how was it??I tried to minimize the mistakes but I don't know there was probably still some in the chapter.(Off Topic)I love Dee's hair❤❤You know she's trying something different ,but she's still dope.I just wanna know if she just cut all her hair off ,because she wanted to or she wanted to regrow her hair so it grow even longer than before,because sometimes that's the case.But I like it do y'all feel the same.Her confidence is awesome.I love how she doesn't care what people think off her.Anywayyyyy I'm signing out for like a month or two got exams and stuff.Byee y'all.

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