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*Nova OTP with WallyWord*

Nova-Alright cool I'm glad yall found it I'll be right there.

Manager-Okay Thank You Sir.

Nova-No Problem.

Nova runs downstairs to Dee who watching the nursery camera on tv while on IG.

Nova-Babe I'm headed back to the store they said they found my wallet.

Dee-Aight I'm glad they got it cause that's personal AF.How did you leave it anyway.

Nova-I set it down so I could grab the bags but in my head I was thinking I had it in my hand but I didnt.( How many of yall did this before or you were looking for something but it turned out that you were still holding it.Cause if this only happens to me then I need help.)

Dee-Alright go get it before someone else does.

Nova-Alright be right back*kisses Dee then leaves*

Nadia slides down the steps rail like KimPossible

Nadia-Mommy where's my daddy he promised me at 3:00 on the DOT he would take me to the park with my friends.It's 3:00 now so where is he.

Dee-Baby your daddy just went outside he's going back to the store to get his wallet.

Nadia-Guess imma go get him myself*she says walking towards the door and yells*


Nova-I just told Dee I'm going to get my wallet what could she want.*He walks back to the fromt of the house to see Nadia mad with her arms folded*dang she really is Dee's child.

Nova-Heyy Nadia how you doing sweethea.....

Nadia-No don't you sweetheart me daddy.You said two hours ago that you were gonna take me to the park at 3:00 so I could go to Chelsea's birthday party.Now you just wanna run off well I DON'T THINK SO!!

Nova-Sweetie my wallets at walmart I gotta go it before we be broke and you wouldn't be going anywhere.

Nadia-What's broke there gonna tear up your wallet daddy?

Nova-No it's when we have no more money.

Nadia-NO MONEY!!You know what let's go get yewr wallet daddy party can wait.

Nova-She's so spoiled.*He picks her up and takes her to the car put her in her car seat*

Nadia-To WALLYWORLD!!*she said while holding up her arms*

(Berfore we head to walmart here's info on Nadia.)

Age-3 going on 4

DOB-October 12,2017(current year2020)
Best friend-Chelsea

Facts About Her-She catches tons of attitudes buttcan be sweet#likeDee

Spoiled lor rich kid #duhdoyounotknowherparents

She's gonna be a big sister in about 4more months#issheready

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