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Dee-Dad what the freak did u hit me for.
Dee'sDad-Get in the house your going to college like your mom and I planned you to.He said with anger getting ready to drag her in the house.
Nova-Sir keep your mfing
hands off her.
Dee'sDad-Last time I check I'm her father mind your business son.
Nova-No I won't them Nova jumped on Dee's Dad swinging hands left and right while Dee screams Nova stop it's not worth it.
Nova-Dee he has no reason to put his hands on you like that.
Dee-No Nova stop hitting him.She said pullimg Nova away crying.Once she finally got him off her dad ran into the kitchen and grabbed the biggest knife in the drawer.Get out of my house boy and you know what Dee I'm tired of you wanting things your way since he's yours live with him.
Dee-Fine I've been waiting for those words to come out of your since you opened the door.Nova come on.

**In Dee's room**
Nova-Babe I'm sorry I shouldn't have done that.
Dee- It's fine its not your fault can you help me pack my clothes.
Nova-Sure anything for you I'll keep you at my place even if it's for eternity.
Dee-Thanks for being there for me babe.She walk up to and Nova and wrap her arms around his neck and kiss with all her might.I wouldn't know what I would do if i didn't have you here.

**Done Packing**
Nova-Time to load the car.

After they packed the car they got in it and left.

Dee-Babe I don't know how many times I can say sorry about my dad he's just over prtective and on top of that he wants me to college.To follow along with my mother who was hospitalized last year from a severe injury.She had to stay in the hospital for a while.Well who am I kinding a long time I don't know when she's out but anyway back to my dad.I told him I wasn't gonna go to college because rapping about my mom means more to me than going to the same college she went to.Idk I just feel like bad babe I'm sorry i dragged you into this.
Nova-Babe its fine I know we just got together hours ago but it doesn't matter because I love you like we've been married for over a decade.
Dee-Aww babe thanks I love you too so about your place do you have an extra bed or couch I can sleep on.
Nova-Awww come on babe your not a dog you don't need that you sleep with me now.

DeePov-I feel so lucky to have him🙏.Were met for each other.

Nova-Were here babe how about you get in the house I'll bring your bags in and you can shower and head to bed you've had a rough day.
Dee-Bane I'll just get my sleep clothes out and you can leave my other things in the car we've got work in the morning and you also need sleep.
Nova-True I unlocked the trunk and Dee got her clothes we went in the house.

Once both of them took showers they went to bed.

Nova- It's nice to have you here in my arms.He said with arms around Dee spooning her.
Dee-I love you boo good night
Nova-goodnight babe.

**In The Morning**
Dee-I here a alarm go off but I'm still tired so I went back to bed.After the alarm was turnt off Nova's arms disappered.So I let it go maybe he had to pee.After 15mins of just chilling in bed alone with my eyes closed awake.I smell bacon.So i get up and head to kitchen kinda got lost cause Nova may live in an aparentment but it's huge.Once I found my way there I see Nova putting plates down
Nova-Morning sleeping beauty you hungry you know we gotta eat before work.
Dee-Aww babe I thought you got to go pee I was lonely without you babe.
Nova- I'm sorry can I make up come here licious.He grabs my butt with alllllll his strength stings a little but I like it.Then he leans in for a kiss that lasted nearly 5mins.
Dee-I brake up the kiss and say ok babe lets eat we still got work no matter what we do.

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